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How Can We Improve the Packers Forum?


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4 hours ago, NormSizedMidget said:

Kinda comes with the territory. You've never been one who I thought has overtly negative opinions just to have them. That's always been my issue. Those who constantly feel the need to lean negative no matter the issue.

Woody is write though. I'm gonna hammer that ignore list. That should help some if guys have nobody to answer them haha.

There's always going to be posters who are a "glass half empty" and there are always going to be "glass half full" kind of posters.  Neither one of them is more right than the other, it's just a different route to achieving the same goal.

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17 minutes ago, CWood21 said:

There's always going to be posters who are a "glass half empty" and there are always going to be "glass half full" kind of posters.  Neither one of them is more right than the other, it's just a different route to achieving the same goal.

nah. That's not what I'm talking about. Theres literally guys on some crusade to show the world how terrible we are in every aspect.

There's nothing wrong with being half empty. I'm talking full empty guys. The guys that are NEVER here this time of the year or when we won a game. Those guys are a worthless cancer. People can disagree, but it's the truth. It's how all that back and forth endless trash starts.


Not from half empty guys. The extreme.

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I have to agree with Norm.  There are people here (and I could name names) who literally NEVER post in this subforum unless the Packers lose or win in a shootout, in which they come to say something like, "We aren't going to be able to beat New England in a shootout). 

I'm not saying we should ban those people, but if we want more discussion, mods should point this out as delicately as they can to those individual people.  I'm not even talking about th87.  He's almost always negative, but there's a place for that.  I'm talking about people who literally are on this site, who post frequently in the NFL General, in the Entertainment forum about 9,000 times a day, but LITERALLY only come onto this specific Packer subforum when something negative happens, and they LITERALLY ONLY post about that negative aspect, and then run.  They don't reply to counterpoints, they don't reply when their negativity is pointed out to be wrong, they don't do anything but pop in, say we suck and have no chance, and then leave. 

That kind of stuff does not boost activity, it boosts their post count and nothing more. 

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22 minutes ago, HorizontoZenith said:

I have to agree with Norm.  There are people here (and I could name names) who literally NEVER post in this subforum unless the Packers lose or win in a shootout, in which they come to say something like, "We aren't going to be able to beat New England in a shootout).

LIS, those issues will be resolved with the ignore feature and when the report button is rolled out.  Every subforum has these issues, so it's not just an issue for the Packers subforum.  The discussion I want this to be is what we as productive posters can do to boost activity?  Everyone has noticed that activity across the forum is down.  We need to make the lurkers into casual posters and the casual posters into daily contributors?  Instead of looking at what's wrong, I want to look at what we can do to change that.

Trust me, I hear you about those type of posters that drain the energy.  But with the ignore feature, that's not an excuse anymore.

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The only way I can think to get more lurkers to post is to eliminate post counts.  That's not going to happen because there are some people who are very proud of their post counts.  Having award shows is only as effective as the prizes attached to them.  I'm not saying they have to be monetary, but if there was a sig or avatar or a badge that denoted a Best New Poster or MVP badge/sig/avy attached to it, it might inspire new posters.  But like I said, I think post counts are counterproductive to getting new people involved since they couldn't possibly hope to catch up to some of the people who have been here longer.

I think post counts should be eliminated with this new site and join dates should be kept as a way to recognize veteran members.  It's a new start, and I think eliminating post counts or at least starting everybody at 0 would inspire more people to get involved.  It would obviously bother a lot of people, but it would also get those people who were proud of their post counts to post more and actually get back to being active. 

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That probably won't happen, but I like your train of thought.  One of the ideas I've rattled around in my head is that we have the Packy's and whoever is voted MVP will get added to the Packer HoF, and in future years are ineligible to win the award but are enshrined in the HoF.  Originally, I was thinking that there would be two per year.

Does anyone in the Packers forum do sigs?

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22 hours ago, skibrett15 said:

people should post more, judge less

We've fallen into the trap of one guy sticks their neck out with an opinion, which starts a flood of replies. End result is people are inherently vain, so there's no incentive to post opinions. 

It's a lot easier to refute and pick apart another post than it is to say the same things but in your own context.  Result is that people are waiting like hyenas to rip apart other posts, but not to post their own opinions before someone else frames the conversation.  So no one posts.


The negative posters discourage original content. Original content is what the site needs to flourish.

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5 hours ago, AlexGreen#20 said:

Next time I get drunk I'll buy the subscription to NFL Game Pass. I've been stealing it for a long time and the guy whose account I was using finally didn't renew his subscription.

I didn't realize they had it on auto-renew so I bought it again this year...

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On 8/3/2017 at 0:56 AM, CWood21 said:

As far as the trolls go, that will sort themselves out.  With the ignore feature as well as the report button eventually be rolling out, the excuse that trolls are bringing down the forum shouldn't really hold much water.

Instead, I want to look at what can we do as a group make the lurkers into casual posters and the casual posters into daily contributors?  Also, surprisingly nobody has chimed in on the Packy's and/or Packers Forum HoF.  Is there no interest there?

Holy crap I totally forgot about the Packy's!!!! Bring them back. I haven't won an award since 2012 ROTY.

Also you better not be referring to me as a troll. I prefer tasteful banter-er

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16 hours ago, AlexGreen#20 said:

Next time I get drunk I'll buy the subscription to NFL Game Pass. I've been stealing it for a long time and the guy whose account I was using finally didn't renew his subscription.

I would buy it every year, but they STILL don't allow Canadian's access to the playoffs on the regular subscription, which is BS. I bought it once and loved it, but when I tried to load the Packers WC game against the 9ers and it said I have to purchase the playoffs separately...

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Live sports streaming app Dazn today announced that it has obtained exclusive Canadian rights to NFL Game Pass, which includes access to all live pre-season, regular season and postseason NFL games, as well as NFL Network programming. The service, which just launched Canada, is priced at $20 per month with the first 30 days free to all subscribers. In addition, DAZN is offering a full year of its service for a special introductory $150 annual price.

lol at the web url

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