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Criminal Minds Mafia - Town Wins


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If you don't think the Bomb mechanic is one real, one fake, and then I have to choose the right one correctly, then I don't know what to tell you.  That is some SK ****, playing with their food, manipulating, etc.  I had two defuses, hence why I was hesitant to blow both on D2 because I wanted to save one for both myself and players I think highly of (Touch).  I defused Pickle, and was correct.  I defused Orca when it seemed we had Whicker dead to rights, and there would be no further bombings. 

I didn't know at the time one was fake.  I thought both were live, but in retrospect it seems pretty clear how the game was balanced in that regard.

It's not difficult to envision a scenario where you put a fake bomb on someone I value, then put a real bomb on someone else, and make me blow a defuse on a fake.  We happened to catch Whicker early, so this dynamic was removed.

If you can't wrap your head around this pretty clear theory of the game, I don't know what to tell you, other than I look forward to @Dome telling me it's spot on post-game.

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3 minutes ago, The Orca said:

Sorry...I'm not interested in responding or making the commitment of time it would take to explain things to you since you havent even tried to play this game have a good NightxD:ph34r:

Yeah, you're objectively wrong, and seem to misremember substantial portions of the thread, when you ostensibly re-read the days in question while selectively quoting **** to make up a nonsense warped theory of the game.

gg, dude

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On 4/12/2019 at 12:36 PM, Dome said:

If you are lynched or killed at night you may make one final “Good Game” post. Please do not include ANY game related information in your farewell post. If your role wasn't revealed, you may not make a "Good Game" post.

Rule #4

23 hours ago, Dome said:

No talking.


The group sent Stacy Saunders to prison!

@MWil23 has been sent to prison!

You have until 11:30pm EST to send in night moves. 

Don't wait up for me.


Still no talking.

No role revealed, thus see the last part of rule #4

23 hours ago, MWil23 said:

This is my farewell post. I deserve to go based off of how poorly I worded things the last few days. Sorry that I let you all down here TEAM.

Farewell post being against rule #4

I did not notice this before.  

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1 minute ago, squire12 said:

Rule #4

No role revealed, thus see the last part of rule #4

Farewell post being against rule #4

I did not notice this before.  

I don't think that's an application of that rule.

None of the characters had their role revealed.

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1 minute ago, squire12 said:

Rule #4

No role revealed, thus see the last part of rule #4

Farewell post being against rule #4

I did not notice this before.  

It was revealed as Stacy Saunders...I think its cause he posted after it was revealed who he was...too far after night was called...then Dome combined the posts

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Just now, SwAg said:

I don't think that's an application of that rule.

None of the characters had their role revealed.

True, but none of the lynches died.  The previous lynches were sent to prison....thus why I could not do an autopsy on any of them.  I probably would have done an autopsy on either Whicker or most certainly Nacho to find out what killer we had removed.  By making that post, I was able to use my autopsy and find out Mwil was the shooter, thus removing that cloud over Gopher at least temporarily if not permanently.

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On 4/16/2019 at 9:02 PM, Dome said:

The group sent Chris Charles to prison!

You have until 10:30 EST to send in night moves.

@Whicker has been eliminated from the game. 


On 4/16/2019 at 9:04 PM, Whicker said:

It was a lucky invest for the wrong reasons. My Dingo push happens whether I'm town or scum. It was a personal thing with Dingo. If he happens to flip SK I don't get invested. Of he flips VT I for get invested. 


On 4/17/2019 at 9:09 PM, Dome said:

The group sent Tyson Trotter to prison!

@TheKillerNacho has been eliminated from the game.

You have until 10:30pm EST to send in your night moves. 

No talking until I say talking. 


On 4/17/2019 at 9:09 PM, TheKillerNacho said:

Anyway semes Dome finally ended the day. If I'm right about the setup, should be an easy win for the SKs. Just do me a favor and make sure Orca isnt the winning SK, thanks


23 hours ago, Dome said:

No talking.


The group sent Stacy Saunders to prison!

@MWil23 has been sent to prison!

You have until 11:30pm EST to send in night moves. 

Don't wait up for me.


Still no talking.


23 hours ago, MWil23 said:

This is my farewell post. I deserve to go based off of how poorly I worded things the last few days. Sorry that I let you all down here TEAM.


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