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The Orca's Horror Movie Mafia and Interactive Massacre- Evil and Unknown Win!!!!

The Orca

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3 minutes ago, Forge said:

<tips an imaginary cowboy hat at pickle>

Howdy ma'am, I hear you have a locked door problem

<Investigate key and keyhole, before sliding the key in> 

Looks like an ordinary key slot

3 minutes ago, squire12 said:

Why did this read as an opening scene from a XXX film?

I'll allow it...Counselor is in bed it seems...let's Party!!!!

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6 minutes ago, Whicker said:

How much should I read?


2 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

@The Orca

<pulls our cell phone and dials 911

Operator: 911, what is your emergency 

Me: Um, yeah, so...

Operator: Sir, do you have an emergency or not?

Me: what the **** did I just see. So let's start from the top.  I just witnessed an orca walk down a staircase and over to a man where he debowled him with a machete.  He then took a hand grenade, pulled the pin and placed it inside of him.  The dude just straight blew up my, well enemy.  

Operator: Sir please stay on the line, we have dispatched every squad car in your area

Me: Thank god for GPS and cell phones.  So back to what happen.  Some little pickle man assaulted another man when he shoved yet a 3rd man's head up his ***.  

Operator: Wait, did you say pickle man?

Me: Yes.  Please stop interrupting and that is what socks you. Not a grown *** man's head deep inside another man's ***.  Please let me speak, I need these words recorded bc the orca is gonna kill us all.  I was also assaulted when 4 robots came out of a room and shot me in the giblets with a taser.  

Operator: Wait, in the giblets?

Me: Please.  I dont have much time.  Yes in the giblets, I then **** all over myself.  Where are the cops, we need help, this maniac is gonna kill us.  

Operator: um, I don't even know what to say...>


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1 minute ago, Pickle Rick said:

We need the film reels to play the ltehe movies

In the meantime 

@The Orca

<walk in and search the room for anything useful>


1 minute ago, Forge said:

<enter projector room like he owns the place, looks around> 

@The Orca

The projector is playing V for Vendetta

There is a drink on the table

A desk chair spinning and a note on the table

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