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Gophers World Mafia, Rags & The Mother Aligned have Won!

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8 minutes ago, Counselor said:

There are three people I know for fact are town. Dingo, Ted and myself. Because I know I am town and those two I invested and they came back as town. 

To be fair, dingo could have been recruited since.  If you got ted last night he should be good.  Of course assuming you are 

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Plus, Malf, if I was Brown, I would know the recruitment has a chance to fail because I would know the Drug Dealer role.  Therefore no need to piggy back off Forge.

The theory is that I saved Forge or myself, by sacrificing the Recruiter.  In a scenario where I have at most one other teammate.

Give your head a shake.

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1 minute ago, Malfatron said:

im just saying in general. moreso than town, mafia hates when someone has a read on them for an incorrect reason, and are correct on them being mafia. at least when you are town, and a townie has a dumb reason for voting you, you can laugh and call them an idiot later.

seems like dingo has a more palatable reason of you being mafia

The problem with that is that you have no history with me. You don't know if I'm just that way lol. It could just be that I dislike logic fails (which admittedly, is true. You should see some of my posts on the forum when people start doing the "if" game). If you read my posts earlier on why I cleared Matt as the dealer, I think you can also see that I'm big on the logic train. It may not have all been right, but I think I spelled out the logic pretty clearly

Dingo is going if a read and thinks he has the game figured out. I can't do anything about that, you know?  If that's really what is going on with you too, that's cool

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Just now, DingoLadd said:

Just doing the math.

N1- Forge failed

n2- I assume no recruit. 

N3- Touch was N3 I think with Swag saying he declined n4.

N4- Swag Declined. 

n5 - Dead. 

Are we clear or am I missing info? 

Swag was night five, dead night six. We are missing a night

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2 minutes ago, Counselor said:

And if you want to lynch me to prove that the three of us are town I’m fine sacrificing myself. I’ve done as much as I can to help town now. 

not at this point.

your posts feel genuine to me.

just pointing out that nobody is clear. not your invest targets (fypov ted would likely be cleared), not even me.

not until we catch the unknown brown

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1 minute ago, DingoLadd said:

Just doing the math.

N1- Forge failed

n2- I assume no recruit. 

N3- Touch was N3 I think with Swag saying he declined n4.

N4- Swag Declined. 

n5 - Dead. 

Are we clear or am I missing info? 

You’re missing a whole day.

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I was going to post this tomorrow to give it a little more thought but perhaps people can sleep on it. 

Both Forge and Swag have come forward saying they’ve denied the weed. We can take them at their word or lynch one, or both, of them. 

Seeing as swag died earlier in the game and was resurrected as vanilla if he IS telling the truth we wouldn’t lose a power civ role by lynching him  

If he IS lying we would eliminate a converted brownie and have probable cause to go after Forge for also denying the weed. 

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1 minute ago, DingoLadd said:

Just doing the math.

N1- Forge failed

n2- I assume no recruit. 

N3- Touch was N3 I think with Swag saying he declined n4.

N4- Swag Declined. 

n5 - Dead. 

Are we clear or am I missing info? 

swag said he had been offered n5.

the mystery brown is n3 or n4

touch was n3 or n4


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