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Overwatch Mafia 2.0 - Game Over - The Six Stack Wins!!!


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5 minutes ago, squire12 said:

Will pickle rick call this a classic mafia move to ghost around nightfall?

Let's see the double standard come out.

Maybe if you tag pickle, you can get a pass from him.


1 minute ago, MWil23 said:

Classic scum move! Right @Pickle Rick!!!!

It's like they are coordinating 🤔🤔

And by the way, much is not at all.  If he isn't on then its scummy if he is on some then it's a null statement 

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16 hours ago, squire12 said:

@theuntouchable, @Woz, @AFlaccoSeagulls, @Matts4313, @Ragnarok

How do you make of the night kill choices?

N1: MD4L,  orca,  swag, forge.  1 player with killing ability, 2 with role blocks, double voter

N2:  attempt was rack, Tk3 redirects to matts.  Rack is watcher

N3:  rack

N4:  attempt on tk3 (redirect), saved by flacco

N5:  tk3

N6:  ET triple vote split

Big priority on night 1 to remove the roleblocks....yet 1 remains in the game.  That player also not voting pickle or bcb currently.

Sorry for the late reply.

N1 - Tactically taking out the town vig, town heavy voter, a JOAT, and a roleblocker. Also, taking out three people who were incredibly active at scum hunting. A perfect storm.
N2 - Sound tactics, that failed due to the bus driver.
N3 - Made up for it by locking down the bus driver and taking out the watcher. Rack also had established town bona fides due to the switch.
N4 / N5 - more on this in a moment
N6 - Take out a veteran player, had a lot of respect amongst town.

The N4/N5 pairing can be interpreted a few ways:

  1. Flacco is town and made the right call. To be fair to him, Tk3 was probably the next closest thing we had to identified town, and he had messed up their plans once. Taking him out as a wildcard made a lot of sense. Thus, the N5 was a guaranteed hit (unless Danger had locked down their hitter ... which he didn't).
  2. Flacco is mafia and it was an attempt to establish Flacco's bona fides. It would mean sacrificing a night's kill, but it would do well to advance him later in the game.


As you say, they took out 3 of the 4 roleblockers ... but left one behind (which based on my reading could be the single most powerful one, at least for a single night). They also took out the watcher, but left the tracker behind. Now, Rags has come up empty repeatedly, but that's looks suspect.

It's also interesting to me that Danger has suddenly gone silent. He asked if he should use his ability and on whom, and then wandered off.

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8 minutes ago, Woz said:

Can someone explain to me the fascination with quick lynching people? Even when we got Dome, it didn't help town advance. There's a reason I tried to slow everyone down last night. However, the last three or four nights everyone locks onto someone and then it's a boat race to get the hammer.

The only scenario I could see it helping us is maybe with Fin and catch him off guard and skip his vig kill altogether. However, if we were to do that, it would probably be better use Danger's roleblock and include Fin in one of the four locks.

Quick lynching is only a quality of life thing. If anything the it benefits the mafia. IF there's a mislynch mafia will go with it hence meaning it's more likely to go through if the mafia is ok with it and tags some votes on board with it.

In the case of Dome it's only a quality of life thing and it was completely obvious, outside of blatant situations, it should be avoided.

@Whicker I don't suppose there's someway for me to utilize my roleblock to block fin's martyrdom? 

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Just now, Woz said:

It's also interesting to me that Danger has suddenly gone silent. He asked if he should use his ability and on whom, and then wandered off.

Yes, he pushed Malf, and pushed him hard in D1.

But what has he done since?

Keep in mind that Malf's power was predicated on a one time use. It wouldn't surprise me that A) he used it well before he was the target, B) was playing ultra scummy, and C) set up Danger as the hero.

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1 minute ago, Woz said:

It's also interesting to me that Danger has suddenly gone silent. He asked if he should use his ability and on whom, and then wandered off.

I was just being lazy and enjoying me weekend. Got some food finally and now I came to check in on things.

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8 hours ago, Woz said:

@Danger, block me if you think I am mafia and want to deny me the night kill. I would completely understand that.

If you think I am going to use the lynchproof power ... I don't know what to tell you at this point.

@Woz I read this when I woke up this morning and TBF, the only thing scummy about you is the role you picked, outside of that there's literally zero suspicion of you on my end.

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18 hours ago, squire12 said:

Do you know what it can block?

It's not really entirely clear to me.

I don't think it can stop anything that effects the vote count and I'm still ??? about Junkrat (Fin)'s power.

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On 5/12/2019 at 3:14 AM, Whicker said:

1. MWil23 - Zenyatta
3. Squire12 - Soldier 76
9. bcb1213 - Moira
10. theuntouchable - Orisa
12. Pickle Rick - Mercy
13. Matts4313 - Reaper
14. FinneasGage - Junkrat
15. Ragnarok - Hanzo
18. AFlaccoSeagulls - Zarya
19. Danger - Reinhardt
21. DingoLadd Woz - Mei

Gonna power rank everyone from most scummy to least in my eyes, omitting myself for obvious reasons.

1. PRick
2. Fin

3. MWil (Flying super under the radar IMO)
4. Matts
5. Squire
6. bcb

7. UnT
8. Woz
9. Ragnarok
10. Flacco

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For a moment, let's assume that all of the following are town: MWil, Flacco, Pickle, squire, and bcb.

Who has generated all of the heat in the conversation? The same five, all protesting their innocence.

Who does that benefit? Mafia, as all of the investigation focuses on those five and creates a storm.


What if you're all innocent?

Take all of those names off your boards for a moment. Who remains?

Me? Okay, sure. But why would I want you all to reevaluate your boards if I were mafia?


Who looks worst in that crew? Rags? The complete lack of tracking ability is impressive in its ineptitude, but is this a WIFOM scenario ("I wouldn't be that bad if I were mafia") or just really horrific luck? Fin? Hasn't really helped, acted suspicious, but we're all afraid of his vig hit. Maybe it's time to bite the bullet and cross our fingers? Matts? Other than his early target on James when he came back in, he has been ... well ... a complete wraith. Danger? People twigged to him just interacting but not really advancing the vote since D1. Touch? I'd argue he's been the most town-like, but he did lock horns with ET heavily. But was that just more town-on-town violence?

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5 minutes ago, Danger said:

It's not really entirely clear to me.

I don't think it can stop anything that effects the vote count and I'm still ??? about Junkrat (Fin)'s power.

I kind of think it might:

On 5/12/2019 at 3:12 AM, Whicker said:

Earthshatter – Once during the game, at night, you may choose up to four players. Those players will be unable to perform any actions for that night.

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ok so. I do want to say, I don't think the role of tracker particularly would benefit the mafia all that much in a game where they know who is all what role and every person's affiliation. It gives them very little utility. Nor do I think Ragnarok is any more guilty by his pharsing/actions than anyone else.

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