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Marvel Mafia - The game is over, the Sinister Six have conquered Earth!


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Just now, SwAg said:

Were you roleblocked?

Counselor, were you motivated last night, like matts said?

That should answer that.

I don't know if I can be roleblocked or not. 

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10 minutes ago, Counselor said:

But didn’t TK or Matt’s say Matts came back as vanilla town? But how would he be able to motivate me if that was true?

He later revealed he was lying when tk3 said he came back as he was.

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31 minutes ago, Counselor said:

So why would he lie? 

A few reasons.  He said something along the lines of trying to avoid being hit because mafia wouldn’t waste a hit on Vanilla Town, particularly someone as inept as matts.  Alright, I added that last part.

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On 5/30/2019 at 9:08 AM, squire12 said:

This was the clinching post for me to submit on Mwii

You made a very strong case for sure.  kudos to you for that.  


On 5/29/2019 at 4:49 AM, SwAg said:

Vote count on matts when he is peaking at votes.

I said this.  As you can see, I said 11 instead of 10.

Apparently 10 instead of 11 is inordinately significant.

MWil is around for all of this development, but is hardly doing anything.

Then he mentions he would be down for a hammer on matts.  I don't think I'm stretching the bounds of reasonability by saying that's why he was curious about 11 vs. 10.  If anything, the next few posts implicate that further.

I think that matts having a count ran up with little to no commitment to the rationale on it is ridiculous.

There is little-to-no significance in the distinction between 1 and 2 votes removed from the hammer, as I am about to explain below. 

However, that is not the significant aspect of this post.  The significant portion is that he is clarifying, and not scum baiting with this post.  Keep that in mind.  It becomes significant here shortly.





This is once again not that significant.  It's portraying what I think is an artificial view of the 1-2 distinction for the purpose of explaining the above and maintaining consistency.  Then ends with a joke / disengage.

This set the relevant portion in motion.



I'm incredulous at the notion MWil is postulating.

I am reacting to MWil declaring Dome should "hope and pray" that matts flips scum because otherwise he "has some explaining to do."

Dome is confused to do.

Apparently so is MWil.

I ask a simple question.  What would Dome have to explain?

I voice my view that this was absolutely egregious.  Maybe too egregious to be scum?  I don't know, why not look at how the interaction unfolds.

As part of the relevant background (which will be shown in the post sequence shortly): MWil is voting matts for reasons independent of Dome's case.

Alright, so this is MWil's response.  He ignored the substantive question, and went right to an attack on my credibility with a false equivalency.  I said 11 instead of 10 related to a vote total on matts.  He is shackling the outcome of a matts lynch to one person, Dome, despite MWil lynching him for other reasons.  These are not alike.

These are not alike.

He is floundering.  This is completely unrelated to the current conversation.

I call him on what I explained above.

I rhetorically ask MWil why he is voting for Dome to draw out why it is egregious that he has independent reasons for voting for Matts, but is trying to push responsibility of the lynch's outcome onto Dome.

I draw it out further here.

I conclude that I caught a bad guy because there is no way of answering this in a satisfactory manner.

Malfatron somehow doesn't see this.

I spelled it out by quoting all of it to Malfatron.  He ignored it.

I was wrong here.

None of this actually answered the question.  You merely declared I was tunneling, then tried to belittle my read by saying "you do this ever game," and finally concluded by taunting me about your perception that I am unable to read you.

I am beside myself with this response.  I have no idea how no one else is acknowledging this interaction.


For whatever reason, you all seem to think refusing to engage me is somehow akin to standing up to a bully or displaying courage.  I have no idea why anyone is intimidated by interaction, but it's not what I attempt to portray or elicit.

But anyway, you don't evade or disengage.  Yet, somehow, you have evaded and disengaged throughout this whole conversation.  I dare someone to show me a reasonable construction of these posts that is not reasonably characterized as evasive or disengaging.

I'm jeering at the concept that he's declaring he is not intimidated.

I repeat this.  You haven't actually engaged me at all.  You've done some bargain bin tough talk and repeatedly some fallacies.

The disengage, topic switch, banter commences.

I once again tag Malfatron with a synopsis.  I receive no response.

But somehow this received a response from Malfatron.  So, it is not as though he is not present.

I permit the disengage because somehow with 10+ people present, no one is seeing what I am seeing, and I hoped permitting a disengage would further my position later.

