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STAR TREK: The Next Generation Mafia (Romulan Star Empire wins!)

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2 minutes ago, squire12 said:

If this is correct, then TK3 is  the remaining House Duras (klingon) based on the Dome invest.   Now could Dome be pulling a fast 1 and actually be Romulan , it is possible.  

Swag has stated that his N1 move was alignment compare on Orca 1.0/Malf/Md4L.  Came back as not matching, but I am not sure that really clarifies anything as Malf and Orca were not the same alignment, so MD4L could be anything.  Unless @SwAg has more specifics on the report he got?

Swag N2 has a match on Ted and Forge.  That pair could be Borg, Romulan or Federation

@Matts4313  Did you say there is a player that knows your role/alignment?  Not sure on the specifics of what you have that could help clarify things.

@Forge is who he said 

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On 7/3/2019 at 8:19 PM, The Orca said:

If he is a tactical officer he shouldnt have a disruptor...really confident in this


On 7/3/2019 at 8:22 PM, The Orca said:

Let's just get this out there...I'm a tactical officer and I have almost no back story...no item...no phaser or disruptor



2 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

@The Orca => Can you link us to your rebirth/claim? You were very quick to claim general crew and put the final dagger into Glens heart. Curious. 


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4 minutes ago, squire12 said:

If this is correct, then TK3 is  the remaining House Duras (klingon) based on the Dome invest.   Now could Dome be pulling a fast 1 and actually be Romulan , it is possible.  

Swag has stated that his N1 move was alignment compare on Orca 1.0/Malf/Md4L.  Came back as not matching, but I am not sure that really clarifies anything as Malf and Orca were not the same alignment, so MD4L could be anything.  Unless @SwAg has more specifics on the report he got?

Swag N2 has a match on Ted and Forge.  That pair could be Borg, Romulan or Federation

@Matts4313  Did you say there is a player that knows your role/alignment?  Not sure on the specifics of what you have that could help clarify things.

Yes, but clarifying anything regarding me doesnt really help right now. 

You are putting to much belief into Swags claims imo. 

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"too much belief" --> entertaining that I might actually be telling the truth.

Matts just wants me gone so he can claim to have solved the game all by himself like in Marvel when he repeated what I said for days.

am i doing this ribbing and small text right

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Just now, SwAg said:

"too much belief" --> entertaining that I might actually be telling the truth.

Matts just wants me gone so he can claim to have solved the game all by himself like in Marvel when he repeated what I said for days.

am i doing this ribbing and small text right

He is doing a better job that'll you...majority kf your posts are complaining imo...help us determine who to lynch and why

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4 minutes ago, Forge said:


I doubt that Swag is an alignment comparer, but on the off chance that he is, Ted and I could be neither Borg, nor Romulan because I was on Sir's scan and he did not get Romulan on that scan (he corrected it later). 

@Forge  you are right.  I had the alignments crossed between those 2 posts by SirA1.  So if Swag is telling the truth, then you and Ted with be Federation/Civilian as there should only be 1 House Duras left (at least I hope this is the case)

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9 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:


8 - Swag + _____ - ____ + ____ -  TK3

Presumed Town (by me):

Me, Touch, Squire

Town lean:

SirA, Forge 


Pickle, Orca, MD4L, Dome, Ted, KSJ


Calling my shot - feel free to ridicule post game if this is horribly wrong. 

Borg right now: Swag & Dome

Romulan: Pickle & Ted

Klignon: TK3


MD4L is the wildcard. Could be Romulan or Borg in lieu of one of the others. 

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Just now, Matts4313 said:

Calling my shot - feel free to ridicule post game if this is horribly wrong. 

Borg right now: Swag & Dome

Romulan: Pickle & Ted

Klignon: TK3


MD4L is the wildcard. Could be Romulan or Borg in lieu of one of the others. 

You aren't as good at this as me xD

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