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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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2 minutes ago, thrILL! said:

See this is the nonsense I’m taking about. It was his property birthed from his own mind. It’s okay to want others to help but nobody had a right to tell him what or how or anything to do with it.  Esp not endless fans who’ve never created anything themselves and put it out for the world to enjoy (and summarily judge). 

I'm talking about Episodes 7-9. With Lucas who has made millions upon millions what was the point to him selling Star Wars other then the money? Artist's usually want to hold onto their art and are so stubborn they won't let anyone else have a say on it. That's why people were upset with him about it. Well that and what led to the TLJ.


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6 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

Nothing in that interview confirms that the NK is actually dead, or won't come back though.

Ehhh maybe. But then again the NK only reason for doing what he's doing is to kill everything. He was nothing more then a malfunctioning weapon gone haywire.

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43 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

Yep. All those explinations that you want. Just toss those out the window. D&D don't care.

Our main villain for the series is someone who we could just wait out until the Iron Bank sends someone to assassinate her. Or Arya.

So series is over, good guys win. Probably 95% of them are happy endings I'm guessing and it's just another Hollywood generic ending.

Actually the wtf was over spoilers. I didn't read it past the initial statement, just like I didn't read past your first sentence.

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A lot of people are doing a lot of petulant bitching in this thread over a series that has three episodes left.  My God, some of you have to get a life outside of Game of Thrones.

Just finished episode three and I'm hyped while some of you are acting like your dog just died.  So frickin annoying.

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6 minutes ago, seminoles1 said:

I was really hoping this would hit 100 pages between episodes. 93 ain't bad though!

Well. I have grown more conflicted between last weeks episode and this one being directed by the Red Wedding director.

Has to be a reason behind him being no.4. Make everyone feel safe all week, and boom. Unleash the Nutter.

I was hoping something activates Qyburns little birds inside Winterfell. How many options can there be with the 2 sides 1000 miles apart?

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There are some people literally ruining the readability of this thread with their incessant whining. 

"It doens't make sense!"
"It's not what I expected based on the book!"

Same person too sensitive to handle the unexpected events in TLJ.  I can't even read this thread because every other post is:


It's literally maddening.  For a show that has subverted expectations since its first season, somebody is doing a lot of complaining over an episode that just subverted expectations. 

Edited by Outpost31
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Just now, vike daddy said:

yes, you're having that effect. lol

Just frustrated, man.  There are three episodes left of a series known for subverting expectations and people are losing their minds over an episode that subverted expectations because they didn't like it.  Was hoping to come in and read theories and expectations for the remaining three episodes and I got none of it. 

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3 minutes ago, vike daddy said:

yes, you're having that effect. lol

I agree. I for one love the banter, clash of opinions and discussion. Most of us wouldnt visit so much if it wasnt like that. All we have is 15 days left. I hope not a soul changes, though do hope outpost gets rid of his negative waves. Ruining my chee.

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4 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

Just frustrated, man.  There are three episodes left of a series known for subverting expectations and people are losing their minds over an episode that subverted expectations because they didn't like it.  Was hoping to come in and read theories and expectations for the remaining three episodes and I got none of it. 

Subverted expectations? Whos?

Its like I quoted. D&D said about how easy it was to write for Arya. Because they would sit around and think up the most badass things for Arya to do, then try to film it. If thats the one thing youre referring too. It wasnt any more a surprise than having Freddy Vs Jason, and both living after a great fight.

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Just now, PARROTHEAD said:

Subverted expectations? Whos?

Its like I quoted. D&D said about how easy it was to write for Arya. Because they would sit around and think up the most badass things for Arya to do, then try to film it. If thats the one thing youre referring too. It wasnt any more a surprise than having Freddy Vs Jason, and both living after a great fight.

And it's impossible for things to happen to explain Arya's role in three remaining episodes? 

First, if you think prophecies in Martin's works are to be taken literally, you haven't been paying attention and you don't know what you're talking about.  Literally the entire series has shown that prophecies are murky at best.  Arya not being Azhor Ahai to kill the Night King, etc?  In a world where prophecies have countless times over been shown to not be literal, you don't think Jon or Dany gathering everybody to fight the Night King is indirectly killing him? 

Also, acting like it's stupid for Arya to be the one to kill the Night King is neglecting the entire damn series. 

This article perfectly summarizes how it's been foreshadowed to be Arya since the beginning, and in a lot of cases straight from the source material:


Since some people are too stubborn and busy pouting, I'll summarize it:

1. Stick them with the pointy end.
2. Bran failing at archery, Arya sneaks up behind everyone and hits a bullseye.  Seven seasons later, Arya sneaks up and kills NK.
3. Bran giving Arya gives Catspaw dagger to Arya.  A weapon made of dragonglass to kill a being created by being killed by dragonglass.
4. Bran has said that "No one" can kill the NK.  Who kills him but no one? 
5. Arya performs the dagger drop move in season 7. 
6. Melisandre said Arya would kill brown, green, blue eyes all the way back in season... 3? 
7. The Hound teaching Arya to look for weak spots in armor (season 4)

Arya being the one to kill the Night King has been hinted at since season one, but you're too busy complaining about it since you didn't see it coming and you thought it would be Azhor Ahai, while it well could have been in an indirect way. 

I'm not even referring to you.  I'm referring to other people who act like the series is tarnished because the big threat was ended too early. 


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