Included just for the lols.


Additionally, I believe MWil is scum because (in addition to above) (1) MWil planted on matts the whole day and used it as a reason to abstain from most of the developments, and committed with this vigor, despite hardly pursuing matts on D1 (and in general being ambivalent on the subject) to "only matts"; and (2) he will likely continue to use it as a reason to abstain from developments.


On 5/29/2019 at 7:23 AM, MWil23 said:

Apparently pointing out when Swag makes a mistake in a potential hammer situation is a big no no and only applies to others.

When the hammer is 12 yes

I was already voting Matts, nothing else to do.

Wow I wonder what gave that away? Probably that I voted him already and said I liked using the hammer. I also said this in overwatch. Not a surprise at all.

Yet Forge says he doesn’t think it’s Matts and tries to hammer him twice and Counselor can change his vote 20 times and that’s ignored. Interesting.

LOL. Funny, he was saved twice by a solitary vote. Must not be significant.

Whats there to bait? I was on Matts.

I’m scummy because I’m consistent. Excellent detective work.

I almost always do.


Nice to make an impression.

Ironically I ended with a joke/disengage with LOL. Wow I never do that. Then again, I just did, but I guess I’m too consistent for my own good

That’s his default setting, right @ET80 and @Dome? Guy doesn’t know the difference between a mirror and window.

I’m not even sure at this point what you’re asking or the content of half the vocabulary you’re using.

Leading a lynch on Matts. In my experience, if it turns up false, usually town goes hard after the guy who either started it or piled on at the end.

You should be a narrator.

Wait, more like opinion blogger or columnist. Watching you spin things is classic. 

See above 

And you throw your vote away on me, just as you started out the day before doing, along with MD4L at the time. 

Its also significant in that Matts just so happens to be not hammered by 1 vote. Man, I just don’t know why I would have been so caught up in a single vote.

Imagine that.

You were and are tunneling on me. Two separate days with votes on me at some point, all while giving those above a free pass.

I stand by that, you do.

Bring it full circle to my entire NWO premise going back to the beginning of this game into the end of overwatch. Convenient you ignored this and left this out from your blog.

Because the 9-10 other people don’t care I’d assume.

I’m a teacher, you’re not a bully.

You don’t understand how your superiority and accusatory tones while belittling others comes across. You just lack social awareness.

Nor will I as I’ve said over and over.

How about now?

Forge and Counselor still getting a free pass on those two words.

I’m telling you, if lawyer doesn’t pan out, narrating or opinion based blogging 👍👍

You just don’t like it being pointed out that you were wrong originally.


Translation: I am upset no one backs me and go sulk.

That, and we have yet to have a single night action, so there’s not much to go off of...especially with 23 people and like 365 pages.





On 5/29/2019 at 7:25 AM, SwAg said:

I don't know what you're not grasping.


On 5/29/2019 at 7:28 AM, SwAg said:

You still haven't explained.  You just faceplanted with a bunch of quips that make no sense relative to what you're responding and avoided the ultimate issue.


On 5/29/2019 at 7:31 AM, MWil23 said:

LOL WHAT A JOKE. Feel free to brush everything I said aside and dodge/redirect. I’m not buying your facade. 


On 5/29/2019 at 7:31 AM, SwAg said:

You seriously went through 40 lines of a response and didn't even acknowledge the core accusation of that.


On 5/29/2019 at 7:33 AM, SwAg said:

Are you kidding?  Read your own post.  I know you're not an English teacher, but Jesus.


On 5/29/2019 at 7:33 AM, MWil23 said:

You just ignored an entire response of mine last page where I went through and answered everything. That’s ridiculous at best.


On 5/29/2019 at 7:35 AM, MWil23 said:

This is the belittling and lacking in self awareness that is misconstrued as bullying I referenced last page. 


On 5/29/2019 at 7:38 AM, SwAg said:


Bold = Jokes

Purple = Misinterpreting your own post.  Good work.

Green = Not what I said.  Good work.

Yellow = I have no idea what that means.

Nowhere in the remainder did you actually address anything of consequence in my post, let alone the ultimate issue.  If I'm being generous, you had 4 posts that genuinely responded to what I said, even if I think the answer was dumb.


On 5/29/2019 at 7:38 AM, SwAg said:

So, you can dish it but cannot take it?


