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Everything posted by Xmad

  1. It's the browns, it's always a terrible move.
  2. Naaaaaah Obsidian is gonna end up working on the Kinect 3.0 exclusively for a decade.
  3. Whoever had November in the whicker quits temporarily pool, congrats. Can't wait to have ya back when you're ready.
  4. Jury duty tomorrow so no in depth comments from me. not that I ever do them anyway but hush.
  5. GG @MD4L you deserve all the credit for successfully building a talented roster. jk
  6. Seoul for the strong gameplan and some lucky breaks this week.
  7. The voter bias is real, ya'll just hate bad teams missing their star players.
  8. I have never lied in BDL. Except all those times it helped me win. But also yes.
  9. For people who are gonna vote just on this, my gameplan was written and actually fully typed out last night in a PM to SirA. It just didn't send for whatever god damn reason. Didn't realize until I checked inactives it never sent.
  10. Westbrook and Tunsil were inactive, as stated in the gameplan that puts Beachum to RT, Alejandro to LT.
  11. Will take that re-match. Yep. Yeah it's week 17 usually. 1000%. 4-6* probably.
  12. Divison games are always close and the patriots are playing dead for now.
  13. Someone has to, I want him to run the jets into the ground for the next decade.
  14. The GM was fired dude, they didn't agree and Gase won the power struggle. How is it ruining a franchise QB's development if you tank? It's another year of experience win or lose. Gase is a good coach people just can't see the jets roster sucks now and they need talent.
  15. Managed to escalate it with customer service into giving me a download code for the base game. Didn't own the pass and plan on giving the code to a friend so if ya think you can talk your way into customer service giving you a code do it.
  16. Have you seen this roster? Bruh that's one move gase didn't want lol but ok.
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