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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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Just now, The LBC said:

That wouldn't have fit with Littlefinger's character though.  He's not a fighter, never been a fighter, and he's pretty well known to have been like this since he was a kid (Edmure brought it up, Cat brought it up, pretty sure Ned brought up how his brother Brandon who was originally betrothed to Cat made embarrassingly short work of Petyr when he tried to challenge for Cat's hand, heck I think even LF mentioned it himself, and I'm positive Varys did in one of his assessments of LF to a different character).  He's always been a schemer, not a fighter.  And schemers aren't the type to choose Trial by Combat (and it can't be forced upon someone) unless they have monumental ways of stacking the deck in their advantage (which he didn't at that point).

Yeah, but I'm saying if it was a choice between having his throat cut and trial by combat, he would have picked trial by combat.  They should have given him that is all I'm saying. 

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20 minutes ago, JTagg7754 said:

LOL You are bitter. LF committed countless crimes and basically started beef w/ everyone out of lies, spite, and envy...... but you want a trial?



The acting ruler of the north. 2nd and 3rd in line to lead the north. Yes, there should of been a trial. Which if they spent the last couple weeks building and having one, instead of these stupid sneak segments, would of been fantastic. Had the chance of being nearly as good as Tyrions case. But they set it up to be nothing more than a murder, with the 3rd in line, a kid, killing him.

But its what happens, when you take a show. And dumb it down to the superhero fairytale playbook. Sneaking = Cool, Trial drama = no action, so boring.

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12 minutes ago, Blackstar12 said:

Little Finger should have fled winterfell when bran told him chaos is the ladder. He looked scared when he said that lol.

Yeah, there really was a massive amount of foreshadowing that took place (people ought to go back and re-watch Arya forcing Sansa to play the Game of Faces - where and how Arya chooses to lie is total coded communication on her part) - and signs, not just to the audience, but to LF himself, that some machination he was not in control of was afoot, but he fell to his own hubris.

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8 minutes ago, HorizontoZenith said:

Yeah, but I'm saying if it was a choice between having his throat cut and trial by combat, he would have picked trial by combat.  They should have given him that is all I'm saying. 

Problem is I'm pretty sure a trial by combat needs a willing representative for the person if they're not fighting themselves [think Tyrion in S1 at the Eyrie], who in Winterfell would have represented him? As he stood no chance himself against any of the Stark representatives. If anything Littlefinger got a swift death compared to gruesome death he truly deserved, if anyone deserves his head on a spike it's him.

Littlefinger and Varys power has been built on treachery/knowledge and in Varys case knowing who is lying/telling the truth/got another ace up their sleeve through his little birds. [I love this scene from S2E1: Cersei's "Power is Power"]. It reached a point where there was no play he could use to amass more power really.

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14 minutes ago, HorizontoZenith said:

Yeah, but I'm saying if it was a choice between having his throat cut and trial by combat, he would have picked trial by combat.  They should have given him that is all I'm saying. 

Why though?  The trial would be to assert guilt.  He'd already confessed to crimes.  If anything, you could make an argument that Littlefinger - in a ploy to try and back Sansa into a corner - would have played the, "Your father always said that whoever passed the sentence should swing the sword" card.  And at which point had Lord Royce step forward, grab LF, and throw him to the ground telling him, "Lord Baelish, you have confessed to killing your wife and my liege lady, Lysa Arryn.  I sentence you to death," or something of that nature before lopping off his head or dragging him outside to behead.

I'll concede, given that Littlefinger was effectively the anti-Ned, it would have been fitting for them to have met their end in the same fashion.

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Just now, Magnifico said:

Problem is I'm pretty sure a trial by combat needs a willing representative for the person if they're not fighting themselves [think Tyrion in S1 at the Eyrie], who in Winterfell would have represented him?

No, a trial by combat is typically the person on trial fighting, but they are ALLOWED a champion to fight for them. 


Just now, The LBC said:

Why though?  The trial would be to assert guilt.  He'd already confessed to crimes. 

At the point he was on his knees after he asked Yon Royce or whatever his name is for safe passage, he knew his fate was sealed.  I wish, at that point, once all other options were gone, he would have demanded a trial by combat.  He only confessed to things that wouldn't have meant a death sentence, and he denied the rest.  Somebody like Littlefinger would have fought to the last, tried to squirm out of it with any option at his disposal.  I'm just saying that at the point of certain death versus one in a million in trial by combat, he should have picked the one in a million chance.  It would have been perfect because he would have had one last shot, which would have brought one last glimmer of hope, only for it to have been dashed in defeat. 

It would have been even better if he hadn't seen Arya fighting Brienne.  He would have demanded trial by combat, she would have fought him, he would have become confident in his odds (with just rumors of Arya's effectiveness, thinking he could overpower her). 

