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BDL Discussion Thread 2019


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9 minutes ago, MD4L said:

It’s nothing compared to Portland’s stable of QBs.

This, I have 5 starters and it has been a wild ride. 

I entered the season with only Mahomes guaranteed to be a starter and signed Flacco because I needed a backup.

Then Luck retires more or less making Brissett a trade asset for next year, I only bid you up because I thought Luck might get injured again this year. 

Siemian who was a backup and is now the jets starting QB. Honestly don't remember what trade he came from but eh.

Then Gardener who I got because of bad waiver luck. 


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4 hours ago, Whicker said:

It’s already a problem. Wwhickok and Counselor both believe I am a biased voter. I am not okay with that accusation. I am not okay with them thinking that. I feel like I’ve made it as clear as possible that I read the gameplans and my logic is as out there as anyone’s. I do not want to be a part of this league with them. If that’s what they’re immediately going to jump to after I spent literally an hour and half on each matchup and gave very detailed reasonings and criticism, then nothing will keep them from thinking that. It is predetermined for them that I cannot set aside life or whatever to vote, and that makes me not only angry that they’d think that, but also concerned because in my experience, people imagine others doing what they themselves do and think. 

It’s one thing to screw up and make a procedural error. It’s an entirely different thing to question my love for BDL and my integrity as a voter. And it’s way way way out of the realm of this world to deny the existence of my voting integrity entirely. 

Counselor and Wwhickok are the future of BDL and that’s fine, but I’m not going to be a part of it

I think all of us realize the time and effort you put into voting.  It is honestly impressive and appreciated cause I take your words and suggestions to heart.

3 hours ago, Counselor said:

I don’t think he is bias. He voted for me last game I said he was the only one who understood. So where is this coming from? I said now that he was going off on me he would bias going forward. That was unfair of me. And I would apologize to him if he didn’t block me. But I can’t be held responsible for behavior like that. Face me don’t run. I can’t chase you down and apologize.

I think y'all would be good to just step back from each other, reset, and it'll be good.

1 hour ago, Hockey5djh said:


@Whicker. I think Counselor is on your side man, you even voted for him last week.

I do think that wwhickok was a little over the top with his "bias" accusations after a SINGLE week writing a gameplan.

I think we should stay away from bias accusations in general.

1 hour ago, SwoleXmad said:

I'd personally like to bring something against DIngo. He's been involved in some shady BDL shenanigans over the years and I've kept quiet for too long. 

Everyone is biased, I'm not saying that in a bad way I'm saying that in a "We all have biases because we are human but who cares" kinda way. 

You definitely more into your voting comments than most if not all and I appreciatee you for it.

Except for Dingo.  Bias accusations are always fine against him.

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1 minute ago, rackcs said:

Looking to trade for a TE or IDL depth. Preferably looking for either fairly cheap contracts or a 1 year deal if it's a more expensive contract.

Also, who do I talk to about getting Baldwin officially off my roster?

Baldwin wants to stay and collect his check.

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5 minutes ago, rackcs said:

Looking to trade for a TE or IDL depth. Preferably looking for either fairly cheap contracts or a 1 year deal if it's a more expensive contract.

Also, who do I talk to about getting Baldwin officially off my roster?

Be happy to do it, pretty sure the dude is retired but I thought some claimed it wasn't official yet or something like that.  You might post it in the transaction thread to get it okayed.  No sure really the process for that.

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