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Game of Thrones - Our Watch has Ended


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1 minute ago, RavensTillIDie said:

So, I know they set up the preview for next week to make it seem like Arya confronts Sansa on the letter she wrote, possibly evening threatening her. However, I find it HIGHLY unlikely she actually harms her own sister. Wonder what comes of that? Maybe that's how Littlefinger dies?

That is how I'm leaning. I think  that he overplayed his hand and assumed that because he has pit close people against one another before, he could create that within the Starks as well. But the Starks are a pack, and I think the truth comes out and LF is toast. I don't think Sansa will hesitate, and we know for a fact that Arya wouldn't. 

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Just now, Forge said:

That is how I'm leaning. I think  that he overplayed his hand and assumed that because he has pit close people against one another before, he could create that within the Starks as well. But the Starks are a pack, and I think the truth comes out and LF is toast. I don't think Sansa will hesitate, and we know for a fact that Arya wouldn't. 

I think Sansa is gonna have a major plot point somewhere this season since before it she was talking about how good a season her character is gonna have and she hasn't done a whole lot yet. If LF gets busted I think it'll be Sansa not arya 

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1 minute ago, Tyty said:

I think Sansa is gonna have a major plot point somewhere this season since before it she was talking about how good a season her character is gonna have and she hasn't done a whole lot yet. If LF gets busted I think it'll be Sansa not arya 

I don''t think that she's the one who swings the sword though. Don't see how that would work without some trickiness. So she may pass the sentence, but I Think it's Arya who swings it. 

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3 minutes ago, Forge said:

That is how I'm leaning. I think  that he overplayed his hand and assumed that because he has pit close people against one another before, he could create that within the Starks as well. But the Starks are a pack, and I think the truth comes out and LF is toast. I don't think Sansa will hesitate, and we know for a fact that Arya wouldn't. 

Yeah, that's kind of along the lines of what I'm envisioning, but at the same time it almost seems like a cop out for a character of Littlefinger's magnitude. Here you have a character so clever and sharp that he essentially started the war of the 5 kings, and maybe even Robert's rebellion, yet you have him done in by a pair of children?

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Just now, RavensTillIDie said:

Yeah, that's kind of along the lines of what I'm envisioning, but at the same time it almost seems like a cop out for a character of Littlefinger's magnitude. Here you have a character so clever and sharp that he essentially started the war of the 5 kings, and maybe even Robert's rebellion, yet you have him done in by a pair of children?

The expediting of the story is the problem with that. I do think that's how he was always going to go down. In some respects, Sansa is a bit of a weak spot for him. He doesn't love like a nomral person loves, but there is definitely some feeling there for him. So it was only natural after training under the likes of Cersei and LF that she learn this game and be the one to take him down. It's just happening so fast in the story because of how little time is left. 

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1 minute ago, RavensTillIDie said:

Yeah, that's kind of along the lines of what I'm envisioning, but at the same time it almost seems like a cop out for a character of Littlefinger's magnitude. Here you have a character so clever and sharp that he essentially started the war of the 5 kings, and maybe even Robert's rebellion, yet you have him done in by a pair of children?

Can you elaborate on the Robert rebellion part? I don't know his story well back then outside of him getting denied by catlyn

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And to add to that theory, I think next episode is where we get Sansa reciting her father's words from the season 7 trailer:

"When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives."

I remember everyone originally thought it was in reference to Jon, but given our current situation, think it almost certainly has to be about Littlefinger.

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1 minute ago, Forge said:

The expediting of the story is the problem with that. I do think that's how he was always going to go down. In some respects, Sansa is a bit of a weak spot for him. He doesn't love like a nomral person loves, but there is definitely some feeling there for him. So it was only natural after training under the likes of Cersei and LF that she learn this game and be the one to take him down. It's just happening so fast in the story because of how little time is left. 

Yeah I wish they weren't rushing it. I feel like they could've stayed within their budget and made some almost filler episodes so it didn't feel like a dead sprint to the finish 

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5 minutes ago, RavensTillIDie said:

Yeah, that's kind of along the lines of what I'm envisioning, but at the same time it almost seems like a cop out for a character of Littlefinger's magnitude. Here you have a character so clever and sharp that he essentially started the war of the 5 kings, and maybe even Robert's rebellion, yet you have him done in by a pair of children?

So, he's essentially a Scooby Doo villain:


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4 minutes ago, Tyty said:

Can you elaborate on the Robert rebellion part? I don't know his story well back then outside of him getting denied by catlyn

It's just a theory at this point, but this article does a pretty good job summarizing it:



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