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FF Big Brother 7: Whicker wins! Diary Sessions now!


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After ET won Battle Bots


So, I really didn't want to win. I am glad I won, but there's a lot of pressure to move Flux to the eviction spot. I don't want to move Flux, but I think I'll lose all leverage with the remaining team if I don't put him up. If Flux had only listened to me when he was HoH and he followed through with Utley. The lack of action on that is a major issue.

I think priority needs to be removing the twins. I feel as if they're leaking info out to non members, and have a plan to start eliminating from within. FJ more than LTBF, but both are threats. I might look to leverage a few assets I have to get this done

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2 minutes ago, EliteTexan80 said:

Totally didn't expect Pussyfooting to bypass the filter. Need to get that updated, or nah?

nah. not a curse or "bad word", believe refers to walking like a cat (gingerly and cautiously) ??? 

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But ET80 was sent packing several days later. Heres the DR session


Really wasn't expecting that, but it is what it is, I guess. We had a great dynamic in our little group, but FL, LTBF and Whicker had to ruin that. I'm fairly certain that group is now going to collapse from within following that Whicker play. And for what - LuckyNumber11? Yeah, I guess the newbs have to learn the hard way. 

Well, it was fun. I saw a Jason meltdown, I won in BattleBots - didn't make the jury, but two out of three ain't bad.

ET, out.

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2 minutes ago, Adrenaline_Flux said:

... social game is a real thing.

I feel like you don't understand my side of this social game thing.

Yes, social game is real. I got hit hard for my lack of social game in BB6 (unfairly, I believe), as I had to make all of my major moves public; breaking ties as HoH, final 4 vote, etc.

It always plays poorly when someone can lie, cheat, or steal about what they actually did when my game was very much out in the open. I don't think I lacked a social game, rather that game played out in a way where it was hard for me to paint a picture of anything other than what was on the surface.

Now for my comments here, about HZs vote.

He can vote for whoever the damn he pleases. That's fine with me. The end-all for me (and maybe me personally) wouldn't be dictated by whether or not a player may have aligned with me or not. I would want the best player of that season to win the game - regardless of my feelings towards them. For me, the game aspects trump the social aspects. I believe that social game gets you to the end. But once at the end game-play as a whole should determine winner. I didn't pay close enough attention to know the differences in Ragnarok or Whicker's games, so I don't have an opinion on that matter. But, wouldn't it be equally as impressive (if not more so) if a player that you knew wasn't with you ultimately helped eliminate you and made it to the end despite it all? That you knew you should have done something about them, but couldn't? It's get or get got. 

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Soon after his eviction, ET80 was hired as a commentator

Here's his post eviction DR


Hi America! It's me again!

So, been about a week outside of the house. Went and got a great Reuben sandwich, drank some great Japanese scotch, had adult time with a great Hispanic woman I call my wife...hell, should have left the house weeks ago! Wowza!

I gotta say, the stress of all of the alliances and agreements and such - don't miss that. I'm still going to stab @Whicker in the stomach and rip his insides out to floss my teeth with, but that's another story.

Anywho, I know nobody likes random rants from non-winners, and everyone loves Power Rankings, so - here's my first power ranking of everyone left:

1. HorizontoZenith - He's sharp enough to keep an inner circle, but keeps them at arms' length. No enemies but no friends, which makes him a threat to nobody. This might be his year, I'm pulling for him.

2. Ragnarok - Slyly under the radar, Rag is connecting with the house while keeping the pack in line. He's going to slip through some nets, but that works for him.

3. gopherwrestler - This guy right here? This guy? Totes gets it. From day one, he's been a shark. I'm so proud of him.

4. mission - Push comes to shove, he's just gonna buy the house. Evict us all. Well, not me. I'm already out.

5. Adrenaline_Flux - Dude puts in work on the sidelines, then wins comps. Sits dudes down, then dumps on em. But he doesn't do so with malice. Just puts his hard hat on, grabs his lunch pail and works.

