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Prequel to World War III Mafia: Night 5 (Send Yerr PMs!)


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1 minute ago, Dome said:





This reads like a guy who was claiming a move that ends night early, not a guy that thought he had a mass roleblock.

you literally went along with the theory that you had to get your move in immediately before scum could get their hits in

why go along with that theory if you thought you were claiming mass roleblock? 

Quote one - the theory referenced was that of a mass town roleblock. Again, not what it did. 

Quotes 2 & 3 - Ends night early. Yes. That's what it says. I assumed at the time that it was a mass role block similar to that of Dingo's in Gopher's world. It clearly wasn't that. 

Quotes 4 & 5 - you asked why I didn't send my move in early, I answered that I did. That's it. That's all I was referencing. The "I did" was not meant to imply that I put my move in early specifically to keep scum from getting in moves. You added the bit about getting them in before scum could make moves, not me. I haven't gone down that hole. I've given two other options, which I have given to you a couple of times. 

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1 minute ago, Forge said:

Except it didn't. What I said was that I assumed at the time that it was a mass roleblock

except you went along with the “ending night early” claim when I asked you why you didn’t get your move in immediately to block scum.

If you thought you had a mass roleblock, the timing of your move wouldn’t matter at all.

if you had a move that simply ended night early (like the move you claimed) then the timing would matter, and you already said you were wondering how the timing would play a part in your move

nothing about your claim was you claiming roleblocker, which you’re now saying you assumed you had all along.


1 minute ago, Forge said:

It clearly wasn't because people died. So mass roleblock does seem somewhat disingenuous now. It clearly didn't role block everyone, for whatever reason.

this isn’t what you meant when you said “that’s not how my move works” we both know that 

using that wording to try to convey the message you’re claiming you were trying to convey makes zero sense 

1 minute ago, Forge said:

My pm states that I would call a rally and end night early. I assumed that this meant a mass role block. But again, it clearly didn't role block everyone. 

This entire post was a bunch of malarkey.

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Just now, Dome said:

except you went along with the “ending night early” claim when I asked you why you didn’t get your move in immediately to block scum.


Because that is what it says. You can't see me right now, but I'm also signing it to you. 

1 minute ago, Dome said:

If you thought you had a mass roleblock, the timing of your move wouldn’t matter at all.


I'm not the one positing that my timing did matter. 

1 minute ago, Dome said:

if you had a move that simply ended night early (like the move you claimed) then the timing would matter, and you already said you were wondering how the timing would play a part in your move

nothing about your claim was you claiming roleblocker, which you’re now saying you assumed you had all along.


Perhaps it would, perhaps it wouldn't. I don't know what swag is basing the timing off of. My assumption would have been that based on prior history with games, roleblocking mechanisms and the like would come up first in the sequence of events. So either one of my previous thoughts was correct, or it didn't role block everyone for some reason. 

I've clearly claimed a hint of what I thought since yesterday. Clearly my assumption at the time was that it role blocked people. 

4 minutes ago, Dome said:

this isn’t what you meant when you said “that’s not how my move works” we both know that 


Now you're assigning intent, just like you did with Matts. That is absolutely 100% what I meant. I've been fighting the notion that it was a town specific role block. You're just trying to make the pieces work, so it's easier to say "oh, that's not what you meant" 

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3 minutes ago, Forge said:

Quote one - the theory referenced was that of a mass town roleblock. Again, not what it did

but you didn’t clarify that it was a mass roleblock, you just left us to speculate with “ended night early” which is not clear at all, especially when you don’t correct (and actually respond to) theories about the timing of your move having to be in before scum makes their moves

your explanation after the fact doesn’t at all match how you reacted to initial questioning.


3 minutes ago, Forge said:

Quotes 2 & 3 - Ends night early. Yes. That's what it says. I assumed at the time that it was a mass role block similar to that of Dingo's in Gopher's world. It clearly wasn't that

but you didn’t say that at the time. 

3 minutes ago, Forge said:

Quotes 4 & 5 - you asked why I didn't send my move in early, I answered that I did. That's it. That's all I was referencing. The "I did" was not meant to imply that I put my move in early specifically to keep scum from getting in moves. You added the bit about getting them in before scum could make moves, not me. I haven't gone down that hole. I've given two other options, which I have given to you a couple of times. 

I said “immediately” not “early” 

immediately means immediately once night begins. This is important it your move ends night early.

”early” means before night. How you would submit if you had a mass roleblock. So you submitted before night?


and you did go down that hole....

I asked why you didn’t do that and you said you did lmfao 


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2 hours ago, Forge said:
2 hours ago, Dome said:

Night was like, really long.

why didn’t you end it immediately so scum couldn’t get moves in?

I did. You will have to ask host why he took so long to actually get the write up in and finish it. 


you confirmed it 

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1 minute ago, Dome said:

but you didn’t clarify that it was a mass roleblock, you just left us to speculate with “ended night early” which is not clear at all, especially when you don’t correct (and actually respond to) theories about the timing of your move having to be in before scum makes their moves

your explanation after the fact doesn’t at all match how you reacted to initial questioning.

Again, I assumed that it was known that I was talking about a mass town roleblock. How often do we have to go through this?

2 minutes ago, Dome said:

but you didn’t say that at the time. 

Because when people die, it clearly doesn't function the same and that would no longer be what I Think. You understand that what you're harping on is what I said I believed before, right? As in before night ended? 

3 minutes ago, Dome said:

and you did go down that hole....

I asked why you didn’t do that and you said you did lmfao 

No, I didn't. My response was in regard to you asking why I didn't put my move in early. I said I did. I never acknowledged anything about the reason being to stop scum from getting moves in. that's something that you have been adding in on your own. 

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@Dome are you purposefully being obtuse? I've seriously answered that 3 times. You were basically asking why I didn't put my move in early (why didn't you end night immediately). I answered that I did. I never stated that it was in an effort to keep scum from getting moves in, merely that I put my move in early. 

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