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The Orca's Horror Movie Mafia and Interactive Massacre- Evil and Unknown Win!!!!

The Orca

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9 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Or to TOWN apparently either.

We are at the point in the game where we KNOW he was TOWN and it was obviously information about scum. Hiding information about SCUM is inherently anti town at this point in the game.


How are you going to tell them? You can't PM them!!!! 

(Writes word for word what was on Slappy's paper onto a new piece of paper)

(Hands paper to forge and tells him to destroy it immediately after reading) 

*Tag orca*

There. I just told forge the info without anyone else seeing. Is that so hard to envision?? 

10 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Aside from making barely any interactive moves, HIDING information, refusal to say what you're doing/how you're doing it, etc. You are making zero attempt to scum hunt either or substantially engage anything/anyone.

See above. Throw in you early voting patterns and those don't exactly inspire confidence, especially the BCB vote.

'barely any interactive' lol I've made plenty of interactive moves that haven't worked. Yesterday I jumped in a hole in the ice room and landed in some water with two orcas. I tried to find something to do etc down there but the orcas only gave me fish. What am I supposed to be doing exactly?? The other day I found an empty box and some gold. What does it all mean??

I thought I was doing a great job at scum hunting. I told you that I voted bcb because he blocked whicker. I didn't trust whicker at the time, but he has never been on the scum radar, and bcb definitely blocked him which was very suspicious. 

I told touch earlier it was hard for me to keep up with this thread. I'm trying to read everything and keep it straight but the fact I'm on the west coast makes it tough. I wake up to 10 pages, I check it at lunch to another 10, then 3-5 hours before I get off work y'all are all at home on your computers posting up a storm lol excuse me if I'm not some master scum Hunter yet

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3 minutes ago, Forge said:

Man, nobody seriously has read this thread at all lol. Or at least they don't pay attention to it.

Or are:

1. Double Checking thread play and facts

2. Seeing who else eagerly pounces

3. There's another, but I prefer not to say it at this time

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3 minutes ago, N4L said:

(Writes word for word what was on Slappy's paper onto a new piece of paper)

(Hands paper to forge and tells him to destroy it immediately after reading) 

*Tag orca*

There. I just told forge the info without anyone else seeing. Is that so hard to envision?? 

Yes it is. I don't buy it at all. Go ahead and prove it by doing it now, or Whicker for that matter.

3 minutes ago, N4L said:

'barely any interactive' lol I've made plenty of interactive moves that haven't worked. Yesterday I jumped in a hole in the ice room and landed in some water with two orcas. I tried to find something to do etc down there but the orcas only gave me fish. What am I supposed to be doing exactly?? The other day I found an empty box and some gold. What does it all mean??

So, yesterday you did something, after the room had been open for a full day and everything was depleted? Interesting.

3 minutes ago, N4L said:

I thought I was doing a great job at scum hunting. I told you that I voted bcb because he blocked whicker. I didn't trust whicker at the time, but he has never been on the scum radar, and bcb definitely blocked him which was very suspicious. 

Really? Did you share your rationale, or did you piggy back off of everyone else? (Hint: It was NEVER your original thinking or moves that brought you to that conclusion)

3 minutes ago, N4L said:

I told touch earlier it was hard for me to keep up with this thread. I'm trying to read everything and keep it straight but the fact I'm on the west coast makes it tough.

That's far from accurate. Night being at 11:00 EST makes it much more difficult for me, who is generally in bed an hour earlier. Your time is much easier to work around.

3 minutes ago, N4L said:

I wake up to 10 pages, I check it at lunch to another 10, then 3-5 hours before I get off work y'all are all at home on your computers posting up a storm lol excuse me if I'm not some master scum Hunter yet

I'm not expecting you to be a master; I'm expecting you to come up with originality and discover things with night moves. Your failure to do so likely means that you're scum.

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2 minutes ago, Forge said:

Go back and double check Mwil. I flat out said it at the time that I could verify BCB backup utility because I tried my move on him n1 and it failed.  Jesus


1 minute ago, Forge said:

Which I think is funny, because I'm pretty sure I called you out on misrepresenting what I said with regards to bcb later on. 


Someone else was about to pile on. Check out my questions.

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