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Plain Ol' Mafia, IRL but on the Internet - Day 5 end 7pm EST


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4 minutes ago, The Orca said:

You were a huge hindrance last game because you claimed 10 different things and contradicted your own claims multiple times.

I explained why that was the case.

4 minutes ago, The Orca said:

You also treat normal questions as hostile

Not at all.

4 minutes ago, The Orca said:

and role fishing (which 90% are not)

I do call people out for role fishing. 

4 minutes ago, The Orca said:

You basically countered my watcher claim as false by making up **** that was wrong further clouding the water on who to believe.

In my defense, I knew Pickle wasn't Town and was correct. I also was almost certain that you were scum...and was WAY wrong.

4 minutes ago, The Orca said:

If you just said yeah I visited Pickle and what your move was it would have been 1000000% better for us as civs.  I knew you visited Pickle and you lied about it...hurt civs tremendously.

I basically did 2 pages later and stated my rationale as to why. You just refused to believe it.

4 minutes ago, The Orca said:

So yes you contributed...but in no positive manner at all imo.

Caught Counselor, Caught Touch, and was spot on that Pickle wasn't town...I did all of that.

4 minutes ago, The Orca said:

Even your last move couldnt be confirmed cause you lied and said you dont visit people, meaning Malf would have had to visit you which he was tracked to Touch by @Whicker.

I was verified by 3 people, and you refused to believe it.

4 minutes ago, The Orca said:

Hopefully you see how being caught in an outright lie by another town hurt the credibility of your claims later in the game and influenced who I could trust

That's fair.

4 minutes ago, The Orca said:

Also you havent seen me tunnel in a while. Heck Racks on D1 here and you last game was an F grade from me in terms of tunneling capabilities lmao

You've continued to vote for me multiple consecutive days despite me hitting on my last 4 night moves. If that's not tunneling, I don't know what is.

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7 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I explained why that was the case.

Not at all.

I do call people out for role fishing. 

In my defense, I knew Pickle wasn't Town and was correct. I also was almost certain that you were scum...and was WAY wrong.

I basically did 2 pages later and stated my rationale as to why. You just refused to believe it.

Caught Counselor, Caught Touch, and was spot on that Pickle wasn't town...I did all of that.

I was verified by 3 people, and you refused to believe it.

That's fair.

You've continued to vote for me multiple consecutive days despite me hitting on my last 4 night moves. If that's not tunneling, I don't know what is.

A vote isnt tunneling, saying you are scum isnt tunneling

I never lynched you and went only 25% at you lmao


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