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Prequel to World War III Mafia: Night 5 (Send Yerr PMs!)


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1 minute ago, theuntouchable said:

And let me guess, this is the part where you try to make it seem like you’re the last one left by “giving up” in thread? 

I'm not going to make it seem like anything one way or the other. You know what was a very unsuspected effect of outing myself n2? I basically couldn't play any more. Notice how all of my posts since then have basically been about me? I realized that anything could put unnecessary wifom out there with bad results, so I just kind of had to be here. It actually kind of sucked after the trolling ended. 

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Just now, theuntouchable said:

Either way, my end goal was to still be alive after last night. So, it worked! 

I considered it. Honestly, just didn't see a reason for it if I couldn't save Orca. I'm also not about to spite you and kill you when you've played a good game. 

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18 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

@ET80 sorry if I caused you mass amounts of anger. I wanted to sell it that I was hitting you. 


I do...I do...my goodness, I do you beautiful son of a *****!!!

Seriously, let's get married after this. Let's win this game, run to Vegas and get married.

Oh - also, @Counselor is civilian.

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15 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

Counselor come here 

Negative, Ghost Rider. Counselor is Sorta Evil but we need a good team for this to be Mafia (green).

@Hockey5djh - I know there's a few people really punching in this direction. That's why I wanted to confirm the allegiance.

I think...we can go Forge? He's basically conceding, no?

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