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STAR TREK: Deep Space 9 Mafia (The Federation, Quark, and Morn wins!)

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Some people really didn't like @rackcs, who was later revealed to be Kira Nerys, Bajor aligned. Her ashes were found in her quarters, after being hit not only by a disruptor but a phaser set to kill. She was found with a phaser and combadge.

Fortunately for the station, @theuntouchable also bit the dust: He was Luther Sloan, Section 31 aligned. Someone shot him dead with a disruptor as  he was trying to establish a Section 31 presence on the station. He was found with a combadge. Was he able to recruit a young impressionable Star Fleet officer in time?

Day 2 is open. Again (I know I sent the message the first time but it's gone somehow). Day 2 ends 9:00 PM ET 8/6. Autopsies are already on the OP due to this snafu.

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1 minute ago, Malfatron said:

i had webby delete it

now try again, this time with mafia deaths

this is good stuff malf... quality.


Who here thinks malf knew SOME of the info was out there (like the OP being edited to show who died), but not all of it.

Maybe he wanted to act like he had no idea mafia was killed? Mafia would likely have been informed of this in chatty even without a D2 writeup. Good chance to get some WIFOM out there if you're on the ball to act, like malf would be.

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On 8/2/2019 at 6:42 AM, TheKillerNacho said:

Kira Nerys
Major, Bajoran


You are Kira Nerys, major of the Bajoran militia and liaison to the Federation on Deep Space 9. You are firey, passionate, and stubborn. Previously, you were a freedom fighter who used terrorism to drive the Cardassians off of Bajor. You were originally skeptical about inviting the Federation to Bajor, but have since changed your mind.

You are aligned with Bajor: Eliminate all threats to Bajor. At least one in your faction must be alive at the end of the game. The Federation (including Section 31) is allied with Bajor and thus not considered a threat, but you don't need them to win, either.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Twice per game, at night, you may plant a bomb outside target player's quarters. If another player visits targeted player during the night (except if that visit was part of a multiple-target action, like the Tricorder), the targeted player and all players who visited that player during that night will die (except yourself and visitors using a multiple-target action). You cannot use this ability if you used it the night before, nor can you use it the first night of the game.
  • Once per night, instead of bombing, may add a target player to your private chat. You only have one chat and all players will be added to this chat. Player's roles will not be revealed, but all players must join the chat as their FF username. DO NOT add people to the chat yourself, I will create and add people to the chat for you. The link to your chat is here: :removed:

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Phaser: Starts with 2 charges. Can be used on target player to 'stun' (roleblock and removes target's ability to vote the next day), which takes 1 charge or kill which takes 2.
  • Combadge: You may use this to send a message to target player. All messages sent this way will be sent through me, do not PM anyone directly yourself. Messages must be 255 characters or less. They will be informed you were the one who sent the message, but not your role.

@theuntouchable was:

Luther Sloan
Operative, Human


You are Luther Sloan, an operative for Section 31, the Federation's secret intelligence agency. You do what you believe is best to help the Federation by doing what the Federation charter explicitly forbids Federation officers to do. You are cunning, smart, and focused.

You are aligned with Section 31: You win if and only if the Federation wins, and count as Federation for this purpose. However, Federation-aligned players lose if a member of Section 31 remains alive. At least one of your faction must be alive at the end of the game.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • On even nights, may target a player to get a report on their alignment. If they are Federation-aligned, you will also find out if they are considered a crewman, or not.
  • Thrice per game, on an odd night, may target a player. If that player is a crewman (Federation-algined player who is not a member of the command staff), you successfully recruit them into Section 31, converting their alignment to the Section 31. If not, that player player is informed that Luther Sloan attempted to convert them (but not your identity).

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Combadge: You may use this to send a message to target player. All messages sent this way will be sent through me, do not PM anyone directly yourself. Messages must be 255 characters or less. They will be informed you were the one who sent the message, but not your role.


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Just now, Dome said:

the first post that you made after being gone for over an hour.

It was interesting to me.

It was night and there was nothing worth responding/commenting on in the thread.  Would you rather me junk post just to give the impression of being active?  Plus it's hard to type with only one hand available.

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