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Gophers World Mafia, Rags & The Mother Aligned have Won!

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Forge, Ragnarok has yet to even broach the argument that I might not follow through.  He knows I will.

You’re scum.  You’re a scoundrel.  You owe nothing to them.

As Matts would say — play to your win con dude.

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Just now, SwAg said:

Forge, Ragnarok has yet to even broach the argument that I might not follow through.  He knows I will.

You’re scum.  You’re a scoundrel.  You owe nothing to them.

As Matts would say — play to your win con dude.

I just said that if you could control things, you would keep your word.  The issue here is that you can't force Dingo and Counselor to that.  Unless you are ordering them to be the sacrificial lambs to your ego.

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1 minute ago, Ragnarok said:

You are correct.  I do believe you'd keep your word if possible.  However, he can't rely on your word because it's not entirely up to you.

I will tie the vote no matter what to keep him alive, even if Dingo or Counselor don’t follow through with my word, but I think they’d be amenable.

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1 minute ago, Ragnarok said:

And he won't die?  I actually want him.  At least he is fellow scum.  You're ***** *** townie.  

Y'all need him too.  So don't act like you're better than us.

And you too forget the single most important part.  There is zero chance Matts doesn't kill me to ensure malf can't backdoor into a win.

Go ahead.  One of y'all discount Matts' sincerity about not letting Malf win.  I dare you.

You were town too once, it's a shame your heart is as black as your alignment. 

We don't need him, I'd be content with a 3-3 tie to end the game because that's how this game deserves to end. 

Matts isn't going to kill you if he can win inspite of you, plus matts needs to kill townies every night to not get lynched. 

I dare you matts, kill Ragnarok tonight.

Just now, Ragnarok said:

You are correct.  I do believe you'd keep your word if possible.  However, he can't rely on your word because it's not entirely up to you.

I'll back swag. 

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Just now, DingoLadd said:

You were town too once, it's a shame your heart is as black as your alignment. 

We don't need him, I'd be content with a 3-3 tie to end the game because that's how this game deserves to end. 

Matts isn't going to kill you if he can win inspite of you, plus matts needs to kill townies every night to not get lynched. 

I dare you matts, kill Ragnarok tonight.

I'll back swag. 

I'm fighting for my love and my sweet baby Malf.

Don't disagree there.

Not if town loses the coin flip here.  Then it's scum time.

He isn't that stupid.

Uh huh.  Sure.  

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So rags has brought up my concern as well... You don't speak for everyone, swag. That's my concern. I'm good with taking it down 1-1 in that manner, but trust is hard.

As @The Orca can attest from my needlessly bussing him in n2, it's night like I'm winning teammate of the game in this one. 

But counselor and dingo have a say. It's not about just trusting you, have to trust them as well

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Just now, Ragnarok said:

I'm fighting for my love and my sweet baby Malf.

Don't disagree there.

Not if town loses the coin flip here.  Then it's scum time.

He isn't that stupid.

Uh huh.  Sure.  

Didn't you lynch matts so your sweet baby ended up dead? Father of the year. 

I have an ace in my back pocket for that. 

Matts is far from stupid, but if he was smart he'd 100% make sure you'd lose so Malf couldn't win.

Just now, Ragnarok said:

No, there is a coin flip in the event of a tie after OT.  So one group will have a 3-2 advantage tomorrow.

Oh I thought we were doing NFL OT rules where no one wins. 

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Yeah, Forge, I didn’t modkill myself this game.  

Matts can point to one time.  I can point to eight years of personal history with Ragnarok, who has immense incentive to lie, to say I will follow through.  And a pattern of promises that extend multiple games just on this forum, and dozens on previous forums.

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