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Just now, MathMan said:

lets write down our feelings about each other, and then when 11 pm tomorrow comes around, lets post them all at the same time!!

but no cheating and hanging out in thread

Ayy if my wife can cheat imma hang out in this thread all I waaaaaant

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Just now, Shady Slim said:

idk it just feels uncomfortably up-tempo this game, and i'm a pretty up-tempo guy nobody's got more energy than me, and i could be reading it wrong entirely but yeah

like you're the big cheese here so yeah entirely your call just my ten cents

I told you Survivor was faster by nature.  You're not in some California house.  You're on an Island, away from civilization.  Eat your rice and coconut and try to keep up.  The game will slow down once we start running out of Reward Challenges, but I've been setting some pretty accommodating deadlines and people have been submitting their moves early.  It's not the host, it's the players you can't seem to keep up with.  ;)

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Just Figure It Out

Most important:
2. Everybody has to submit their own response (or give up and let me know you’ve given up)  
3. Ties will be broken by a lightning round.  

These are all the discarded Reward Challenges I worked on.  I either didn’t like the challenge or didn’t want every reward challenge to be movie based.  There are no more movie challenges.  This one is big, consisting of three separate reward challenges.  Because of that, this reward challenge is not due until the upcoming Immunity Challenge is due.  Additionally, there is NO WORKING TOGETHER ON THIS CHALLENGE.  

You won’t want to work together on this challenge anyway.  Why?  Because this challenge is equal parts reward challenge and Luxury challenge.  Everybody has to submit their own responses.  One player from each tribe will win a Luxury.  The player with the highest score will get first pick.  Once a Luxury is picked, it is gone.  Therefore, with each submission, you must rank the Luxuries in order of which ones you want.  

1. Clue
2. Bonus
3. Minus
4. Tribal Unity
5. Equality For All

The object of this portion is to just figure it out.  Some of these are relatively easy, some of them are tough.  They are all movies.  The clues are numbered 1-21.  They are all movies.  They are all movies, Domepatrol.  You have 21 clues, you must guess 21 movies.  From midnight to noon.  

1. That’s not a ____.  This is a ____.  
2. Chris Evans was gonna be in it, then Jared Leto was gonna be in it, but neither of them were.
3. It was gonna be a haunted mansion, but that was too similar to one guy’s last movie, so it was something else instead.
4. Moose thing with creepy hands.
5. Horribly boring movie where getting over a hump of sorts is a plot point and the guy couldn’t do it one time and people died, but the second time he does and he saves people.  Water.  
6. Jack Black scams people.
7. Lots of neon lights and one guy killing a lot of people.  Again.  
8. Time is non-linear for her basically.  
9. “Just one more person…” times like a hundred.
10. Had a really creepy part that scared the **** out of me with toys, but otherwise is really overrated and extremely boring.  It got a sequel.  
11. It’s about dreams.  Not that one.  Or that one.  
12. Kinda an homage to grindhouse movies.  Didn’t feel real.  Felt like a weird fever dream.  Tattoo and he dies in prison.  Really weird.  
13. Blue guy in blue.  
14. A redhead deals with multiple personalties.  
15. Wednesday, Wednesday!  Instead of, Saturday, Saturday!  
16. Even protection won’t protect you.
17. The entire title of this movie is a lie otherwise it wouldn’t have had a good ending.
18. The one with dinosaurs.
19. Sam Rockwell.  
20. The switcharoo didn’t work in the beginning.
21. Number 18 goes away. 

This portion of the challenge was originally its own separate Reward Challenge.  It is just like the previous portion of this challenge, except the following 15 are taken from my worst-rated movies.  

1. Horrible movie with snow in it that was actually released in theaters.  
2. Was only made because the ancillary markets sold better than any of their other movies they should have made a sequel to instead.
3. Creepy and icky in all the wrong ways.  A young girl helps an older dude with drugs and kisses a mentally challenged guy, and it’s some kind of weird fantasy movie.
4. The first four weren’t funny or scary, either, but this one was the worst.
5. Oh, hi, castaways.  
6. Tried to make some kind of cats scary in this found footage movie.
7. Giant dogs were my breaking point.  
8. Change the last two letters of this horrible adaptation to MP to make a more fitting title.
9. Wasn’t even a bad movie, it just creeped me out in all the wrong ways so much so that I almost wept.  
10. It looked exactly the same as the director’s last movie stylistically, except it had a woman with a sword instead of a man with a gun.  You could say both of the movies lacked emotion.  
11. Robots on a ship.
12. A robot with a heart, but crappy.  
13. Only funny part involved slushies.  
14. Grandma dies in a not intentional, disastrously hilarious way.  
15. Darth Vader and a T-Rex cameo. 

This third part of the challenge was also its own reward challenge at first.  I flipped to 15 different channels on television.  I wrote down the first complete sentence I heard on those channels.  It is your job to match the sentence with the channel.  Not all channels will be used.

1. Why were you so emotional when you reflect on your first win?
2. Gonzalez family 93.  
3. How big is this going to be in an election year?
4. What happens now and next for the two of you?
5. This time we’ve added a girl.
6. Thank you, John, and good morning.
7. So two heads is what does it for a girl?
8. You and your brain are becoming friends.  
9. Mister Crunk does!
10. Does he eat football and love football?
11. We have actual movement at QB, and then also we have the draft.
12. Morgan misses.
13. At 30 bucks an hour, always better to fix it yourself.  
14. Fez, look I got you some candy, some Playboy and a 6 pack.  
15. After taking his medicine, Frankie heads to the scale to get weighed.

Possible Channels Used

Golf Channel, CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, Fox, Fox News, CNN, BET, MTV, VH1, NFL Network, HBO 1, HBO 2, ESPN, ESPN 2, ESPN Classic, Animal Planet, Cartoon Network, Comedy Central

This Challenge is now active, and I will not be adding more to it. 

Edited by HorizontoZenith
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