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The Night Santa Went Crazy Mafia - Town and Dome wins!!

Pickle Rick

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My move was confirmed last night

Mwils was confirmed

Wolf's was confirmed

Matts lack of was confirmed

Domes move I assume can be confirmed



Racks- town

Swag- done nothing

Counselor- most confirmed move though only by the admission of mafia

Mission- was any of his claimed roleblocks confirmed?

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1 minute ago, The Orca said:


My move was confirmed last night

Mwils was confirmed

Wolf's was confirmed

Matts lack of was confirmed

Domes move I assume can be confirmed



Racks- town

Swag- done nothing

Counselor- most confirmed move though only by the admission of mafia

Mission- was any of his claimed roleblocks confirmed?

Forgot NS- claimed vanilla now

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17 hours ago, Counselor said:

It said nightly ability/role invest

Wasn’t even capitalized lazy pickle lol 

So I don't like this and his invest last night...wasn't an unconfirmed role like dome or swag or mission


5 hours ago, SwAg said:

Bro, you tracked the person you already knew wasn’t a killer.

 I protected rack because he was the investigator who was supposed to have results if he played competently.

On the night I tracked him

5 hours ago, Counselor said:

I investigated Orca lol


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6 hours ago, Dome said:

@The Orca how does pickle feel about this mechanic, based on past games?

I think I remember him not liking the scum revive in my back to school game. I know he had a problem with it due to swag having been modkilled but I think he also said he didn't like scum revivals in general iirc

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Aside from the fact Orca tracked me to @Matts4313, here's the paper trail. Pretty easy really.

12 hours ago, Counselor said:

Mwil you bringing chaos to this party? 

12 hours ago, MWil23 said:

Always chaos


11 hours ago, The Orca said:



11 hours ago, MWil23 said:

You’re just jealous of what team chaos has.

11 hours ago, MWil23 said:




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10 hours ago, The Orca said:

So you knew Matts would be jailed but tried to give him a gun anyway?


10 hours ago, The Orca said:

I mean, hows those guns working out

1 for 2 so far with #3 pending depending on how correct/wise SwAg uses the one I gave him.

Dome smoked Josh

Counselor was redirected, which actually helped show us Butters as the redirector (mislynch) but then the Josh as scum thing was sorted out via that action too, so...

10 hours ago, The Orca said:

Mwil and Swag townfail when it matters

Your whole game is townfail and has been an absolute clown show this game.

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7 hours ago, The Orca said:


My move was confirmed last night

Mwils was confirmed

Wolf's was confirmed

Matts lack of was confirmed

Domes move I assume can be confirmed



Racks- town

Swag- done nothing

Counselor- most confirmed move though only by the admission of mafia

Mission- was any of his claimed roleblocks confirmed?

I’ve been investigated as Town, tracked to people who are alive, and claimed protector.  Do you think Town had no protector?  Jesus, you’re delusional when it comes to me.

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9 hours ago, The Orca said:

19 players. 5 have flipped naughty (Naz, Bcb, Kotn, Josh, Touch)...unless there was a starting ratio of 13-6, I'd say it was 13-5-1

Meaning Mwil is the other

Meaning Swag is the other

Meaning Dome is the other

Or we have a 6th mafia...

I am highly leaning 1,2, 3


9 hours ago, Matts4313 said:

Swags been investigated...


9 hours ago, The Orca said:

Yep. Is yours and Racks just straight compare?


9 hours ago, The Orca said:

Though Swag could be a godfather meaning he would appear as town...


8 hours ago, Matts4313 said:

Is there any other kind?

Maybe. But wouldnt it make sense to look at one of the many other candidates that havent been investigated/didnt protect me?

KOTN was Santa.  Why would anyone other than Santa be The Godfather.

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