That sudden death just didn't do it for me is all. 

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12 minutes ago, PARROTHEAD said:

The acting ruler of the north. 2nd and 3rd in line to lead the north. Yes, there should of been a trial. Which if they spent the last couple weeks building and having one, instead of these stupid sneak segments, would of been fantastic. Had the chance of being nearly as good as Tyrions case. But they set it up to be nothing more than a murder, with the 3rd in line, a kid, killing him.

But its what happens, when you take a show. And dumb it down to the superhero fairytale playbook. Sneaking = Cool, Trial drama = no action, so boring.

Dude, those sneak segments take on a whole new light now.  And these were just any two "little girls."  You have one who is a trained assassin (that's not just being trained to kill but to deceive any and all so as to have the easiest path to the kill) and another who is a trained manipulator (trained by the very guy they were setting up).  Looking back, there's evidence they'd been playing him since before Brienne was sent away.  One knew how to formulate and execute a plan for deception and the other knew the mark so well they could anticipate him like he was wearing his moves on a sandwich board over his shoulders.  Then, to boot, they had their brother the human lie detector as their ace in the honestly, the entire thing played out like a damn SAW movie reveal except without the cascade of flashbacks showing all the clues that were right there to be seen from the onset but people just kind of failed to pick up on.

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Did the Theon fight scene irk anybody else?

Like... his special skill is not being able to be hurt by kicks to the groin? lol

I mean he was getting beat senseless to the point where he was struggling just to stand and suddenly he gets a second wind after realizing not having balls saved him for once. 

I just don't see how those men suddenly believe in Theon now and think that he can lead them on a stealth mission against Euron to save Yara.

With that said, Alfie Allen has done a phenomenal job with Theon over the course of the show. Those scenes with him as Reek were so believable with his facial expressions. He did such great acting with never even saying a word. He's one of the most underrated actors on the show.

So, I understand why people want to see Theon's redemption. I mean I was one of them.

But, with only 6 episodes left. Is the Theon angle and saving Yara really that important?



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2 minutes ago, HorizontoZenith said:

No, a trial by combat is typically the person on trial fighting, but they are ALLOWED a champion to fight for them. 


At the point he was on his knees after he asked Yon Royce or whatever his name is for safe passage, he knew his fate was sealed.  I wish, at that point, once all other options were gone, he would have demanded a trial by combat.  He only confessed to things that wouldn't have meant a death sentence, and he denied the rest.  Somebody like Littlefinger would have fought to the last, tried to squirm out of it with any option at his disposal.  I'm just saying that at the point of certain death versus one in a million in trial by combat, he should have picked the one in a million chance.  It would have been perfect because he would have had one last shot, which would have brought one last glimmer of hope, only for it to have been dashed in defeat. 

It would have been even better if he hadn't seen Arya fighting Brienne.  He would have demanded trial by combat, she would have fought him, he would have become confident in his odds (with just rumors of Arya's effectiveness, thinking he could overpower her). 

That sudden death just didn't do it for me is all. 

Again though, that makes no sense.  Tyrion demande trial by combat in each instance before judgment was ever rendered and had consistently asserted that he wasn't guilty (because he wasn't).  Baelish admitted guilt in several crimes that were punishable by death.

But even more to my earlier point, any kind of combat doesn't fit his character.  He's not a fighter in that sense, never has been, never would be.  And he's in a room filled with knights - trained knights - who all just heard him admit to killing their liege lady, the mother of their Lord (LF was Lord Regent, not out and out Lord of the Vale) Robyn, and the wife of their beloved Lord Arryn.  Hell, Pod probably could have wrecked him in combat.

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3 minutes ago, TheRealMcCoy said:

Did the Theon fight scene irk anybody else?

Like... his special skill is not being able to be hurt by kicks to the groin? lol

I mean he was getting beat senseless to the point where he was struggling just to stand and suddenly he gets a second wind after realizing not having balls saved him for once. 

I just don't see how those men suddenly believe in Theon now and think that he can lead them on a stealth mission against Euron to save Yara.

With that said, Alfie Allen has done a phenomenal job with Theon over the course of the show. Those scenes with him as Reek were so believable with his facial expressions. He did such great acting with never even saying a word. He's one of the most underrated actors on the show.

So, I understand why people want to see Theon's redemption. I mean I was one of them.

But, with only 6 episodes left. Is the Theon angle and saving Yara really that important?



That scene SUCKED. 

I gaffawed when they started playing the epic music after the fight as if anyone would care. They should have just left it at the scene with Jon and showed him on the boat next season. No one would have been like "why are these no name iron born following him" 

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