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TAET: This Ain't Eagles Talk | RIP Jlash


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Just now, Remixxxxxxx said:

Good call on Fury and IG @Hockey5djh - IG might actually be in my top 3 with Saving Private Ryan and Schindler's List.

Yea, the only problem was that it was pretty much a made up story. The Basterds existed but they were mostly an intelligence operation, not a badass nazi killing group that had huge impacts on the war.

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So in Seinfeld , hes Jewish obviously lol and he dating a girl and he takes her to see Schindlers list and ends up making out with his girlfriend through Schindlers list LOL. And his aunt and uncle end up being in the same movie theater and they just lose it and the rest of the episode is about how Jerry is turning his back on the Jewish community and its crazy lol 

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15 minutes ago, Hockey5djh said:

I know Patton is a hit with old dudes and military guys but i've never seen it and i'm really not a huge "old movie" fan.

I've never seen it either actually, Schindler's List either.

Those really heavy movies sometimes I just keep putting off until I'm in the mood and never get around to it.

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