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Avengers: Endgame

The Gnat

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4 hours ago, Calvert28 said:

The only people in comics who have shown the consistent ability to stand toe to toe with Thor are Omega level threats. CM the actual CM has never shown the ability to do that and she is not an Omega level type power in the comics. Now Disney may have Marvel change that to pander, but everything in the comics does not support your claim.

well all of this is just wrong

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4 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:

well all of this is just wrong

Again Disney may demand Marvel change this. But CM is not on Thor's level and to simplify it for you guys, here's some links. Consistently the only one's who have shown to be able to go toe to toe with Thor are Omega level threats.



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10 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

Again Disney may demand Marvel change this. But CM is not on Thor's level and to simplify it for you guys, here's some links. Consistently the only one's who have shown to be able to go toe to toe with Thor are Omega level threats.



As someone who has actually read most of the comics you are referencing, I can confidently tell you that both CM and Thor's power levels have fluctuated wildly throughout their history. This is true of most comic book characters. However, to focus up on Captain Marvel, or Carol Danvers to be precise, she has been literally a cosmic power on par with Celestials when she was Binary. While her connection to this cosmic power isnt nearly as strong now, she is still able to absorb ALL type of energy including photon, gamma, electricity, star, heat, and even magic (though this one has side effects). Hank Pym, Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, and Reed Richards have all theorized that Carol's powers, coupled with her absorption ability, are INFINITE. There is no cap on how much she can power up. 


Meanwhile in Thor's case, he is technically more powerful in the MCU than he has been in the comics since about 2010. He is hyper reliant on Mjolnir and when Nick Fury whispered into his ear and made him unworthy, he promptly got his arm chopped off by Malekeith and roamed the 9 realms depowered like crazy. 


Again, power levels in comics fluctuate for EVERYONE (hell even Superman spent 6 months at Steve Rogers level of power this decade), if we take both Thor and Carol's whole history and boil it down, Carol's is infinite while a few whispered words into his ear and boom Thor is not Thor anymore. 

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11 minutes ago, RavensfanRD said:

Thor, Odinson, is the man. And lol, @ Captain Marvel being on par.

Unfortunately she is the strongest in this cinema Universe. They nerfed everyone they brought into this Universe because they would be too over powered like they were in the comics. Then they turn around and give her comic level powers. But of course they aren't preaching anything.

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5 hours ago, Calvert28 said:

Her Kree background and everything she learned there showed her higher level of training not only showing her being able to tactfully outwit a race of "noble warrior heroes" from a far advanced civilization as well as being able to hotwire a payphone to contact a ship in outer ****ing space would be examples of her showing it.

Lmao where did you read that, HuffingtonPost?

Well, if you’re going to outwit somebody, you might as well be nice and tactful about it.

She didn’t really “outwit” anybody on a tactical level. She had a ruse based on knowing something they didn’t. That’s not “tactical”. That’s standard movie fair. She didn’t show anything in that regard that literally any other superhero in any other movie hasn’t shown. Definitely not some tactical genius level stuff. You’re reaching because it suits your agenda.

With regard to using Kree technology to hotwire a payphone... so? She used Kree technology, stuff she’d literally done nothing but train with for six straight years, to do something it presumably was designed to do. Yet you act like this means she’s on par with Shuri straight up rewiring the brain of Vision. Marvel uses technology someone else designed in the way it was designed to be used and you think this is an agenda laden attempt to show she is as intelligent as someone who designed her own technology on par with that, performs neural surgery like it’s nothing, and handed Stark massive tech upgrades like it was equally nothing. That logical leap is so appalling I can’t come up with a fitting analogy for how ridiculous it is.

Show me on the dolly where Captain Marvel hurt you. It really feels like you’re taking her movie and character existence in the MCU as a personal affront.

