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Slow Burn - Scene 2 is now - v0.1 - Trial Version


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Well, I got pretty good feedback all around via PM so I'm going to make the assumption I should keep this storyline coming for Scene 2?


Looking for feedback from @Malfatron @The Orca @Pickle Rick and I'm not sure if @bucsfan333 has followed, but feel free to chime in too. Same with @FinneasGage, looking for ways to improve on v0.1


Does anyone have any recommendations for tweaks or changes we should make before moving on?

Any mechanics that universally people don't like? Any tweaks to skills, attributes, skill checks, or other rules you'd like to see?

What have been your favorite parts of the game? What was the most fun?

When was the game not fun? What mechanics have you not liked? What isn't clear about the game still?

I know @Pickle Rick has mentioned the pacing as being choppy and chaotic and I agree. I can work on this, but I'm also open to ideas on ways to improve the flow.


I have enough of a story written out ahead of time that I can get some stuff up tonight if you guys want to keep playing the game as is or with minor tweaks, i probably won't progress the storyline much at all until sometime Tuesday afternoon but I can give you the opening Scene 2 writeup and maybe a couple NPCs to interact with if we want to keep playing

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- $1 Takara


Steele Inventory:
Black Powder Rifle (Slow Reload, One Shot, Marksmanship Checks unlocked)
Bayonet (+1 Fighting Skill)
Gunpowder (Many uses)
25 cents

Takara Inventory:
Derringer Pistol (Marksman skill unlocked, Quick reload, 5 shots)
Monocle (+3 to anyone one Charisma check)

Ahtahkahkoop Inventory:
Lever Action Rifle (Unlocks Marksmanship Checks, Quick reload, 3 shots)
Bear Trap (Multiple Uses)
Tomahawk (Roll Athletics Check for ranged attack, +1 added for Fighting Check)
50 cents

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14 minutes ago, Dome said:

Does anyone have any recommendations for tweaks or changes we should make before moving on?

Any mechanics that universally people don't like? Any tweaks to skills, attributes, skill checks, or other rules you'd like to see?

What have been your favorite parts of the game? What was the most fun?

When was the game not fun? What mechanics have you not liked? What isn't clear about the game still?

i like the skill checks.

im not sure whether we are supposed to know to make a particular check ourselves, or we just do our action, and you tell us to roll. i like the latter best.

also, i like it better when you dont explicitly tell us as narrator what we could do. but instead hint it out in the context of the story if we just arent getting it. you have typically done a good job here.

more importantly, since its our first time doing this, what could we as players do better? look around more closely instead of jumping in is one.

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Here's some of the notes I had for the Tavern, Bucsfan. I did remove a couple things that bucs does have access to, I hope he doesn't share. It's nothing major and some of it is info you guys may walking right into the info soon anyways. As I figure out what works and doesn't these things will probably just become more detailed, so this give you an idea of where my head is at when I'm designing a room or scenario. 


Fun Post Scene 1 note:

1) Malfman blew up the Railroadman by being an unknown commodity mentioning a super secret Railroad meeting. That's why the Railroader left, I hadn't planned for that at all and it totally turned the way I wanted you guys to interact with him on it's head. It was really unexpected that malf would walk up to the bar where I had the Railroader waiting and just start asking about the meeting, so I had the man get spooked and leave. I thought that was cool that I didn't see it coming at all and decided to adjust as I felt "Will Ironsides" would've done, it was fun.

2) Also, the Pinkerton wasn't supposed to give you guys ANYTHING and shut you down completely. Malf was gonna have to roll a 16+ to get even a jumbled message or just the emblem. He nailed a 20 on the first roll of the game so I just gave you guys everything he had on his notepad lol.


Pre Scene 1 Mod notes:




Mod Notes

Getting thrown out of the Saloon or arrested will start the Local Police Questline for your entire group.



