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43M's Gaming Journal: Zelda: Breath of the Wild REVIEW!!!!


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The endgame stuff for Ghost of Tsushima was pretty great.   With that and the Iki Island stuff, it added another 12 to 15 hours for me.   I was able to finish all the personal sidequests and liberate all the continents.

Terrific game, but Im happy to be moving on.  

As for my next game....its one I started over 15 years ago, got 2/3 of the way through and never finished.....








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FF 7 is so damn good.  You're gonna have a blast.  I've been playing the PS5 version and it is soooooo smooth but PS4 is great too.

I've tried getting into Ghosts but I just can't stand open world games nowadays.  Especially when the gameplay can get repetitive.  Open world games have to knock it out of the park for me to stay interested and unfortunately I just wasn't interested enough in the story, not that its bad just isn't for me. 

Edited by iknowcool
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1 hour ago, iknowcool said:

FF 7 is so damn good.  You're gonna have a blast.  I've been playing the PS5 version and it is soooooo smooth but PS4 is great too.

I've tried getting into Ghosts but I just can't stand open world games nowadays.  Especially when the gameplay can get repetitive.  Open world games have to knock it out of the park for me to stay interested and unfortunately I just wasn't interested enough in the story, not that its bad just isn't for me. 

FF7, or FF12?   Im going to play 12.

I beat 7 awhile back.   Just havent played Intergrade....which is only on PS5.

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12 is what got me back into gaming when I bought it for PS2 like 5 years ago. I know a lot of people hated the combat style but I really liked it. Being able to automate NPCs was a little challenging to figure out at first but once you got the hang of it, it's very handy! 

Hey 43, you won't beat Yiazmat...... I dare you! 

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  • 5 weeks later...



So I wasnt really sure what to expect when I jumped back into this 15 years after I first started it.    I did remember it, but I wasnt sure how I would to it since I remember not being in love with it years ago.   The gameplay I remembered being okay, but the story and characters just didnt grab me the way past Final Fantasy games had.    So it lost my interest, and at the time, I remember I was working, got deployed in the National Guard and then just never found my way back to it and honestly never expected to.     However, once the remastered Zodiac Age dropped, it sparked my interest in returning and finally finishing it after all these years.

The question is....was it worth it?   Did it change my mind and make me a fan the way it couldnt year ago?

First off, the gameplay.     This is where the gameplay changed in the series for good, from turn based combat to an ATB, real time system.     I do enjoy it, and felt like it was a welcome change when it came out all those years ago.   As much as I loved FF6 thru 10, it was time for the series to move forward, and turn based combat was losing its luster IMO.     The gameplay in this game still holds up pretty well, though.   Its actually somewhat similar to Knights of the Old Republic, but I feel like this game holds up much better.   It doesnt feel clunky or janky like KoTOR,.  And some of the additions they made to the remastered game were welcome, like the ability to essentially fast forward through gameplay, which makes grinding and getting through massive areas so much faster and easier.    I put about 80 hours into this game, but it likely wouldve been 120 if not for the ability to speed things up.

The story was solid, but pretty convoluted, despite it being a pretty simplistic premise.      It was interesting enough to hold my attention, but it wasnt anything special.    The bad guys were fairly generic and in some cases, didnt even really feel like BAD guys.    The story didnt really make you grow to hate or even really care much about the enemies.    The main bad guy, Vayne, was fairly lame, even though he was being built up pretty good early on, but it didnt really pay off.

As far as the characters, my feelings on them really didnt change.    I still feel like this game is where the characters really took a step back.    i didnt outright dislike any of the characters like in FF13, but the only character in the game that I really ended up caring for was Balthier.    The others were pretty lame and didnt have much of a personality.     I did end up liking all of them more than I did when I first played it, but all except Balthier were pretty forgettable.

I wasnt a big fan of the character building system either.   Wasnt terrible, but was a downgrade from the sphere grid in FF10 IMO.     

Im going to stop there, if only because I dont want this review to go on too long since this is an older game most people dont care about.

