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Prequel to World War III Mafia: Night 5 (Send Yerr PMs!)


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Just now, theuntouchable said:

I can see why that would be a reaction to it as I had a similar reaction when he first said it but when he reiterated that he only knows who the civ protector is, I backed off of that line of thought. 

Either way I don't think that part is important. Like I've said, either way gopher was going to challenge counselors claim and malf protected him. Whether that's because gopher is the other protector or just knows about them is irrelevant imo.

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2 minutes ago, rackcs said:

Either way I don't think that part is important. Like I've said, either way gopher was going to challenge counselors claim and malf protected him. Whether that's because gopher is the other protector or just knows about them is irrelevant imo.

Sure, but I could just as easily see it be the other way. Gopher comes out with it, malf backs it up Then everyone thinks that it’s counselor lying. 

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5 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Read it again, then really think about what you are missing....

From my reading of it. there are a few options

1.  GOpher is a protector, just did not come out and state that as a counter claim

2.  he is in a mason/neighbor chat with someone that he thinks is a civ protector

3.  had some role invest abiltiy that has gathered that info

I am leaning against #3 as he brought this out on day 2 and I am not seeing how he would have gotten that info after N1 when the night ended early...unless he is scum and his move went through...  N1 was a town role block only

If it is #2, then he needs to consider that this could be very similar to the pirate mafia game where Nacho was scum in a 3 person chat with Naz, orca and nacho.

#1 is the most logical, but he has danced around it enough to add more confusion to the process

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Just now, theuntouchable said:

Sure, but I could just as easily see it be the other way. Gopher comes out with it, malf backs it up Then everyone thinks that it’s counselor lying. 

Fair enough, I get that. I still lean Counselor for other reasons such as how the ksj replacement went down. Either way I think its important to resolve this conflict

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3 minutes ago, squire12 said:

Why are you thinking it would be unlikely?

The timing off it and overall mechanic of it. Mwilly had just died and it was announced I believe that night that a new VP was selected. 

if there was a town to scum conversion, it’s highly likely that conversion would be pretty limited. So that would mean they would have nailed the conversion on their first attempt. 

then throw in that I don’t have a role and this has been known, I would have most likely been the choice for that. 

in other words, there would have to be rapid succession of highly unlikely moves/mechanics that would have to take place for it to work that way. 

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2 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

The timing off it and overall mechanic of it. Mwilly had just died and it was announced I believe that night that a new VP was selected. 

if there was a town to scum conversion, it’s highly likely that conversion would be pretty limited. So that would mean they would have nailed the conversion on their first attempt. 

then throw in that I don’t have a role and this has been known, I would have most likely been the choice for that. 

in other words, there would have to be rapid succession of highly unlikely moves/mechanics that would have to take place for it to work that way. 

So you are thinking that the VP came from within.   Who changed in their posting with that transition?

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