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Just now, Deadpulse said:

As someone who has actually read most of the comics you are referencing, I can confidently tell you that both CM and Thor's power levels have fluctuated wildly throughout their history. This is true of most comic book characters. However, to focus up on Captain Marvel, or Carol Danvers to be precise, she has been literally a cosmic power on par with Celestials when she was Binary. While her connection to this cosmic power isnt nearly as strong now, she is still able to absorb ALL type of energy including photon, gamma, electricity, star, heat, and even magic (though this one has side effects). Hank Pym, Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, and Reed Richards have all theorized that Carol's powers, coupled with her absorption ability, are INFINITE. There is no cap on how much she can power up. 

Binary? If I recall that being her strongest form she was essentially as strong as she is now in the movie. And she wasn't able to pull all the power she wanted to, her powers came from the suction of a Black Hole that pulled in all the energy and she was essentially the white hole where everything passed through, I have to go back and read up on that. Making her unbelievably powerful, but keep in mind that Thor when he was nearing his end in one of his alternate comics was on par with Galactus. Essentially a few steps above CM and again that's with him being old and near his death. Oh and he had only 1 arm.

Just now, Deadpulse said:


Meanwhile in Thor's case, he is technically more powerful in the MCU than he has been in the comics since about 2010. He is hyper reliant on Mjolnir and when Nick Fury whispered into his ear and made him unworthy, he promptly got his arm chopped off by Malekeith and roamed the 9 realms depowered like crazy. 

You're right they go through stages. But Thor has consistently been shown to be among the most powerful of characters, where as CM even amongst the most stubborn comics is agreed to just not be on his level.

Just now, Deadpulse said:


Again, power levels in comics fluctuate for EVERYONE (hell even Superman spent 6 months at Steve Rogers level of power this decade), if we take both Thor and Carol's whole history and boil it down, Carol's is infinite while a few whispered words into his ear and boom Thor is not Thor anymore. 

Keep in mind Carol Danvers also went into a coma because of Rogue. Infinite powers and a lowly mutant stole them all.

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33 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

keep in mind that Thor when he was nearing his end in one of his alternate comics was on par with Galactus. Essentially a few steps above CM and again that's with him being old and near his death. Oh and he had only 1 arm.

This is Thor with All-father power. This version of Thor shows up in like 6 total issues, not sure its an accurate representation. Besides that Galactus is probably anemic, that potential future has like, zero living beings in it. 


33 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

But Thor has consistently been shown to be among the most powerful of characters, where as CM even amongst the most stubborn comics is agreed to just not be on his level.

Stubborn? Im not sure what you are saying here. Its prudent to point out, however, that Thor has been a mainstay for most of Marvel's hayday dating back to the creation of the Avengers. Captain Marvel has only been a forefront character since the early 2000s. So if we are talking about consistency, the scale tips due to longevity alone and that is not really a great way to gauge anything. 


33 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

Keep in mind Carol Danvers also went into a coma because of Rogue. Infinite powers and a lowly mutant stole them all.

A lowly human WHISPERED IN HIS EAR and stole all Thor's power, you really want to go this route?


Truthfully, since Thor became unworthy in 2014 Carol has been the stronger of the two, and that is not up for debate.   

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6 minutes ago, fretgod99 said:

Well, if you’re going to outwit somebody, you might as well be nice and tactful about it.

She didn’t really “outwit” anybody on a tactical level. She had a ruse based on knowing something they didn’t. That’s not “tactical”. That’s standard movie fair. She didn’t show anything in that regard that literally any other superhero in any other movie hasn’t shown. Definitely not some tactical genius level stuff. You’re reaching because it suits your agenda.


This entire race basically lives for war and battle and tactics go along with that. She outwitted them, using a ruse (which is being tactful) is outwitting them thus she is tactical. And considering she is supposed to take over the Avengers after this will almost certainly be because she is a leader and a tactician.

6 minutes ago, fretgod99 said:

With regard to using Kree technology to hotwire a payphone... so? She used Kree technology, stuff she’d literally done nothing but train with for six straight years, to do something it presumably was designed to do. Yet you act like this means she’s on par with Shuri straight up rewiring the brain of Vision. Marvel uses technology someone else designed in the way it was designed to be used and you think this is an agenda laden attempt to show she is as intelligent as someone who designed her own technology on par with that, performs neural surgery like it’s nothing, and handed Stark massive tech upgrades like it was equally nothing. That logical leap is so appalling I can’t come up with a fitting analogy for how ridiculous it is.

