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STAR TREK: Deep Space 9 Mafia (The Federation, Quark, and Morn wins!)

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On 8/2/2019 at 6:42 AM, TheKillerNacho said:



NOTE: This story takes place in somewhat of a “floating timeline”. While in my mind, it’s taking place in one of the later seasons of the show, I did not attempt to limit myself by making sure it was consistent with the canon of the actual show. The game may make reference to events from the show that can be assumed to be in the past. But a character may be alive or still on the station even if they would’ve died or departed before the referenced events. In short, this game certainly has a few contradictions to the timeline, and thus, you shouldn’t use that info to try to prove something during the game. In general, knowledge about the show is not required to play the game. Flavor for your role will be provided with each Role PM so you’ll at least have some clue what is going on.


It was a tense time on the station - while the Federation had gotten the upper hand in the fighting due to allying with the Romulans and Klingons and mining the wormhole, the Dominion’s alliance with the Breen had made the situation bleak yet again. The one bit of good news for the Federation’s survival chances was Damar and Dukat’s rebellion against the Dominion. Therefore, they were aboard the station seeking advice on mounting a resistance cell from Kira Nerys.


However, a ship was coming from Cardassia Prime at high warp. They had been tracking it for some time - but there was not enough Federation ships in the area to intercept if it was an invasion fleet. Thankfully, only a single Jem’Hadar attack cruiser came out of warp. They hailed the station.


Ben Sisko rubbed his beard and muttered, “on screen”. On the viewscreen was a familiar and unwelcome face: That of Weyoun.


“Captain, we meet again. Can I just take the time to mention how commendable you have been during the -”


“Get to the point, Weyoun!” Sisko barked.


“Very well, Captain. It has come to the attention of the Dominion that you have Dominion fugitives aboard your station. We want them.”


“Last I checked, we were still at war, Weyoun. Give me a reason why I shouldn’t open fire on your ship right now.”


“Oh, come now, Captain,” reasoned Weyoun, “Just because we are at war, doesn’t mean we can’t be civilized… I’ve come here in a single ship, I merely want a fair exchange. We have over a dozen Federation POWs aboard. I believe an exchange of them for our fugitives would be a fair exchange? Even during war, there can be reason for a mutually beneficial trade, after all.”


Sisko pondered for a moment. He couldn’t give them Damar, an agreement was made for their safety. However, he couldn’t let a moment of possible diplomacy go to waste either. “How many are aboard your ship?”


“My ship only carries the minimum complement of Jem’Hadar, myself, another representative of the Dominion and… a founder. You may scan our ship to verify.”


Miles O’Brien scanned the ship, “As far as I can tell, he’s not lying, cap’tin.”


“Very well, Weyoun. Your ship may dock on boarding pad C. Mr. Worf, dispatch a security team immediate to that dock.”


“Right away, sir,” replied Worf.


Just then, however, another ship, this one coming from the direction of Earth, came out of warp.


“Seems like you have quite the situation on your hand, Captain,” said another annoyingly-familiar voice. This one belonged to Sloan, an operative from Section 31.


“Sloan!” scowled Sisko, “We have no need for assistance for you at this time.”


“Oh, I disagree, Captain,” reasoned Sloan, “On board your station right now is all of the major players in the Dominion. We can’t afford to let such an opportunity to end the war pass. But don’t worry, I’ll handle it with this little gift I received from the Romulans.”


Sloan beamed off his ship. Seconds later, O’Brien started picking up strange radiation on  his display. “Sir, this radiation complies with the radiation we saw from the Enterprise-D from its Romulan takeover…”


“Very good,” beamed a now unrecognizable voice - but one that Sisko assumed to be Sloan, “This is the anti-recollection field. This should allow us to deal with this Cardassian and Dominion threat easily, should it not?”


“Cease your actions this moment, mister!” demanded Sisko, but to no avail. He looked around the command center - no one looked familiar to him. This was a tense situation in the war and the political climate of Bajor, this was the last distraction he needed!


Worf was all too familiar with the trouble this could cause - after being assumed dead, he was returned as a POW from the Romulans when the Romulans allied themselves with the Federation against the Dominion. He had thought he would not have to relive the tragedy that occurred aboard the Enterprise.


But it seemed fate decided otherwise. Will the Federation and Bajorans aboard the station be able to fend off Section 31, the Dominion, and the Cardassians?


Welcome to Star Trek: Deep Space 9 Mafia!


You have that list of roles you think is in the game?   Is your Breen accounted for in that with the likely weapon of freezing someone (for a role block in the game)

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Just now, squire12 said:


You have that list of roles you think is in the game?   Is your Breen accounted for in that with the likely weapon of freezing someone (for a role block in the game)

SirA also didn’t think Ezri Dax could have a Bat’leth......

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1 minute ago, squire12 said:


You have that list of roles you think is in the game?   Is your Breen accounted for in that with the likely weapon of freezing someone (for a role block in the game)

“My ship only carries the minimum complement of Jem’Hadar, myself, another representative of the Dominion and… a founder. You may scan our ship to verify.”

This is who I think the Breen is.

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2 minutes ago, squire12 said:


You have that list of roles you think is in the game?   Is your Breen accounted for in that with the likely weapon of freezing someone (for a role block in the game)

If freezing accounts for 1 roleblock...then there is another as well in the game

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