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Marvel Mafia - The game is over, the Sinister Six have conquered Earth!


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Worth pointing out.  The OP states "Avengers-Aligned," not "Avengers."  That could be because the host assumed that not everyone would know who all comprise the Avengers, but given the popularity of the MCU, I'm more inclined to believe he'd err on the side of thinking everyone had at least a firm grasp on who was hero and who was villain.  Still not in the boat that there are multiple hero teams involved - multiple teams of "baddies" would seem more likely.  

I'm not really a fan of spinning off on trying to make sense of things through canon material; far more often than not it just leads to off-shooting strands and theories that do more to confuse than to actually find mafia.

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12 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:


As I said, not really worried about names. Would 15-6-3 be a reasonable ratio? 

Curious if the omissions are good or bad guys? I think the bad guys are right. the "big 3" from the avenger movies, and I copied the S.Six straight from google

I've got no bead on a ratio. Who has played his games? Whatever they say is what I'll go with.

Omissions are good guys. I'm assuming there are multiples, but I'm going to leave it at that for now. 

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3 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

There are cults in the movies - Hydra is a big part of the avengers. 

The comics would far more support a cult theory.

That said, adding a cultist into a game where everyone is powered feels very overkill-ish to me, even if it does fit - per @SwAg - the host's M.O.

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2 minutes ago, The LBC said:

Worth pointing out.  The OP states "Avengers-Aligned," not "Avengers."  That could be because the host assumed that not everyone would know who all comprise the Avengers, but given the popularity of the MCU, I'm more inclined to believe he'd err on the side of thinking everyone had at least a firm grasp on who was hero and who was villain.  Still not in the boat that there are multiple hero teams involved - multiple teams of "baddies" would seem more likely.  

I'm not really a fan of spinning off on trying to make sense of things through canon material; far more often than not it just leads to off-shooting strands and theories that do more to confuse than to actually find mafia.

Thats exactly why I was hoping for XMEN to be squeezed in. More than likely its people from Wakanda, The Guardians, The Magic/Strange people... Basically any one of those people in the last movie. 

But I hope there is Deadpool and XMEN

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Just now, Matts4313 said:

Bucky Brooks. 

Kinda fair.  But doesn't go evil, he just gets brainwashed.  And even then, he is redeemed and reverted.  

I personally don't think there is a cult, don't think rack would put in a cult, and don't think it's worth going down that rabbithole.  It'll be nothing but a worthless distraction imo.  

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1 minute ago, Matts4313 said:

Thats exactly why I was hoping for XMEN to be squeezed in. More than likely its people from Wakanda, The Guardians, The Magic/Strange people... Basically any one of those people in the last movie. 

But I hope there is Deadpool and XMEN

And I think the host was banking on exactly that hope from people.  If I were writing such a game I know that I'd abuse the crap out of people having that hope to have it as an added element in the game.

I won't be surprised to see non-Avenger names pop up, but I also won't be surprised if there's not a full Avengers roster outside the founding members and (this I'm less confident in, but I feel pretty good about it) if there aren't any gray-area/anti-heroes in the game that aren't actually Others.

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7 hours ago, Forge said:

The claiming was horrific. That's why I hate whatever he is doing. He didn't need everyone to answer the question. "Are you scum" is such a common first day question that nobody thinks twice about it. It was idiotic to just out and claim like that. He could have gotten just a single person to answer that question on the downlow and used that for his lie detector. Getting everyone to answer, getting one person to answer still results in one single cleared civ either way. 

Hadn't considered the role blocking, though. You're right on that. As for him being mafia and being a town leader, definitely not happening on this end. With a closed set up, the only way I verify his story is with his death. Obviously, some others may disagree, but after this, he's never going to be a "town leader" for me. 

I can understand the basic premise of what you are saying.  I would counter with if Matts has a 1 shot with the lie detector move and it is a N1 only, then he needs to get as much information out there as possible to be able to sift through to submit a post on 1 of his top scum suspects.  

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People reading up are going to be upset when they realized we wasted a few pages with near irrelevant information just to do it. 

I kinda feel deflated to try with the Malf fiasco. 

Maybe I will try a new tactic tomorrow. Or see if we can just get a speed lynch. 

@rackcs => how will you handle it if we get 13 votes? It will be tricky with the holiday weekend. 

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