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Everything posted by Xmad

  1. Rome has some good matchups whereas hungary does not.
  2. You're being selfish, how dare you prioritize your life and family over BDL. this is obviously a joke but just in case.
  3. Once a druggie, always a druggie. In 1-2 years he won't be worth that contract.
  4. *laughs in stupidity* Yeah ain't no one buying a FB as a starter on my d-line.
  5. The Broncos best offensive player went down, rip.
  6. My biggest issue with the series is the runtime and episode count. (barely 40 minutes for the pilot and the 2nd episode didn't even hit 30 minutes not counting the credits) 8 episodes with a big budget is a nice start but I feel like they should've gone for 9. Other than that this is probably the best/second best thing Disney's star wars has produced so far depending on how the new clone wars season goes and if you've seen Rebels.
  7. That's just the first thing I do when the thread opens, my bad. I officially change my vote to New Orleans because obvious reasons, not that it matters but honor and all that.
  8. Portland Horned Chickens now on sale at our stadium for a limited time. may or may not be made out of leftover owls. In all seriousness, yeah think this is the first gameplan I've totally missed but I just didn't have the time this week. I will for next week.
  9. It's easier to go along with it instead of being harassed by the snyder cut people for not "NOT SUPPORTING US AND SNYDER" plus they more likely are supporting Snyder rather than the cut of the film. Not all of them were like that obviously but the amount of them is not 0.
  10. He had a rough cut probably for execs that had the basic layout there's no way he was near completion on the film if WB was planning re-shoots for the summer (whether that was him or the studio is anyone's guess) my point is the VFX and final edit of the film were more than a half a year away from completion when he left. They might have a somewhat editor's janky cut they could finish the VFX but it wouldn't be Snyder's final cut. The thing people want to see from the Snyder cut isn't going to magically fix a broken movie that was supposed to be 2-3 movies rushed into one last minute.
  11. It's not. He left production in March and (officially in may) But that's still at least 6 months out from the release date. Assuming WB started to mess with the film around then they would've not finished what Snyder shot while they looked for a new director to finish the film. The movie was not half finished (at least the VFX weren't) and they're not likely to ever be finished because there's no money in it for WB.
  12. Oh no I hope he didn't.... forget. There goes that joke.
  13. It's not happening lol. There's no way to make money off of it so WB won't do it. They're not gonna put out a half finished project and they're not going to pay to finish it.
  14. @WFLukic Just didn't have the time to put together a game plan this week and I don't wanna just throw together a simplistic one that's just not my style, won't be turning one in this week.
  15. As long as he gets banned after January, this.
  16. Everyone rushes to take one side never looking to accept the fact all football players are idiots.
  17. https://apps.quanticfoundry.com/recommendations/gamerprofile/videogame/ According to this Kingdom come deliverance, Dishonored, Metal Gear solid V. Honestly those are all pretty good games but I'd say Dishonored. As for what's coming out early 2020....Cyberpunk 2077 (Witcher Devs) Dying Light 2,
  18. Oh never mind it didn't save it as edited. I'm not gonna get pikachewed out after all.
  19. Wait are we not allowed to edit posts in this one? I'm pikascrewed if so.
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