  • Carries cash, a revolver, and a note about the Fighters Club.
  • Has information about the secret fighters club and the man in the suit
  • Sells beer for 25 cents.
    • Will tell you more about fighters club w/o skill check if you buy beer. ->Fightclub Questline
  • Sells Mexican Natural Tobacco for 50 cents w/ charisma check
    • Triggers man in the suit arresting you  -> Pinkerton Questline


  • Gamblers are standoffish. Tough to pass stealth checks on, but very rich if someone tries. Tough to persuade or bribe, but easier than stealth checks.
  • Charisma or Intelligence check gets you into the game for free. Failing either gets you in at regular price.
    • Each PC will be given three D6 dice results. They have to guess (PM) the total number showing among all players dice including NPC players if they are playing. (NPC players will automatically assume their dice showing was the average and extrapolate to find their answer)
    • If PC gets 1st place they’ll gets accosted by man in suit -> Pinkerton Questline (FINNEAS)
    • If PC gets last place someone will pick a fight with them -> Fight Club Questline


  • 3 drunk men. All easy targets for charisma and stealth skill checks. They carry nothing of value. Charm one of them and they’ll give you 50 cents
    • Each player says (PM) how many beers they want to drink.
    • Highest number of beers drinks and throws up and gets in brawl. -> Railroad Questline
    • Second highest number of beers wins $2! A beautiful woman shows up, if you make a move on her you get in a brawl -> Railroad Questline
      • Ties won’t count and you don’t win anything. You've missed the Railroad Questline opportunity unless you get arrested now.

Man in the suit (Pinkerton Agent)

  • Won’t talk until you trigger him w other events.
  • Carries revolver, cash and key to Police station.
  • Strong fighter and marksman, tough against stealth and impossible against charisma


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18 minutes ago, Malfatron said:



Nah I thought it was cool. You’re out looking for work and barkeeps always know what’s going on. You just didn’t expect me to have the guy posted up right there in my mind, so when you did that I ran with it 

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I'll be a Rogue (Drifter) named bucs.







0 Strength

6 Dexterity

4 Intelligence

6 Charisma

3 Athletics

2 Fighting

3 Survival

5 Ranged Attack

6 Stealth

5 Wisdom


I think I did that all correctly. How do I choose my gear? I want a thief's kit and throwing daggers. And rope if the kit doesn't have one.

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1 hour ago, Malfatron said:

i like the skill checks.

im not sure whether we are supposed to know to make a particular check ourselves, or we just do our action, and you tell us to roll. i like the latter best.

also, i like it better when you dont explicitly tell us as narrator what we could do. but instead hint it out in the context of the story if we just arent getting it. you have typically done a good job here.

more importantly, since its our first time doing this, what could we as players do better? look around more closely instead of jumping in is one.

Yeah as we keep playing I’ll say less and less about what you can or can’t do. For scene one I was kinda giving you more just to let everyone see what they can or can’t do.

As far as skill checks go, you like kinda how it’s going now where you guys just say what you want in thread and I tell you when you need to roll for the action? If so, I like the way it’s going.

I think moving forward I’ll tell a player when they need to roll and then they can either make their roll if they have the time or just “confirm” and then someone (whoever is available) can make the roll for them. This allows players to mke their own rolls, or the flexibility to confirm they want to take the action even if they can’t pop into chatty to make the roll. 

How does that sound?

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19 minutes ago, bucsfan333 said:


I think I did that all correctly. How do I choose my gear? I want a thief's kit and throwing daggers. And rope if the kit doesn't have one.

Players were assigned starting gear but now will have a time to upgrade at many of Dusty Butte’s stores. I’ll give you some cash and you can buy your stuff when the others are swapping gear 

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42 minutes ago, bucsfan333 said:

Also, shouldn't the Rogue have disadvantage in strength instead of charisma? Charisma is like half the build.

Yeah classes can/will be tweaked. Before we head into Scene 2 I’ll add a few more classes and occupations and tweak some existing ones. players will be allowed to adjust their characters at this time if they wish. 

 I wanted it to feel more “vagabond drifter” that nobody wants to work with than a true rogue, but generally yes it’s a charisma build. 

I also am just trying to flesh out a framework that anyone can use for any flavor, so the classes/occupations will all change based on the flavor of the setup. I wanted to lean more on the occupations than the classes 

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1 hour ago, Dome said:

Yeah as we keep playing I’ll say less and less about what you can or can’t do. For scene one I was kinda giving you more just to let everyone see what they can or can’t do.

As far as skill checks go, you like kinda how it’s going now where you guys just say what you want in thread and I tell you when you need to roll for the action? If so, I like the way it’s going.

I think moving forward I’ll tell a player when they need to roll and then they can either make their roll if they have the time or just “confirm” and then someone (whoever is available) can make the roll for them. This allows players to mke their own rolls, or the flexibility to confirm they want to take the action even if they can’t pop into chatty to make the roll. 

How does that sound?

i wouldnt mind if you rolled for me when i needed to.

would eliminate an unneeded confirmation

im im doing something that requires a check, i shouldnt be able to back out of it once i know what the check is

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