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Meme Mafia - Town - (minus Mwil) wins


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31 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

@Nazgul @daboyle250 @Malfatron @squire12@bcb1213

I debated heavily how to use my role in this game. I went back and forth several times as to when I should use it first. Then part of the way through d1, I decided that I was gonna start poking around for reactions.

I didn’t actually expect to find anything but I came across llama chilling in thread but not commenting. I made a few comments vaguely surrounding this and even called him out directly for it. Dirty tactic? I’m ok with that as it was used against Josh in the previous game. 

once he popped in the thread and commented, he gave me a list that was completely manufactured. He chose to kill pickle (who wouldn’t choose to kill pickle?) he chose to marry racks (that’s his brother) and he chose to **** Matts. I didn’t feel like the list was genuine at all and jumped on it. Eventually, he obviously faked a claim about being an every other day calculator. At this point, A LOT of people commented about how the role was obviously faked. 

swag did not. In fact, Swag pushed back HARD on the llama lynch stating he felt I was scum. After a good number of people felt llama was lying, Swag even mentioned that he felt that way. Did he vote that way?  

d2 llama gets the most votes and is pardoned, again, by dome. Swag continues his “read” of me by voting ....... pickle. 

Swag buddies up hard to dome. He attached himself to domes hip and followed who dome wanted. I pushed back on this. I refused to play his game for a long time until it became apparent that wasn’t going to work. Then I tried to toy around with the idea to see if I could get him to loosen up and let us lynch llama. 

it didn’t work but I still continued to push against it. Swag continued to buddy up with dome. Swag will occasionally comment about how he still “felt” I was scum but never really pushed for it, instead he followed every word dome said.  Dome was scum that royally ****ed us in this game. 

swag will argue that he “pushed” counselor. That would by far be the weakest push ever seen from Swag. This was merely a fake read based on the fact that mwil and counselor sided with me d1 and defended me. Mwil was town, counselor was mafia. 

Something else to consider. Counselor was firmly against llama both d1 and d2. You know who else counselor listed as scum, repeatedly? Swag. There is a theory that I will get into here soon that IMO is interesting regarding the hit and flip of counselor. 

I would also ask you to look at the hits. It’s very obvious that Swag KNEW what mwil was. Instead of sitting on this information, he pokes at mwil and calls him princess. The princess role cancels a day period upon death. Who pushed mwil? Even after “stealing” his role and claiming it was a town role? Swag. 

Kotn came out after n3 claiming to be a bus driver and that he moved the hit from mwil to llama. We can’t verify this to be true and the second account looks horrible but IMO I think he was town. We KNOW that he wasn’t other and that two mafia were hit that night. If he was lying about his move, why not just come out and claim one of the hits? No, instead he came out and claimed something that could very easily be contradicted if he was lying. The ONLY thing that contradicted it was racks but there was confusion as to who his target was. I tried to talk through things and figure it out. Swag pushed KOTN. Outside of that, the only way KOTN was lying about that was if someone redirected his move. I have not seen anything to lead me to believe there is a redirector. If someone redirected kotn that night, they absolutely would have claimed it. 

why is that relevant? Because IF kotn was telling the truth that particular role could seriously mess with mafia. They would want him out very quickly and dome and Swag made that happen. 

at this point dome had pardoned llama twice, chose to kill pickle (over Swag) and chose to not pardon kotn. Again, dome was scum.

There was a number of individuals throughout this game that at one point or another believed me. Counselor, mwil, kotn, Josh, orca 1.0, pickle. ALL of them were either hit or pushed to a lynch by dome/Swag. 

do I think that was intentional? Absolutely I do. I’ve been against Swag since his fake push against my llama challenge. I even challenged Swag at one point but was modblocked due to an error. I think he knew this was coming eventually and worked towards eliminating the players that trusted me. 

swag is 100% scum. 

Did you type this on a notepad or word or discord? The font changes after the first paragraph. It's gets larger. 

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On 12/15/2019 at 4:14 PM, SwAg said:

Orca is scum with Touch and MWil

D2, after he “stole” mwils role

On 12/16/2019 at 12:43 AM, SwAg said:

Alright, so I got a rough chart.  I think this is what I got so far:

Counselor - Insane Cop, or lying Mafia

Rick - Mafia

Touch - Mafia

MWil - Mafia

Malfatron - Day Redirect

SwAg - The Cop

Dome - Hero We Deserve and Need

Llama - Odd Day Calculator 


Rick can fill in whatever Orca was.


On 12/16/2019 at 12:48 AM, SwAg said:

Coincidence that MWil, Rick, and Counselor are all on there?  I think not!


On 12/16/2019 at 10:36 AM, SwAg said:

I told you that MWil was Mafia and faking a lie detect on me.


On 12/16/2019 at 11:21 AM, SwAg said:

I mean, really, MWil is likely belligerent Town who wants to make a play like his hero, SwAg.  But, he botched the execution when fight or flight took over and he started panicking when I called him on it.

Dude straight up said he's a Princess role, which is a "lie detector" instead of matts naming the role "Lie Detector."  This is what you're willing to believe.  Do I need to bump a quote of matts calling the Lie Detector a Lie Detector to prove this? Odds are, he is the typical Princess role lmfao

Also d3 

On 12/16/2019 at 1:05 PM, SwAg said:

Touch and MWil sitting in a tree








D3 again 

On 12/16/2019 at 1:05 PM, SwAg said:

oh man swag is now backtracking that he said MWil was Town!

He said he is kissing touch in a tree!


On 12/17/2019 at 11:06 AM, SwAg said:

No, I'm not suggesting that.  I even acknowledged why I had the shift.  We talked about it last night, and you even quoted a portion of it here.  Then, I said it was unlikely when KOTN's results seemed to rain on that parade, but since then even more information has come to light and I know KOTN is at least lying about a portion of his claim. 

My vision of the game evolved with information, and when I thought I was wrong, I acknowledged it.  So, the reason why I was pushing MWil here is because it fit the theory that I had on D1, and the Princess role is not a lock to be Town.  Certain variants make it more-or-less likely to be a certain alignment, and the version MWil has is one that can go either way because it can be used to blitzkrieg a night phase and skip a day phase after the loss of a faction member via the lynch.

Swag gives a thorough explanation of the princess role 

On 12/17/2019 at 6:34 PM, SwAg said:



On 12/17/2019 at 7:09 PM, SwAg said:

We're voting KOTN today because he's Mafia.  Hopefully the Vig hits you or MWil.


20 hours ago, SwAg said:

Glad we lynched scum.  

Hope some hero kills one of the three obvious remaining scum: MWil, Malfatron, Touch.


20 hours ago, SwAg said:

It’s okay.  We all now know why you weren’t pushing MWil for obvious reading failures, scum.

So even AFTER he somehow knows mwils role, he still wants him killed? 

@Malfatron @squire12

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