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The Simpsoooonnsss...Mafia. N3 Friday 7PM CT


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4 minutes ago, TheKillerNacho said:

I just realized... gopher probably scumslipped that he already knew mission wasn't hit by the mafia LOL.

We get bdp today due to mechanics. But tbh gopher is almost certainly scum based on this.

If you think about it. Why would mafia have a hit each night if you have just even night hits?

Wouldn't it be, mafia odd and vig even?

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1 minute ago, Counselor said:

Because if there was no mafia hit on night one whoever was role blocked likely is the one who has the ability 

Nacho I believe claimed even night vig, which would mean the N1 kill was from scum

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29 minutes ago, TheKillerNacho said:

Which means they were trying to hit Vikes, which means he's clear... and/or that bcb was scum because Vikes said he roleblocked him last night.

Just want to clarify it was BDP not bcb that I role blocked. 

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