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STAR TREK: The Next Generation Mafia (Romulan Star Empire wins!)

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1 minute ago, The Orca said:


Tk3 visited Forge last night, I tracked him

Tk3 claims i was converted N2, double bussed Malf and Swag basically and then he claims he tracked me to Ted's last night

He admits he is Duras with Mookie and Ted. But now the chat is gone cause he is left and Ted is converted and that I did it 

He still has a kill though he claims


First off...

You didn't bus Malf..

N2 was a 3 lynch option for the first half (Malf/Swag/myself)… you pushed me over BOTH of the other two.. Once it was clear that Malf was going to be the lynch, you jumped on him.

Swag was a bus, but that doesn't mean you couldn't be aligned with him.. The vote got close, but ultimately pulled away again.. you didn't want to stick your neck out..

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If I were lying, do you really think I would have chosen Orca of all people to get into an effing argument with?

If I were lying I would have chosen MD4L or someone on the TK vote because it would have been an easier sell. I wouldn't have chosen someone who would yap back at me.

But I'm not lying.. I'm giving the truth, not the most convenient option

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@Tk3 I said basically...I blew up the theory that Swag was the Borg in the Dome invest leaving Malf as having to be the Borg...which was the whole basis for the vote of Malf. He was the Borg in the invest. I didnt vote him but played a big part in the lynch

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Yes, I do think you would choose orca as orca is liable to jump off the deep end and start saying stuff to get himself hung.

its why I wanted to make a chat with him the night before last. If he is scum, he was likely to slip with how I was approaching the chats, if he was fed aligned it would be pretty easily distinguishable. 

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1 minute ago, The Orca said:

You already called him Duras for like 3 days...so whats up @Dome?

He still duras 

not sister tho

1 minute ago, theuntouchable said:

What is he then dome? 


he have bat’leth... can kill, even with energy vest


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