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8 hours ago, SwAg said:

Chapter 1 – Abel Pays a Visit

Privet Drive was a normal street in a normal neighborhood. It was lined with normal houses which were filled with ordinary people. They very much enjoyed being ordinary, which explained why they never had much use for Harry Potter. Harry Potter was a wizard, which in itself was enough of a reason for his relatives, the Dursleys, to hate him. However, it was much worse, for he was one of the most famous wizards to have ever lived. Even in the wizarding world, Harry was simply not normal.

One wouldn't know this by merely looking at him. Harry was a slim and rather unobtrusive-looking teenager with a shock of unruly black hair, small round glasses, and intense green eyes. The only thing that hinted that he was different was a small lightning bolt shaped scar high on his forehead.

At the moment, Harry was looking over the tops of his glasses and imagining that he was flying on his Firebolt, one of the most advanced racing brooms ever built. The summer so far had been hot and damp, and the car's air conditioner blew his wild hair back a bit, helping him dream that he was again soaring over the Quidditch Patch at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where he had spent the better part of the last five years. What he would give to be in the air once again! Headmaster Dumbledore had probably recovered his Firebolt, which had been confiscated by the hideous Delores Umbridge during the last school year, and he desperately wanted to be climbing and diving without having to think about what was going on far below.

He'd been shopping for some much-needed Muggle clothing, something that he'd finally been able to do after convincing his Uncle Vernon that looking like a prison escapee would eventually draw attention to them. He'd spent a significant amount of money, which he'd gotten by owling the Grangers and Dumbledore - He'd asked the Headmaster to transfer some of Harry's money from his family vault in Gringott's Bank to the Grangers, who had agreed to convert it to Muggle money and send it back to him, also by owl. Dumbledore had apparently decided that in the interest of expediency, he'd cut out the middleman, and sent Harry four fifty-pound notes with the comments that he hoped it would be enough, and Harry could arrange for reimbursement when he returned to Hogwarts. Harry could only sigh in exasperation. Dumbledore must have felt terrible. He knew the Headmaster was simply trying to help, but all the same he felt like a drug dealer. Up until then he'd never even seen a fifty quid note before. There was no way he could tell the Dursleys about it, and when Petunia asked how he could afford new clothing and glasses, Harry lied and told them that he borrowed the money from the Grangers and Weasleys and would pay them back while he was at school. She didn't want to know a thing about the Weasley family, of course, since they were wizards and witches, so she had no way of knowing they were next to impoverished, and probably wouldn't have been able to scrounge that much up in a year. Harry had mentioned at some point that Hermione Granger's parents were dentists, so it was believable enough, as far as his aunt was concerned. When she asked how he'd get that much money, Harry told her he could make gold from lead. This was actually true; Harry could have made gold from lead with the help of a philosopher's stone, something he'd even had in his possession at one time, even if he didn't know the particulars of the process. His aunt, a thin, horse-faced woman, had no reply, other than a snort of disgust, but Harry thought that just for a moment she might be seriously considering how she could get the gold without the unpleasantries of the magic.

In spite of the tension, Harry was on his best behavior almost all of the time. This was mostly because he felt responsible for the death of his Godfather, Sirius Black, and had been very depressed and lethargic over the last three weeks. However, he'd also learned how important it was that he remained with the Dursleys because of the magic that protected him when he was in their house. On the days that he felt good enough to leave his room, he stayed well out of uncle Vernon's way, and Dudley seemed far too busy to bother with threats, instead focusing on the odd opportunity to torment Harry as the chances came. Harry knew that many of Dudley's old chums were heavily into drugs, but Dudley had discovered that it actually felt good to be in shape, and to Harry's dismay continued a rigorous training regimen that so far was producing a leaner, stronger, and more capable bully. On the flip side, his cousin was less physically violent after the "Mad-Eye Incident" at the end of the last school year, and more likely to simply lip off.

"What's that I heard last night?" Dudley had sneered just the other day, "more dreams about your girlfriend, Seeeerius?" Harry knew that he hadn't been dreaming of Sirius, or of anything else, for that matter, because the headmaster had somehow slipped a sizable bottle of dreamless sleep potion into his trunk, which Harry availed himself to every night. He didn't argue, however, and to his delight, that seemed to annoy Dudley more than nearly anything else he'd tried.

