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The Orca's Horror Movie Mafia and Interactive Massacre- Evil and Unknown Win!!!!

The Orca

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19 minutes ago, SwAg said:

<runs over to Malfatron’s location> @The Orca

You head to Malf

18 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

<holds swags arm. on the count of three, we both jump down into the hole, as long as swag agrees. if swag doesnt agree, i dont jump.>

@The Orca


15 minutes ago, SwAg said:

<jump into the hole with Malfatron: Geronimo!>

@The Orca

Nothing happens the blocker comes down preventing you from going inside

10 minutes ago, Forge said:

Count me in. 

@The Orca

<follow Malf and Swag into the bowling alley pit of despair and jump in behind them> 

You crashing to them as they were blocked from going in

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