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Marvel Mafia - The game is over, the Sinister Six have conquered Earth!


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Mwil23 is satisfied after two successful nights in a row. He tucks the Mind Stone away, readying to use it again the next night. He goes to meet up with his allies to see how their nights went when he is blindsided by a punch. He quickly goes into attack mode. His foe hits him again but this time with claws extended. They create a deep scratch in Mwil23’s metal plating.

“That is…unexpected.”

Mwil23 boosts himself into the air, flinging his attacker off him. He shoots a few concussive blasts at his attacker, but he dodges all of them. Mwil23 flies towards him as fast as he can and slams into him, trying to cause as much damage as possible. Mwil23 continues flying forward, clutching the man tightly. The attacker continually slams his claws into Mwil23’s back, causing major damage. Mwil23 flies them straight into a wall which crumbles around them. When the dust cleared, Mwil23 was trapped under a pile of rubble, too weak to escape. The attacker jumps on top of him and starts savagely slashing at his face over and over until it was just a pile of circuits and machinery.

Mwil23 is dead. He was Ultron, Sinister Six-Aligned.


Malfatron is sitting in his home having a meal after a night well done. He grabs a piece of pizza and is getting ready to eat it when there is a knock on the door. He sighs and gets up to answer the door. He opens it to find nothing but an empty landscape before him. He looks left and looks right before shrugging his shoulders and closing the door and going back to his pizza.

He gets back to his living room to see that all of his pizza is gone, vanished.

“My pizza! A travesty!”

He walks towards the box to inspect it when he hears a sinister chuckle from behind him. He turns around to see a man with a red face pointing a gun at him.

“I’m sorry Malfatron, but ve can no longer let you interfere vith our plans.”

“Ha! Silly man, bullets can’t hurt me!”

“Oh but these are special bullets, designed to kill meddlesome Avengers such as yourself. Auf wiedersehen!”

The man pulls the trigger and a bullet flies through the air. Malfatron has no time to react and prepares himself for death but at the last minute Utley stretches himself out in front of Malfatron, protecting him from the bullet. Utley drops to the floor.

The attacker tries to shoot again but the gun jams. He throws it to the ground in frustration before running away.

Malfatron leans down to check on Utley, who is not looking good. Utley looks him in the eyes.

“I told you so…you’re welcome.”

And with that, Utley takes his dying breath.

Utley is dead! He was Mr. Fantastic, Avengers-Aligned.


Everyone is getting ready to go about their day, when suddenly someone cried, "Look at bcb1213's body!"

Bcb1213's form started to shift and soon it was clear that he was not who everyone thought he was.

Bcb1213 is still dead. He was Queen Veranke, Skrull-Aligned.

Day 4 has begun! With 16 alive and 16 voting, it’s 9 to lynch!

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3 minutes ago, SwAg said:
3 minutes ago, SwAg said:

I have a sense of foreboding from the fact it's taking longer for Night 3 than Night 2, and there were three deaths on Night 2.

Which I know is baseless and irrational, but it's how I feel.

We still need the Ragnarok full write up.  Might be an epic one for a fallen former WF site player.  

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3 minutes ago, rackcs said:

Malfatron is sitting in his home having a meal after a night well done. He grabs a piece of pizza and is getting ready to eat it when there is a knock on the door. He sighs and gets up to answer the door. He opens it to find nothing but an empty landscape before him. He looks left and looks right before shrugging his shoulders and closing the door and going back to his pizza.

He gets back to his living room to see that all of his pizza is gone, vanished.

“My pizza! A travesty!”

He walks towards the box to inspect it when he hears a sinister chuckle from behind him. He turns around to see a man with a red face pointing a gun at him.

“I’m sorry Malfatron, but ve can no longer let you interfere vith our plans.”

“Ha! Silly man, bullets can’t hurt me!”

“Oh but these are special bullets, designed to kill meddlesome Avengers such as yourself. Auf wiedersehen!”

The man pulls the trigger and a bullet flies through the air. Malfatron has no time to react and prepares himself for death but at the last minute Utley stretches himself out in front of Malfatron, protecting him from the bullet. Utley drops to the floor.

The attacker tries to shoot again but the gun jams. He throws it to the ground in frustration before running away.

Malfatron leans down to check on Utley, who is not looking good. Utley looks him in the eyes.

“I told you so…you’re welcome.”

And with that, Utley takes his dying breath.

Utley is dead! He was Mr. Fantastic, Avengers-Aligned.

Props to @Utley on this.  

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Mwil is satisfied after two successful nights in a row. He tucks the Mind Stone away, readying to use it again the next night.

MWil was successful both nights.  What does the Mind Stone do, nerds?

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14 hours ago, MWil23 said:

So Squire is conveniently lurking most of the game, has a vig hit/claims Wolverine about 10 hours after the fact, and is willing to answer and go along with whatever Matts says? Sounds like this was cooked up in chatty tbh.

This was the clinching post for me to submit on Mwii

3 minutes ago, SwAg said:

I figured out MWil without a night action, @Malfatron.  Come at me, brother.

You made a very strong case for sure.  kudos to you for that.  

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2 minutes ago, SwAg said:

MWil was successful both nights.  What does the Mind Stone do, nerds?

Various things - most notably it could control minds, though I think if there were a conversion mechanic in this game, it would have been in the hands of an independent. 

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