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Update: Urban Meyer suspended 3 games


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Just now, MWil23 said:

Unfortunately he's not wrong. A "I can't comment on past firings and ongoing legal matters/investigations" would have meant this is a non issue a month ago. That's the reality of the word we live in.

That's the last awful decision in a long line of decision making that would have made this a non-issue.

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1 minute ago, MWil23 said:

Unfortunately he's not wrong. A "I can't comment on past firings and ongoing legal matters/investigations" would have meant this is a non issue a month ago. That's the reality of the word we live in.

Yeah but as the person in the tweet said, he's completely missing the point.

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1 minute ago, mse326 said:

I can't agree with this line of thought. First simply be definition if not doing something is fireable then that is included in doing the bare minimum. The means that doing the bare minimum means you shouldn't be fired. Secondly, I'm sick of forcing coaches to do stuff out of their expertise because it is "right." No the right thing to do is make sure that the proper people are told, by you, so they can do their jobs and investigate. That is exactly what you should be doing; no more, no less.

to be clear, are you saying urban doesnt have say in hirings/firings? i mean, hes a grown man who hopefully cam differentiate between right and wrong. you have a employee who you know for 100% fact committed dv in the fairly recent past. now theres more accusations of the same sort, should this not be a case of fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me? why does he need tp be told dv is bad and we shouldnt be employing those who commit it?

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Wow, this is a tragedy. Is it so wrong to have a little faith in man and follow your heart for once? Sure, his heart lead him astray this time, but how hard can you really be on a man who just wants to believe from the bottom of his heart that mankind is good!? Shame on the media for tearing him down and forcing OSU to give him this brutal 3 game suspension. #FreeUrban

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