On 5/29/2019 at 7:39 AM, SwAg said:

No, I didn't.  Lmao.  I read every single line.  70% of it objectively made no sense relative to what I said or asked.


On 5/29/2019 at 7:44 AM, SwAg said:

Once more for good measure:

You made a case for matts independent of Dome's reasoning.  Why should Dome hope and pray for the outcome to be Matts is Mafia, or else?


On 5/29/2019 at 7:46 AM, MWil23 said:

I can do both, unlike you. 

As per your post above:

My points 














Your head


On 5/29/2019 at 7:47 AM, MWil23 said:

I answered this last page. Try reading.


On 5/29/2019 at 7:47 AM, SwAg said:

Can you point out the points you made that genuinely addressed my concerns? 

You can just bold them as I did.

This is rich.


On 5/29/2019 at 7:49 AM, SwAg said:

No, you started with LOL, in response to Dome insulting the people attacking him.  You can't manipulate the text.  Your immediate contemporaneous response to my accusation shows that this is a lie too.


On 5/29/2019 at 7:49 AM, SwAg said:

Why are you lying right now?  Why didn't you just say "It was a joke" at the time if it was a joke?  You're so obviously lying right now.  It is unbearable.


On 5/29/2019 at 7:52 AM, MWil23 said:


On 5/29/2019 at 7:54 AM, SwAg said:

Why does Dome have to explain when you wouldn't have to explain when you voted matts for different reasons? 

In other words: if there are multiple bases for a lynch, why would someone else have to answer for you being wrong.


On 5/29/2019 at 7:55 AM, SwAg said:

It's clearly not a joke.  Read how you responded at the time.  I invite everyone to read how you responded.


On 5/29/2019 at 7:56 AM, SwAg said:

This is becoming ridiculous.  You gave a "serious" (general) answer to the question, then said it was a joke.  Which is it? lol


On 5/29/2019 at 8:00 AM, SwAg said:

I'm out for a couple hours.

But MWil is def Mafia, brothers.

Make sure you don't let him skate by.


On 5/29/2019 at 8:11 AM, MWil23 said:

If matts is lynched and he flips, then I’ll answer for it separate of Dome. As of now it’s a moot point.

You all think I'm Mafia with Dome.

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On 5/26/2019 at 10:20 PM, rackcs said:

After the lynch everyone heads home for the night, ready to start plotting their moves in secret. Suddenly a blinding blue light fills the air. A huge portal is appearing around the town! What's happening? One by one everyone slips into the portal. Once everyone is through, they start looking around. They notice that the sun is no longer setting, but is rising. Someone runs to grab a newspaper and yells...

"Hey everyone, it's not Night 1! It's Day 2! We must have been teleported to a new dimension!"

It is now Day 2! With 23 alive and 23 voting, it's 12 to lynch!

The deadline is Tuesday at 10 PM EST.


On 6/1/2019 at 5:00 PM, rackcs said:

MD4L rolls through the streets of the city after a night of intense mental activity in Cerebro. He passes by a group of late night drinkers stumbling on their way home. He wheels to the right side of the sidewalk, giving them a wide berth. After they had rambled out of sight, the night was quiet again. It was not often that MD4L was able to enjoy complete and total silence. He was lost in the moment when that silence was broken by a loud wooshing sound behind him. He turned around to a man on a glider flying around after him. He turns and pushes himself forward faster and faster but it's not fast enough. The unknown man threw a bomb down that exploded right next to MD4L, sending him flying out of his wheelchair. The man hovered over him and laughed maniacally. 

"No! Please don't hurt me!" MD4L cried, "Please, I have to get back to my students. Please think of them!"

The man just continued laughing as he began to rain more bombs down on MD4L, silencing him forever.

MD4L is dead. He was Professor X, Avengers-Aligned.


As the crowd gathered to begin a new day, the ground started to rumble. Out of blue portal a large stage appeared. On the stage were three men in stocks. They are Pickle Rick, Matts4313, and Tk3. They are on the chopping block and are the only people who may be lynched today!

Day 6 has begun! With 13 alive and 13 voting, it’s 7 to lynch!

The deadline will be Sunday at 10 PM EST.


On 5/31/2019 at 11:15 PM, rackcs said:

"Guys come on, pleeeeeeaaaaaaasssssseeeee lynch me!"