Considering her knowledge comes from Kree technology then yea she is unbelievably advanced in comparison to Earth level technology. Meaning anything she encounters on Earth, she will probably be able to use with ease. Now just because I said she is as smart as Shuri does not mean I say she is as innovative which there is a difference. But take a person today with a full education will undoubtedly be more knowledgable then most if not all people from a 1000 years ago. Which is basically what was shown with that payphone scene. Someone who had knowledge of technology thousands of years more advanced. 

Also as far as we know, Tony invented his new suit himself and did not get it from Wakanda.


6 minutes ago, fretgod99 said:

Show me on the dolly where Captain Marvel hurt you. It really feels like you’re taking her movie and character existence in the MCU as a personal affront.

She is the only character thus far in the Marvel U that has comic level powers with no weaknesses. Everyone else has been depowered in a major way just to make her entrance look good. But to you that's not preachy. I'm just making an obvious observation of a Mary Sue character with literally no flaws and even producer Feige has said they will be added later.

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24 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:
55 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

Keep in mind Carol Danvers also went into a coma because of Rogue. Infinite powers and a lowly mutant stole them all.

A lowly human WHISPERED IN HIS EAR and stole all Thor's power, you really want to go this route?

I also thought of another rebuttal to this. Since you called in future all father thor, figure this is fair game. In a one shot comic, Rogue KILLS Thor by draining all of his power. She then wields Mjolnir. Whats worse? Coma or death?

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34 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:

This is Thor with All-father power. This version of Thor shows up in like 6 total issues, not sure its an accurate representation. Besides that Galactus is probably anemic, that potential future has like, zero living beings in it. 

You brought up Binary which was like a handshake worth of time in her timeline much like All-Father Thor. He has always been shown to be an elite or near elite level power character.



Stubborn? Im not sure what you are saying here. Its prudent to point out, however, that Thor has been a mainstay for most of Marvel's hayday dating back to the creation of the Avengers. Captain Marvel has only been a forefront character since the early 2000s. So if we are talking about consistency, the scale tips due to longevity alone and that is not really a great way to gauge anything. 

She was more then that. She was pretty much the focul point of rogue's entire backstory in x-men the show so lets not pretend like she came out of no where. I brought up the logevity because he has been shown more times to duke it out with the strongest then she has.



A lowly human WHISPERED IN HIS EAR and stole all Thor's power, you really want to go this route?

And Batman beat Superman. Stupid crap happens all the time. Such as the reason why the writers decided to go the unworthy route and have him drop his hammer, such as they could "appeal to a broader audience" with Jane Foster. You want to go this route?



Truthfully, since Thor became unworthy in 2014 Carol has been the stronger of the two, and that is not up for debate.   

Yea and guess when the Captain Marvel movie was announced.

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5 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:

I also thought of another rebuttal to this. Since you called in future all father thor, figure this is fair game. In a one shot comic, Rogue KILLS Thor by draining all of his power. She then wields Mjolnir. Whats worse? Coma or death?

Well I would prefer to die then be left that way but that's just me.

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1 minute ago, Calvert28 said:


Truthfully, since Thor became unworthy in 2014 Carol has been the stronger of the two, and that is not up for debate.   

Yea and guess when the Captain Marvel movie was announced.

You know what logical fallacies are I imagine? This is one. Also, why does it matter? Wait dont answer that, I dont want to know yours and I know the real one anyways; It doesnt matter. 

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35 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:

You know what logical fallacies are I imagine? This is one. Also, why does it matter? Wait dont answer that, I dont want to know yours and I know the real one anyways; It doesnt matter. 

Lmao oh no. Have you heard the term, (drinking the Koolaide)? Or (being sheepish). Oh I know you guys dont care, and that's very sad. Because the writers who do these are not giving accurate representations of what they really believe the characters are but only what higher ups tell them to write. As in how they want the progression of characters to go.

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