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12 hours ago, bigbadbuff said:

Oh no, they went after the wiseman. Roman ain’t gonna be happy!! (heyman at 58 years old going through a table is wild)


When is the RR return? Any chance MITB? 

Well, the simple numbers say that it's still 3 against 4 in terms of Team Cody vs Bloodline.  Now we haven't seen, and I think they've been very coy to not put anything to text on teaser banners, whether it's a 6-man or an 8-man tag or what.  I kind of doubt they burn Roman's comeback as a surprise 4th partner.  But I could see him "making the save" when the 4's inevitably get the numbers advantage on the 3's.

That said, if it's the later, I'm not booking Roman to come in as all hero babyface; legit book him as Austin - he comes in and he's flat out after Solo, and he's hitting/tossing aside/ragdolling even KO or Orton if they're in the path of the most direct route to solo.  As far as he's concerned Cody, KO, and Orton are just there and if they're in his way, he's getting them out of his way, that he happens to be the equalizer is moot... to him.  He's going to get massively cheered regardless, but he still needs to be in "Don't eff with me" mode.

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