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STAR TREK: Deep Space 9 Mafia (The Federation, Quark, and Morn wins!)

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1 minute ago, SwAg said:


So where did I misstep with regards to kills? Please tell me, oh wise one. I didn't cross up any kills. N1 I ended up hitting Touch, took out a strong player. There are typically aren't "cleared towns" on night one. So where was the error. 

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It's actually rather sad, the need to criticize individuals after the fact when it's largely about just having fun in the moment. Not everyone treats these games as though they are the most serious thing in the world and plans the game out like it's the invasion of Normandy. 

There's probably a reason why people keep quitting these games due to apparent culture change. Shame too, they are generally pretty fun. But I guess it's just not worth it. 

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Just now, SwAg said:

It really hurt your feelings that I said your plan, that you didn’t have according to you, was dumb, didn’t it?

I generally dislike the way you treat people on this forum. 

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I gotta be honest, if swag isn't defending himself against personal attacks made against him, I generally read into his personal attacks as 100% tongue in cheek, or at the very least looking for a funny reaction more than to harm. 


Maybe i'm blissfully unaware. 


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On 11/08/2019 at 10:55 AM, Forge said:

The Matts claim wasn't all that bad if you think about it. He at least put Whicker's role completely out in the open. I mentioned in our chat that I was pretty sure that he had said Whicker's actual role...the problem we were running into was when to waste a hit on Whicker to burn through the extra life. The night that Pwny was roleblocked, Whicker was actually the target. 

lmao, apparently i did more than i even knew with my one pathetic little phaser stun blast.

Apparently managed to stop the whole Kai Wynn Pah-Wraith spreading thing, and stopped a hit on Whicker in one go?  Nice.  lol.

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