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Marvel Mafia - The game is over, the Sinister Six have conquered Earth!


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1 minute ago, Malfatron said:

first, you guys help figure out who the other killers are?

whether likely mafia or town.

the purple stone is thanos. so thanos killed bcb

and the others?


I am rank zero on superheroes, but only a handful of heroes fit the flavor for the other two.  MWil said one, I don't know that I should say the other?

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1 minute ago, Malfatron said:

lets figure out the allignments of the killers first

could be 1 vig, 1 sk, 1 mafia

It's what I thought, but I don't know how many metal heroes there are...

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1 hour ago, SwAg said:

Why does Dome have to explain when you wouldn't have to explain when you voted matts for different reasons? 

In other words: if there are multiple bases for a lynch, why would someone else have to answer for you being wrong.

Swag's big girl **** post. re-sized to reflect his self worth. 

55 minutes ago, SwAg said:

and if you're wondering when I sleep: I don't.


11 minutes ago, rackcs said:

The LBC is sitting in his perch, restringing his bow. The night was calm, just how he liked it. It made his job so much easier. As he looked out onto the city below he couldn’t help but feel uneasy. He looked around him and didn’t see anything but he just couldn’t shake that feeling in his gut. He stood up, nocking an arrow.

Out of nowhere, something flew into him from behind and knocked him out of his perch. The LBC tumbled to the ground but immediately jumped back up, losing multiple arrows in the direction of his attacker. They all clang off of his metal body and he hurtles towards The LBC at break neck speed. The LBC closes his eyes and braces for the inevitable. His metal assailant slams into him as high speeds, severing his spine and causing untold amounts of internal damage.

The LBC is dead. He was Hawkeye, Avengers-Aligned.

This is 1000% Ultron given the metal body and speed. 

11 minutes ago, rackcs said:


Bcb1213 sits alone in his home. He was happy after a successful night. He laid down in bed and prepared to go to sleep. Then he heard a creaking noise. He bolted upright in bed. The creaking continued, someone was clearly walking up the stairs towards him. He stood up and rushed out to confront his intruder, confident that he could handle any threat towards him. A red aura began to glow around his hands.

He ran out to the stairs but found nobody there. He checked a couple of rooms upstairs and found nobody. He began to back up back towards his room when there was suddenly a strong flash of purple light. Bcb1213 looked down and saw a gaping hole in his chest. He collapsed to his knees and then to the floor as his killer fled the scene.

Bcb1213 is dead. He was the Scarlet Witch, Avengers-Aligned.

Thanos but could be an evil magic user. 

11 minutes ago, rackcs said:


The Orca smiles as he enters his mansion. Everything was going according to plan. He sits down in front of his control center, looking out to see what was happening in the city tonight. He leans back and props his feet up on the desk, scrolling through the feeds. He hears a growl behind him but before he can react, he feels blades sink deep into his back. The Orca bleeds out in his chair, alone.

The Orca is dead. He was Doctor Doom, Sinister Six-Aligned.

I would bet black panther but the blades suggest wolverine tbh. Town sided kill obviously 

11 minutes ago, rackcs said:


It is now Day 3! With 19 alive and 19 voting, it's 10 to lynch!


7 minutes ago, Malfatron said:



ok, Marvel fans

who are these killers likely to be based on the description?

i think we have multiball

I gotcha. 

5 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

the purple light is the power stone.

its thanos.



2 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

i did a thing last night.

i have info to share.

so now or later?


Just now, Malfatron said:

first, you guys help figure out who the other killers are?

whether likely mafia or town.

the purple stone is thanos. so thanos killed bcb

and the others?


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1 minute ago, SwAg said:

It's what I thought, but I don't know how many metal heroes there are...

Iron Man.


War Machine, could be war machine given the broken spine is a direct reference to him. 

Ultron as a villain. 

Not a lot tbh.

Just now, Counselor said:

What metal character flies around? Could be a mis hit by Iron Man? 

Did Matts list one of his five powers as being a hit?

Doubt it's a hero but I could be wrong. 

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