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Aegon's Conquest Mini Mafia - Game Over


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Just now, MWil23 said:

I'm trying to wrap my mind around what exactly just happened. We'd better hope that there are just 2 scum left because if it's 4-2-1 town/scum/other then what just happened is REALLY bad.

I'm on the assumption of 1 Targaryen and 1 Greyjoy left. 

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1 minute ago, MWil23 said:

I'm trying to wrap my mind around what exactly just happened. We'd better hope that there are just 2 scum left because if it's 4-2-1 town/scum/other then what just happened is REALLY bad.


Just now, Nazgul said:

I'm on the assumption of 1 Targaryen and 1 Greyjoy left. 

I agree, I think it is 5-1-1

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1 minute ago, squire12 said:

Someone want to lay out the case for Orca?  I am not fully grasping why he is viewed as scum/other at this point.  

My stance is currently that I have a bad feeling on each of the remaining players for a variety of reasons.  

Did you read his claim?


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Also, orcas claim (if you can call it that) is out in the open

Naz is too, but i simply believe naz claim over orca

If there are 2 scum left, id rather not try to press other players to guide mafia on any night kills

Plus, i think theres a good chance hes actual mafia, and they are no more greyjoys (pickle being a sk type role)

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16 hours ago, The Orca said:

I was led away by a woman preventing my night action....and there was a night kill by a dragon

2 mafia left?

Roleblocks don't match...something?


14 hours ago, The Orca said:

Do it and then Counselor. I am of no use at this point night move wise and am an easy push. Now is a good time to go...plus I won't be very active tommorow


13 hours ago, The Orca said:

None....yet. I was told. I was getting something last night apparently when the lady led me away preventing my night action. 

Your guess is as good as mine to what the heck it means 



13 hours ago, The Orca said:

Nope...also why I asked if someone could be a PGO and not know it

I assume I get something for living 3 days now


13 hours ago, The Orca said:

It's alluding to I have no actual move once again when apparently others do lol


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Just now, The Orca said:

Da fudge...seriously Counselor what the double hockey sticks why

No lynch


Why no lynch?

Just now, The Orca said:

Mwil, Dome, Malf are the choices imo

Pickle didnt get lynched by all town imo

I've finished moving so let me get to my notifications

I'd be open to considering Dome. He's barely contributing with his gifs or making any attempt to help town.

Malf I thought could be scum early, but after both Pickle and Matts that makes me question that.

Care to explain your "no move/move" slip Malf posted above?

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47 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I'm willing to let @The Orca explain himself. Orca, are you Iron Islands/Greyjoy folks a happy town sided contingent?

100% Westeros aligned

1 hour ago, Malfatron said:

By scum i mean mafia. Like the aegon faction

If @The Orca is friendly other, he should make his case and see if we think hes truthful

If I was scum or friendly other dont you think I would have done anything remotely better then this for that type of role. You think after all the times I have been in some manner or made up fake claims that I cant do better than the crap that I put into words about my role this game

7 hours ago, Dome said:

@The Orca

On MWil


I saw it..he isnt exactly trying hard me thinks

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