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The Orca's Horror Movie Mafia and Interactive Massacre- Evil and Unknown Win!!!!

The Orca

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1 hour ago, theuntouchable said:

I get what you’re saying mwil, I’m just trying to show you why that doesn’t fit. If the entire idea was to make one of myself or swag look better, there’s no chance in hell we would do it to where swag looks better. He had a red letter invest on him. You’re basically stating that in that scenario, we CHOSE to try and make Swag come out better. Even though the optimal play would have been to have me with the guns and trying to take the shot because that would give good credit in either direction. 


Again, fair point, but I also don't know what other circumstances are/were going on under the premise that you're scum. Obviously/Admittedly, that's my logic/rationale under this predisposed theory.

1 hour ago, theuntouchable said:

if I shot the gun and it worked? A red lettered swag is dead and I look extremely good. 


Yes. Ultimately man, I think you come out looking GREAT on everything except for the red letter and subsequent pink Indy claim (which we've already gone down). To be honest, the only reason that I'd consider voting you is because of THAT. Like I said, it's scary that you, me, and Forge have been in lockstep this game, and truly unfortunate if you flip pink Indy. I'll be very upset.

1 hour ago, theuntouchable said:

if I shot the gun and it backfired? An “evil” aligned player dies by trying to kill swag. Which would cause heavy doubt on the invest. 

Correct, I agree

1 hour ago, theuntouchable said:

if swag shoots the gun and kills me? It makes swag look good. 

Correct, and you guys "go for broke" since he was pushing both YOU and ME directly and then also goes after KSJ first as the "framer" and then deals with me "later". He gets a correct lynch on KSJ and he flips creepy, getting the 2 for 1 and buying himself enough time. He also buys himself the "benefit of the doubt" lynching me when I flip TOWN, and even if he doesn't, he trades 2 for 1 and gets rid of the town VIG, all while Cheesehawk keeps killing people.

1 hour ago, theuntouchable said:

if swag shoots the gun and it backfires? Nobody wins in that situation. 

That's where we disagree, but I understand the point that you're trying to make.

1 hour ago, theuntouchable said:

IF swag and I were together, the most optimal play would have been for me to have the guns and take the shot. We would not have ****ed that situation up. 

Most optimal, probably, but once he got them in thread, he couldn't give them out.

1 hour ago, theuntouchable said:

not to mention the fact that I never would have pulled the trigger to begin with. Did you notice how each of the times I attempted to take the guns I IMMEDIATELY gave ET one? Then in the next attempt I gave ET AND DOME one? I had a very good feeling that it was a trap and I walked Swag right into that trap. 

Here's where you contradict yourself a bit. Yes, I know that you tried to give ET and Dome both guns. However, you then say it was a trap and hint at knowing as much. Did you want ET and Dome to use them/have them backfire too? Also notice how they were immediately hit that same night by scum. Getting rid of the double voter AND reviver are two great scum WIFOM plays there in that "trap" situation. From there, you aim your sights on the other scum faction, whicker, me, or the best remaining town power that was hit last night.

1 hour ago, theuntouchable said:

ultimately, I am not town so there is no true blame in lynching me. I am a bit annoyed that it happened but i know that I’m right. Is the situation that’s been produced pretty far fetched? Yea, but I can see WHY people would think that. Couple it with a framed invest and it makes sense. The part I’m pissed off about is people not listening to me. I have seriously nailed the piss out of this game and is by far and away the best scum hunting I’ve ever done. I can seriously count on one hand how many times I’ve been lynched in the last couple years of playing this game. That is not an exaggeration. And I was almost lynched d1? Scum was 100% involved in that, guaranteed. 

if you feel you need to lynch KSJ now, that’s fine just make sure you to after the 4 evil aligned left. Jason, squire, n4l and pickle. 

This paragraph is why I'm so admittedly torn and didn't make up my mind until 10:00 last night.

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33 minutes ago, Whicker said:

No he’s not town 

FTR, comments like this put me in a very awkward position, you have to know that. What happens when your red / purple letters run out? I am going to be your default lynch just because I'm "not town", despite the fact that I don't impact anyone's wincon. Though, if Touch is in fact a third party like me, town is going to be running very close up against it my numbers are right (4+4, less swag / cheese and Nacho 2.0 / KSJ -= 4 left out of what, 10 not counting myself?) and my theory on faction kills is correct. 

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11 hours ago, N4L said:

<picks up paper slappy wrote before two nights ago, reads it, memorizes it, eats it>  

@The Orca

You eat a piece of paper

11 hours ago, jasonwbantle said:

<I will grab the blade like object and inspect>
@The Orca

You find nothing to grab

10 hours ago, Whicker said:

<I do a happy dance around the room>

Dancing party

10 hours ago, Counselor said:

<I give Whicker a high five>
@The Orca


High five a dancing Whicker

7 hours ago, jasonwbantle said:

<Dances with Whicker>
@The Orca

You grab Whicker and begin waltzing 

5 hours ago, MWil23 said:

<I go to @N4L and punch him in the stomach until he vomits up the note. I then bend down and read it aloud for the whole room to hear>

@The Orca

You punch N4l but power through the shock and get the note. Its blank

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4 hours ago, MWil23 said:

@N4L why the secrecy and attempt to hide the information from known TOWN? I'm coming for you unless you actually start scum hunting and contributing to Town. You've played BLATANTLY anti-town to the point thus far.

Also, if Touch flips OTHER, then the best TOWN player left to help us, aside from Whicker this game, will have been Forge, who has claimed friendly other. That's embarrassing. Town MVP will be Touch/Forge if Touch flips OTHER.

Because there is no reason to telegraph whatever slappy knew to the scum. Why should I tell everyone everything he knew? That would include the wrong people in that group. I memorized what was on there so it's not like I burned it without reading it. I can always tell people I trust (whicker, forge)

Not sure what I have done to be anti town?? I voted for touch n1 because I didn't buy the 'lynch pickle because it's orcas twin' narrative that touch was pushing. I've said that repeatedly and touch keeps saying 'that wasn't my reasoning' but he won't actually explain his reasoning beyond that. so that's on him for not giving a better reason

N2 I voted matts because forge said he was not aligned with nacho, who died and was good. Seemed pretty straight up to me at the time 

N3 I voted bcb because it seemed like he blocked whicker's investigation on N2. He said he was helping whicker, which I didn't believe at the time. Seems like that was wrong in hindsight especially after swag was the one that outed him and the fact he ended up being evil

N4 I voted swag super early in the day then decided I didn't trust whicker so I decided to go cheese, who we knew 100% was scum, before swag killed himself. Then whicker asked me to switch to touch so I did, at that point, he had been proven right about swag, which made me trust him 

N5 I voted touch after whicker and forge had him come up as evil aligned 

N6 now I've voted ksj just like everyone else 


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33 minutes ago, Forge said:

FTR, comments like this put me in a very awkward position, you have to know that. What happens when your red / purple letters run out? I am going to be your default lynch just because I'm "not town", despite the fact that I don't impact anyone's wincon. Though, if Touch is in fact a third party like me, town is going to be running very close up against it my numbers are right (4+4, less swag / cheese and Nacho 2.0 / KSJ -= 4 left out of what, 10 not counting myself?) and my theory on faction kills is correct. 

Correct. You could kill me I suppose 

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