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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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15 hours ago, MakeDenverGreatAgain said:

6.. I really hope that the NK pulled a Rob Stark and sent half his troops to Winterfell, and the rest of his troops south to Kings Landing. I don't know why, I just feel like that fact has to be important, they also didn't show the NK at the end of the episode. Also, if he's smart, which he is, he'll know that they've been forging weapons to defeat him in Winterfell, versus laying a diversion while he conquers Cersi's army and the Golden Company to reinforce his numbers.


This has been my theory for a while, and it looks possible. Why wouldn't they show the NK at the end of episode 2 to hype up the battle if he was there? Plus didn't Bran and Dany's visions both have King's Landing under snow?

Still would love to see him take control of the Mountain (as he's basically dead) and that be how Cersei goes. Her way of backstabbing everyone and not joining together would be what did her in. Doubt they go that route but I would be all about it. Could even still get a Clegane Bowl out of it.

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13 hours ago, The LBC said:

Pretty much this.  And again, this assumes that the NK has knowledge of this, Bran cannot become the new 3ER until Bloodraven is dead.  By all accounts (Isaac Hempstead-Wright let it drop in an interview that Blodraven had been in that tree looking through time for thousands of years, and while I don't think that's quite accurate...), it's been very likely at minimum 150 years probably closer to 200 years that the Three-Eyed Raven that the NK has been pursuing is Bloodraven, you'd think he'd make absolutely certain that guy was dead while letting his underlings pursue the would-be successor rather than just moving straight on to "kill the kid."

Thank you.

I think people are misinterpreting Bran into this all powerful, all knowing thing when his powers are pretty limited from what we know right now. He can see the past and the present of events that he chooses to look into. He can't see the future. He can't read the NK's mind, and it's possible he's completely wrong on the NK's motive. He can warg into simple minded beings for now.

My friend's last night were trying to tell me it was lazy writing that Bran didn't look into Rhaegar and Lyanna's wedding on his own, not realizing that he had no reason to do so until talking with Sam. He hasn't seen anything in the past that he hasn't chosen to look into. I'm annoyed they turned him into a bit of a robot, but a lot of people act like he has the power to end this war all by himself.

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29 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:

He was waiting for Jaime to show up the entirety of episode 1

He also saw the wall going down, because he was warging into ravens to scout. Not a farfetched thing to do considering he's aware that the white walkers are on the move, and probably saw Jamie on his way there.

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6 minutes ago, JonStark said:

He also saw the wall going down, because he was warging into ravens to scout. Not a farfetched thing to do considering he's aware that the white walkers are on the move, and probably saw Jamie on his way there.

according to the wiki

Greensight - The three-eyed raven was an ancient and immensely powerful greenseer who could perceive the past, present and future through visions and time travel with ease. He helped Bran Stark travel back in time to the past to allow him to see his father's history and to realize the true importance of Hodor in his destiny. He could undergo periods of greensight for seemingly unlimited periods of time without interruption from outside forces, showing his immense magical ability.

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1 hour ago, JonStark said:

Thank you.

I think people are misinterpreting Bran into this all powerful, all knowing thing when his powers are pretty limited from what we know right now. He can see the past and the present of events that he chooses to look into. He can't see the future. He can't read the NK's mind, and it's possible he's completely wrong on the NK's motive. He can warg into simple minded beings for now.

My friend's last night were trying to tell me it was lazy writing that Bran didn't look into Rhaegar and Lyanna's wedding on his own, not realizing that he had no reason to do so until talking with Sam. He hasn't seen anything in the past that he hasn't chosen to look into. I'm annoyed they turned him into a bit of a robot, but a lot of people act like he has the power to end this war all by himself.

I think you got it wrong. In terms of the NK bran is not that powerful. But to everyone else, he is pretty much untouchable. 

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12 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:

according to the wiki

Greensight - The three-eyed raven was an ancient and immensely powerful greenseer who could perceive the past, present and future through visions and time travel with ease. He helped Bran Stark travel back in time to the past to allow him to see his father's history and to realize the true importance of Hodor in his destiny. He could undergo periods of greensight for seemingly unlimited periods of time without interruption from outside forces, showing his immense magical ability.

Good to know, however they have not showed us either of the bolded in the show before, so we can't just assume that's the case. You could say they touched on the time travel with younger Ned possibly hearing Bran's voice when he called out to him, but Bran has never traveled within time and was able to interact with other characters aside of that one time which is still up in the air. He's only been able to see the events that occurred without changing them.

Again this could all change, but from strictly watching the story in the show, that's all we can assume right now.

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Just now, Calvert28 said:

I think you got it wrong. In terms of the NK bran is not that powerful. But to everyone else, he is pretty much untouchable. 

I guess that's a better way to put it, but people still embellish the types of things he can actually do right now. He can't Thanos snap the White Walkers out of the picture nor can he see exactly what they are planning to do. He can see what they have done or where they currently are, but not where they'll be in a few days.

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17 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:

according to the wiki

Greensight - The three-eyed raven was an ancient and immensely powerful greenseer who could perceive the past, present and future through visions and time travel with ease. He helped Bran Stark travel back in time to the past to allow him to see his father's history and to realize the true importance of Hodor in his destiny. He could undergo periods of greensight for seemingly unlimited periods of time without interruption from outside forces, showing his immense magical ability.

One aspect that they do not mention is a heightened awareness of it. At least in the books, when Melissandra was looking into the flames she sees Bloodraven who sensed her and looked back out of the flames at her. 

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1 minute ago, JonStark said:

I guess that's a better way to put it, but people still embellish the types of things he can actually do right now. He can't Thanos snap the White Walkers out of the picture nor can he see exactly what they are planning to do. He can see what they have done or where they currently are, but not where they'll be in a few days.

You're right and it may be lethal for him to try. I wonder if that's the turning point from bad to worse if Bran tries to take control of one of the WW and then the NK takes control of him. 

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