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The Ben Wade Gang Mafia - It's Day 5


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Couple of things

1. @bucsfan333 @theuntouchable

Your votes didn't count cause they were before 9 AM I believe. You probably need to vote again

2. Touch did you jail bucs or invest him?

3. Please do not lock in on fin, cause I believe Tyty is for sure Mafia

4. I believe Jfin and Tyty are mafia, but I am almost 100% confident Tyty is. Only thing that is on Jfin imo is he tunneled me after I hammertimed Mission. Is this all that you all have on Jfin? If so, I really think we need to lynch Mafia here and I know it is TyTy

Here is why....

MathMan- Pinkerton Agent

Touch- Charlie

TyTy- Pinkerton Agent

All claimed so far


Bucs- Outlaw Goon

Jfin- Alien

LTBF- Pinkerton Agent 

There are probably 3 Goons and 3 Agents and I think Gopher was a Agent so that means only 2 of can be if there are 3, so I believe 1 of me, TyTy, or MathMan are lying. 

MathMan was jailed so I can only assume he is Civ unless MathMan and Touch are the Mafia and touch used a no kill as a Mafia again to clear himself. But no one ccd Charlie so believe that you 2 are Civs. That leaves me, Jfin, TyTy, and Bucs. 

There are a few other more outlandish theories I have...but either way I think TyTy needs to be the lynch now

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