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BDL Discussion Thread 2019


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If you want to go lake Erie I could give you some cool options 


Central PA I found the giwoggle 


If you want to stick in the Pittsburgh area I'd suggest the tommyknockers 


Or the ogua 


Apparantly there's a Williamsport banshee legend 




Just some ideas 

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Williamsport Misignwa.  The Misignwa(from Shawnee/Susquehannock tribes) is a spirit that lives in the forest and protects the animals around it. Some northern tribes claim the spirit is what people call Big Foot. The Misignwa watches all hunters and if they are disrespectful or wasteful he will cause them to have an accident as punishment. During the Bread Dance the Shawnee have a man who dresses in a suit of bearskin, wearing a wooden mask and carrying a cane and turtle shell rattle to impersonate Misignwa. This impersonator will seek out children who are disruptive and frighten them, hence teaching them a valuable lesson. Misignwa carvings were found on poles in the village plaza's, in council houses and carved into pipes until the 19th century. 

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Chernobyl Black Birds - Beginning in early April 1986 the people in and around the little known Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant began to experience a series of strange events revolving around sightings of a mysterious creature described as a large, dark, and mutated man with gigantic wings and piercing red eyes. People affected by this phenomena experienced horrific nightmares, threatening phone calls and first hand encounters with the winged beast which became known as the Black Bird of Chernobyl.


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10 minutes ago, TedLavie said:

What do you have for Tahiti @Ragnarok

Tahiti 'You're Welcome'!

Tahiti Ta'aroa - Ta'aroa is the supreme creator god in the mythology.

Tahiti Rata - In Tahitian mythology, is said to have become king of Tahiti when his uncle, king Tumu-nui, and his father Vahieroa (Tahitian mythology) are swallowed by a great clam while they are on their way to Pitcairn.

Tahiti Ihoiho - The ghosts of the dead, which were supposed often to visit the living, especially relatives, and to inflict illness or death.

Tahiti Atua - Atua is the Tahitian word for god/gods.

Tahiti Mana - Mana in Tahitian culture can refer to strength, power, influence, supremacy, greatness, sovereignty, omnipotence, prestige, control, genius, authority, superiority, nobility, stature, presence, elegance, beauty … the list goes on an on.

Tahiti Te Ma'o/Te Ma'o Purotu - The big blue shark who was the favorite shark of Ta'aroa who ended up being lifted into the sky.

A lot of myths among Pacific islanders can run together, so depending if you want to go Maori, Polynesian, Tahitian, or elsewhere, myths, creatures, gods, etc. can vary. 

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19 minutes ago, Ragnarok said:

Tahiti Mana - Mana in Tahitian culture can refer to strength, power, influence, supremacy, greatness, sovereignty, omnipotence, prestige, control, genius, authority, superiority, nobility, stature, presence, elegance, beauty … the list goes on an on.

This could fit my team and myself very well

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3 minutes ago, TedLavie said:

This could fit my team and myself very well

Here's a bit more from the website.

These words define the Mana in a precise situation, a particular context, from a specific point of view. Mana is a mythical and essential concept, a fundamental truth. It’s both tangible and intangible, expressive yet imperceptible, revealing but enigmatic, so natural but also mysterious and esoteric.

Mana lives, animates, raises up, ennobles and transcends every thing, every being, every element in every dimension; it can also annihilate, ruin and destroy until the last vital vibration.

Mana is seducing, enchanting, glamorous, penetrating, fascinating. The Mana is frightening, dangerous, consuming, lethal.

It is the root of the duality of life and death.

It is the essence of the universal power, the heart of the Polynesian universe, the beings bringing it to life, the elements shaping it, the existential, cultural and spiritual values which created the Polynesian/Ma’ohi who glorifies this universe.

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Per Adam Schefter: “It is being reported that the Long Beach Leprechauns are possibly moving much further North into the 49th state. The team will be looking to rebrand itself but stick with the similar theme in name and mascot. Stay tuned for more details”

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