6. iPwn - I feel as if I'm underrating him. He's now off the clock from tax season, so the Jaguar gonna roar, biznitches.

7. RuskieTitan - You never think Ruskie is serious, until he's serious. By then, it's too late.

8. Shady Slim - Probably the fastest riser on the list, the thunder from down under is putting together a hit list, and will cross names off when the time is right.

9. LuckyNumber11 - I didn't exactly take him too seriously, my guns were pointed at Utley, Naz, Dwight and BURGE. Lucky was the nugget that couldn't get flushed. But, that's on me. He's now walking around like he's Don Corleone, but he's more Fredo. 

10. Domey - Hard to rate him, he hasn't said a word. Easy to slide through when you're as loud as a mouse fart in the woods.

11. Whicker - He did well when he was under the wing of ET, letting me take the heat and do the talking. He's now 1/1 on noms with me out. Thems be facts, yo.

12. FJ and LTBF - They're basically the same person. They can barely count to 40 together (and that's assuming they're not wearing shoes that day). I'm half expecting them to be booted in back to back comps. 

I'll see you during the next veto with some fresh power ranking! (Unless you don't want em, Julie...)

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And Here's ET's last power rankings. In retrospect, he's fired.


Yo, yo, yo! I'm back after this weeks' contests! Mah gud, this Musical Chairs challenge sucked! You have a bunch of uninteresting people, forced to actually talk! I mean, did you hear half of the garbage coming from @Whicker's food hole? And having to hear @LetTheBallFly talk is the equivalent of having your scrotum crushed in a vice. But, these are the last guys standing. About as exciting as a Ford Pinto with one headlight...

Onto weekly power rankings, which is the highest rated blog this side of the Daryl Dixon line:

HorizontoZenith - His streak of not playing POVs is actually his saving grace. His only action is his vote, so hard to get attention. He's moving and shaking.

2. gopherwrestler - Sliding unassumed, playing both sides against each other. It will probably catch up to him but, it's good seeing him play it the way it is. 

3. Ragnarok - Rag gonna Rag, gurl.

4. mission - Could you imagine mission, unshackled by TLO? Could totally become the next Webmaster.

5. iPwn - He's warming up for a savage run. If he doesn't win, he's just going to edit and ban you.

6. RuskieTitan - His leisurely submission of moves is actually a shrewed move. People get completely riled up, gets them off of their challenge game. It's a controlling move, I'll say that.

7. Shady Slim - He's poking a bear, I think. Have to worry about that in the long run.

8. Adrenaline_Flux - Treading on dangerous ground. If he had ONLY put Utley up that one time.

9. LuckyNumber11 - Fredo getting arrogant in the house now that I'm gone. Funny when I'm in the house, he's basically a fart in the wind. Now I'm out, he's acting like he's the big turd in the bowl. Fite me, bruh. I'm in the tent outside the house.

10. Domey - Dude is so uninterested, he's hosting a mafia game. You couldn't bounce THIS dunce out before me!?

11. Whicker - His user name has more letters than every one of his posts in this game so far. One of these days, he's going to have to post something other than a grunt.

12. LTBF - Well, at least he's got his looks to lean on. Can't say the same about his brother...

I'll see you at the next Eviction! Peace oooooout!

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Back to @jfinley88.I duf up jfinley's sole DR session, when he had a comment of what mission posted in thread about him



On ‎3‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 6:45 PM, mission27 said:

Funny coming from someone who can't find the shift key on their keyboard tbh.  

Seriously stick to man buns and ear gauges, this isn't your thing...

hmm can't find the shift key, but my left shin bone will have no problem locating the soft spot of your skull & shifting your neck vertebrae so far out of alignment ppl will be like why the ****'s this guy looking at everything like it's abstract art. any contrived relationships you've managed to create will dissipate w/ your condition and then you'll be relegated to working as an oddity performer for ppl who get their kicks from watching folks with disfigurements perform bad magic tricks and perform ritualistic dances from religions that no longer are followed by anyone

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