Bottom line:   I actually did gain a newfound appreciation for this game.   I enjoyed many elements, and went through alot of sidequests for more powerful weapons.   I was going to go after some of the superbosses, but I kinda wanted to move on.     I am happy I was able to finally finish this game after all of these years, and even though I still think its where the Final Fantasy series began to go downhill a bit. it was still a very good game, especially for its time.    

Gameplay:  7
Story:  7
Graphics:  7.5 
Value/Replayability:   8 
Personal Enjoyment:  7.5


Final Score:   7.7

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  • 3 weeks later...

Played through Horizon Zero Dawn again and finishing up Frozen Wilds DLC.    Should be starting Forbidden West this weekend.

I love this game so much.  Even managed to get all 15 Blazing Suns in Hunting Grounds.   Hoping Forbidden West can live up to the hype!

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On 9/18/2022 at 1:24 AM, 43M said:



So I wasnt really sure what to expect when I jumped back into this 15 years after I first started it.    I did remember it, but I wasnt sure how I would to it since I remember not being in love with it years ago.   The gameplay I remembered being okay, but the story and characters just didnt grab me the way past Final Fantasy games had.    So it lost my interest, and at the time, I remember I was working, got deployed in the National Guard and then just never found my way back to it and honestly never expected to.     However, once the remastered Zodiac Age dropped, it sparked my interest in returning and finally finishing it after all these years.

The question is....was it worth it?   Did it change my mind and make me a fan the way it couldnt year ago?

First off, the gameplay.     This is where the gameplay changed in the series for good, from turn based combat to an ATB, real time system.     I do enjoy it, and felt like it was a welcome change when it came out all those years ago.   As much as I loved FF6 thru 10, it was time for the series to move forward, and turn based combat was losing its luster IMO.     The gameplay in this game still holds up pretty well, though.   Its actually somewhat similar to Knights of the Old Republic, but I feel like this game holds up much better.   It doesnt feel clunky or janky like KoTOR,.  And some of the additions they made to the remastered game were welcome, like the ability to essentially fast forward through gameplay, which makes grinding and getting through massive areas so much faster and easier.    I put about 80 hours into this game, but it likely wouldve been 120 if not for the ability to speed things up.

The story was solid, but pretty convoluted, despite it being a pretty simplistic premise.      It was interesting enough to hold my attention, but it wasnt anything special.    The bad guys were fairly generic and in some cases, didnt even really feel like BAD guys.    The story didnt really make you grow to hate or even really care much about the enemies.    The main bad guy, Vayne, was fairly lame, even though he was being built up pretty good early on, but it didnt really pay off.

As far as the characters, my feelings on them really didnt change.    I still feel like this game is where the characters really took a step back.    i didnt outright dislike any of the characters like in FF13, but the only character in the game that I really ended up caring for was Balthier.    The others were pretty lame and didnt have much of a personality.     I did end up liking all of them more than I did when I first played it, but all except Balthier were pretty forgettable.

I wasnt a big fan of the character building system either.   Wasnt terrible, but was a downgrade from the sphere grid in FF10 IMO.     

Im going to stop there, if only because I dont want this review to go on too long since this is an older game most people dont care about.

Bottom line:   I actually did gain a newfound appreciation for this game.   I enjoyed many elements, and went through alot of sidequests for more powerful weapons.   I was going to go after some of the superbosses, but I kinda wanted to move on.     I am happy I was able to finally finish this game after all of these years, and even though I still think its where the Final Fantasy series began to go downhill a bit. it was still a very good game, especially for its time.    

Gameplay:  7
Story:  7
Graphics:  7.5 
Value/Replayability:   8 
Personal Enjoyment:  7.5


Final Score:   7.7

I really liked 12, but I tend to only enjoy even numbered final fantasies 😂

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1 hour ago, Forge said:

I really liked 12, but I tend to only enjoy even numbered final fantasies 😂

You didn't like 7 or 9?

Ive enjoyed every mainline FF title since 6.  I even liked 13.   It was very disappointing and I hated the characters, but game was solid.

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54 minutes ago, 43M said:

You didn't like 7 or 9?

Ive enjoyed every mainline FF title since 6.  I even liked 13.   It was very disappointing and I hated the characters, but game was solid.

I disliked 9 a great deal after the first disc. Never understood the hype about 7. Didn't like the characters at all

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