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Sorry, ate dinner. This is what I have currently.

With 14 Players it's 10 to lynch! Otherwise N1 will be at 8pm EST on Saturday. Plurality lynch and all moves will be due at 8pm Saturday if we don't reach 10 votes before then. Remember to get your moves in early since you might not know exactly when night will fall, you can change them as frequently as you'd like.

VC -

4 orca -  rag 23, matts 26, ksj 34, whicker 34

 dingo - pickle 36, orca 36

Matts - bcb 40

vikeman - untouch 32

whicker - swag 34


no vote - james, squire, nazgul, vikeman, dingo

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Looks like I'm alive for the time being until tonight.  Lets talk claiming. Claiming D1 to prevent a mislynch is totally a worthwhile scenario, especially in a majority lynch scenario. No reason to let the vote hang for a day or so imo. 

It's a bad assumption that Mafia will automatically kill me...or not kill me. They will have to make the choice. If they have to make a choice they can slip up or at worse it gives us more ideas to form an opinion the next day. 

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9 hours ago, kingseanjohn said:

We should lynch him to be safe


9 hours ago, kingseanjohn said:

Orca locked in. Bring it night one.


9 hours ago, kingseanjohn said:

Speed round night one. ORCA

Escalated from safe to locked-in to wanting a speed lynch.  

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8 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

I am leaning town for the orca.  His frustration is evident in his posts.  He also is very quick to claim as scum, it's usually something crazy and outlandish.  He hasn't made his crazy claim yet, which suggests to me he is town.  

Where are you now after Orca has claimed and had a same ..if not identical character claim?

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8 hours ago, The Orca said:

Now you know my frustration. Yet there is a couple people who basically haven't posted. But let's make up reasons to lynch a civ who is a power role...cause wait what's the reason....I actually made a legit post about you lol. No one had a single ******* reason. 

Look at pickle and Matt's who kind of stayed quiet after the heat was on me. Just giving you some help while I'm still here.

This has to be a joke, man. No one had a reason? That's actually what you think? Or are you just saying something to make it true?

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8 hours ago, The Orca said:

Can we not lynch active civs for looking for scum. 

I'll answer this, but the answer is not at all what you want or what you think I'll say.

No. We cannot. Because we are playing mafia.

I've had to accept that my way of playing mafia isn't the only way of playing mafia. You have to accept the same. Some of us don't like you claiming because you think your survival is the most important thing as civ. So we only have two options on who to lynch: an inactive or whoever you think is scum. Is that right?

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8 hours ago, SwAg said:

You ******* did it, you disingenuous fish person.  Orca claimed, I countered him to call a fake.  Then painstakingly devised questions that indicate several roles to have him answer to limit information flow to Mafia.  And you derped your way into pressuring him into an ability claim.  Prior to that, it was circumstances that dictate a counter.  Don’t piss and moan because you messed up and exacerbated an already poor situation with your haphazard play.

Seriously man. Some people can handle the name calling. That's not me. I actually do have a reason, but **** all if I'm telling you now. Lynch me if you want but that's poor scumhunting and you know it.

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8 hours ago, theuntouchable said:

There are only a handful of people that can explain their way out of a situation like that (although none of them would get themselves into a situation like that) 

................................................................ come on dude

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8 hours ago, The Orca said:

Umm..I answered your question with how I read swags post...only way not to get into it was to not scum hunt imo...which as a civ i will do (Not D1 anymore though). Lazy civs just jumped on a BW cause they dont care to read imo. 

Lazy civ? LOL dude you get mad at people misrepresenting you ALL THE TIME and you're going to say that the bandwagon on you was lazy?! I HATE HATE HATE it when people accuse me of not reading.

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8 hours ago, SwAg said:

Orca I’m not going to pretend the case against you was well founded.  I made it, but the developments since the counter claim should have given every reasonable person pause, especially when I’m in the middle of a determination of whether it’s true that was one question from ending.  That irritates me to no end.  You did great with the answers Orca.

I said I wouldn't tell you but I guess I will because it is unfortunately relevant to this game.

You are missing information. Orca cares more about his survival than anything else. He is willing to claim whatever to get votes off of him. We had a game with a completely open setup. All roles were posted in the OP. Orca gets votes and he then claims Universal Backup (who was then the doctor) as a vanilla Civ. He'd rather out the real town doctor then get lynched as vanilla civ.

That's why I was angry about what I misinterpreted as your counterclaim (the "I know he's telling the truth" post). I thought you were saying "I know he's telling the truth because I'm the same role" which I get was stupid to think. I assume you missed it, but I actually responded to Orca claiming ability. My "claim fest" post was not directed towards that.

Happy now?

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