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Mayweather vs McGregor


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6 minutes ago, J-ALL-DAY said:

Okay, so since he was THAT fatigued according to you and wasn't defending himself at all, why let the fight continue? Was he all of a sudden in round 11 regain his 2nd wind? Dude was getting beat pillar to post the last few rounds. This was going to be a 10-8 round even if he hadn't been dropped.



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1 minute ago, Matts4313 said:

Who is this even geared to? Has anyone said they shouldnt have called it? This feels like a strawman argument. 

No. This is going against your argument that he was just "tired." 

He wasn't just "tired."

McGregor was hurt. 

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3 minutes ago, 11sanchez11 said:

Aren't you allowed three knock downs in the round? Maybe let it get to one or nah?

Or you stop the fight when the guy can't protect himself. That's how they do it in boxing. If you allow boxers to tee off on a guy who is being held up by the ropes, you risk serious injury or death. You have to be blind or a delusional MMA fan to think the ref shouldn't have stopped the fight. McGregor had nothing at that point. He wasn't punching. He wasn't protecting his face.

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Just now, 11sanchez11 said:

People are beating each other in a ring/cage (cause I could say the same thing about an MMA fight coming up), it's not that important.

Obviously if I had the choice between GGG v Canelo getting it's due or world peace, I'd choose world peace.


I was speaking in the context of the sport, thought that was obvious.

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6 minutes ago, jrry32 said:

Matts, this is such a bad argument. You can't get repeatedly punched in the face and expect the refs to let you keep fighting when you aren't throwing punches or protecting yourself. Conor was getting pounded. His legs were wobbly. The ropes were holding him up. If the ref let Floyd tee off on Conor, he would have KO'd him. But he could have also done serious damage. Conor was toast.

Jesus christ people, where did I ever say let the fight continue. I said they needed to call it. WTF is happening here. Am I on crack or are you all illiterate?

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3 minutes ago, jrry32 said:

Those idiots just made 18% ROI on their investment in one day.

Not to mention got great value at -450 (I believe odds opened at like -2250). Value isn't always about some amazing ROI, getting -450 when the line should've never been below -1000 is good value. Any math based person would jump at a possible 18% ROI with 1% risk of complete loss. 

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Matts: "Connor was just tired. Boxing sucks."

Everyone else: "He wasn't just tired."

Matts: "He was 100% fine because he was coherent."

(so what exactly are you arguing?)

Everyone else: "He was getting rocked."

Matts: "Just a hypothetical but if Connor had a 5 minute break, he might have been fine. He was just tired."

Everyone else: "Connor was hurt. The ref was right to call it."


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Ok,  I am done. I made my case. You guys are seriously struggle at reading. I said at least 5 times they needed to call the fight. I said at least 5 times that there is no question that Mayweather won. My contention was that A. light weight boxing is a joke and that B. Conner M was 100% almost instantaniously after the fight ended, which supports point A.


You guys are the goofballs that made up all these other counter arguments. 

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Just now, Matts4313 said:

Ok,  I am done. I made my case. You guys are seriously struggle at reading. I said at least 5 times they needed to call the fight. I said at least 5 times that there is no question that Mayweather won. My contention was that A. light weight boxing is a joke and that B. Conner M was 100% almost instantaniously after the fight ended, which supports point A.


You guys are the goofballs that made up all these other counter arguments. 


Point B doesn't support Point A. 

As you have repeatedly ignored from many posters.

You can even get knocked out and appear 100% a few moments later. 

And you ignored the fact that Connor was very shaky at the end of the previous round and was completely out of it in the final round.

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