"Well maybe, first we have to do with these green civs. We just need Captain America to stop going after the black civs first."

"Please for the love of god just lynch me already..."

"Well maybe, first everybody finish claiming. Let's get it out there."

"I just want to be lynched guys."

"Alright fine we'll lynch you."

"Yeah whatever, I wasn't even trying to get lynched anyways."

As everybody is still deliberating, a giant blue explosion rips through the crowd. Everybody scatters and the day phase is over. However, a few determined individuals want to end this day phase right. They go after their top guy, Dome. They surround him, getting ready to throw hands as chaos swirls around them. Dome takes one look at his attackers and knows he's outnumbered. He looks up and flies away, escaping the lynch.

Day 5 has ended early and Night 5 has begun. You have until 8:30 AM EST tomorrow morning to send me your night moves.


On 5/31/2019 at 12:10 PM, Forge said:

You redirected me. To ET. If you didn't, then something is up, because I was redirected to him. 


On 5/31/2019 at 12:10 PM, SwAg said:

Before this spirals, Forge tried to track me, lmao.


On 5/31/2019 at 12:12 PM, SwAg said:

Crazy how lifelike these hologram projections can be!


On 5/31/2019 at 3:04 PM, MD4L said:

There is another redirector in the game.


On 5/31/2019 at 3:06 PM, MD4L said:

With one of my targets, yes.


On 5/31/2019 at 3:06 PM, SwAg said:

Were you trying to investigate me?


On 5/31/2019 at 3:06 PM, Malfatron said:

if one of them was swag, that was explained in thread


On 5/31/2019 at 3:07 PM, SwAg said:

Okay, then we've already addressed this.


On 5/31/2019 at 3:07 PM, MD4L said:

Can I get a page number?

Me doing Loki things.

Think about the early day phase end.  I shifted votes away from me and toward Rick and Dome.  I wasn't really going to be lynched at that point.  I was tired of waiting for you all to sit around do nothing, so I ended it with the highest lynch total getting lynched.  Does that sound like something someone would do if they were in a faction or antagonistic?  I could have voted 30 seconds after the write-up is posted and end the phase if I wanted to, and I didn't.

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There is a mountain of evidence to tell you that I'm telling the truth, and it seems like you're refusing to look at it and repeating tiresome rhetoric "confirmed non-town lol."

So, I'm probably going to wake up dead. 

Remember what I said.

10 minutes ago, SwAg said:

























You all think I'm Mafia with Dome.

This was on Night 2.  You're on crack if you think I'm Mafia and destroying my own teammate on Night 2.

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Also, I saved matts there, while destroying my alleged teammate.

I honestly cant comprehend how you all think I'm the appropriate play for today given what's transpired.

"zero risk, non-Town, lol" --> read: opportunity cost

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3 hours ago, SwAg said:

There is a mountain of evidence to tell you that I'm telling the truth, and it seems like you're refusing to look at it and repeating tiresome rhetoric "confirmed non-town lol."

So, I'm probably going to wake up dead. 

Remember what I said.

This was on Night 2.  You're on crack if you think I'm Mafia and destroying my own teammate on Night 2.

So we have seen your moves and abilities:

1.  Cancel night

2. End the day phase early

3.  Restrict the lynch option for the following day

4.  Redirect any night moves at you to someone else

Those are 4 really powerful moves in the end game scenario. 

You can't be hit at night it would seem.

You could singularly determine the lynch during a day.

You could restrict the lynch options.

Since those are not in play currently,  it is either remove you today,  or risk not being able to at all.

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22 hours ago, rackcs said:

Vote Count

mission27 - 1 - squire12

With 9 alive and 9 voting, it's 5 to lynch!


21 hours ago, Matts4313 said:


Any more crazy ridiculous theories against me Swaggypoo? Threads kinda dead. 


21 hours ago, ET80 said:

I'll ultimately go with Mission, simply because there are no better options (save for SwAg, but I sincerely think he's an other with a pro-town wincon). 

I'll probably unvote a few times, simply to discuss when more are around.


21 hours ago, Dome said:



21 hours ago, Dome said:

@squire12 unvote 


21 hours ago, Dome said:


unvote for just a bit. Let’s not rush to voting right now. Not with a double vote in play.

Even if ET is 100% unconverted all American Cap he can still be wrong, and is being reckless.

Swag....why did you not vote mission yesterday? 

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