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2 minutes ago, SwAg said:

The only way you can think what you said is true is if you haven’t read the thread.  I’ve been saying Malfatron is Cult and should be lynched since I got here, and claimed my investigation from last night too.

its an emotional hail mary to get people to vote me without thinking through his fridge logic

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2 minutes ago, Malfatron said:


that means the Hall Monitor didnt roleblock you. which would be a reason for a civ to visit you. you would know if that happened.

thus, the Hall Monitor (and you) are likely to be both mafia

He walked into that one.

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Just now, Malfatron said:

okay, lets start with the most objectively wrong piece.

why did swag claim i was cult d3 and then modkill himself if we are both mafia

Swag was town, invested you on N2...confirmed converter

N3 Bcb dies

N3 Swag revived

N3 Mwil says Bcb roleblocked you but he couldnt confirm cause he dead

N3 Malf the converter brought Swag back to life to his faction...no one else is claiming it...so it makes sense

N3 Whicker confirms you go nowhere

Since then Swag has done nothing but say vote you and that you are vanilla...but now confirms you have a move and its confirmed by others it's a redirect lmao...and he wont vote you or say what happened to being vanilla 

Malf, Mwil, Whicker, Swag

All confirming each other over and over lmao

It's not rocket science...too many interconnected moves



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