After what seemed like far too long, the car pulled into the driveway in front of Number Four, Privet Drive, and he and his aunt sat without speaking for several moments.

"We need to talk," said Petunia, without looking at him. Harry remained silent, staring intently at one of the joints on the garage door. The Dursleys and Harry had managed a slightly-less-than-civil form of mutual enmity, no doubt both aided and suppressed by Mad-Eye's very direct threat, and Harry didn't feel up to ending it with his legendary temper. He was too tired for a fight, anyway.

"I said –"

"I heard you. I just don't feel up to a row."

"That's convenient," his aunt snapped, "neither do I." They sat in silence for a bit longer. "Your uncle wants you out."

"No surprise there."

"I agree with Vernon."

"So do I," Harry shot back, "but that's not really an option, is it?"

"Those…people, those things, are they going to come after you again?"

"Yes. Eventually. Probably not here. I'm protected here."

"And what about us?"

"I don't know," Harry said, finally looking at his aunt, "it depends. If they've only been sent for me, I suppose they might leave you alone." Petunia noted that he didn't sound incredibly confident. "Have you talked to Dudley about last summer," Harry asked, "about the dementors?" His aunt's eyes narrowed.

"No! And you won't either! Why should you care?"

"Muggles can't see dementors. It sounded to me like Dudley could see something. Maybe he's magic." Harry actually relished the last bit, wondering what would be going through his aunt's head if she suspected in any way that her son, her precious Duddies, was even slightly magical. He wouldn't have dared do that to Uncle Vernon, who might actually try to strangle him at the insinuation of magic in the venerated Dursley line. Petunia simply ignored it, as she had been prone to, as of late.

"Your uncle is traveling to France on a business trip next week." This was no surprise to Harry. He'd known since just after school got out.

"I'm aware," he said.

"We're going with him." Now this was a surprise.

"We…who?" Harry asked.

"Certainly not you! You need to write your…friends, if that's what you call them, and find a place to stay. I don't really care where you go. If you can't find one willing to put up with you, then you'll go to Mrs. Figg's. You'll not be alone in our house."

"Right. Just as well, I suppose."

"I suppose. I have…some things of your mother's. I expect you'll be wanting them sometime." She saw the look on Harry's face and continued quickly. "Oh, I'm not forgiving you for the hell you've put us through; If Vernon finds them, we'll all be miserable. I'd just as soon not have to deal with more of your trouble."

Things of his mother's? Harry had never even suspected anything could have escaped the night she was murdered by the evil Lord Voldemort at their home in Godric's Hollow. All he'd ever received was the invisibility cloak, and that was something Dumbledore had in his possession since before they had been killed.

"But why…How?"

"I hated how Lily was so special. I hated how she could just wave and do what had taken me an entire day! I hated that James, the arrogant prat. I hated how he thought he was oh, so wonderful! But she was still my sister. She'd still be alive if it wasn't for him."

Petunia turned the car off, and reached behind her for her purse.

"This doesn't leave the car. I can still make you miserable, and I will if you insist on causing problems," she paused. "And your uncle will destroy them the moment he knows about them. If you manage to remain normal until we leave, I'll make sure you get them, as long as I never see them again. The minute you act up, out they go."

Harry nodded, and Petunia went to inside, leaving him to take care of his parcels on his own.

He owled his best friends Ron and Hermione as soon as his packages were put away; most of them went directly into his trunk. As an after thought, he sent a letter to Lupin explaining the he may need a place to stay, and if the Burrow wasn't available, perhaps visiting him may be an option, and apologized for the short notice. He debated whether or not to write Dumbledore, and decided that he would, but later, after he heard from Ron, Hermione, and Lupin. He had nine days to find a place to stay. If worse came to worse, he'd take the Knight Bus to Diagon Alley and stay at the Leaky Cauldron. He didn't want to leave from someplace he was relatively safe for someplace he wasn't, even if he hated it with his aunt and uncle, but he didn't really have a choice in the matter.

For the next few days, he was content to remain in his room, as he had done the entire summer so far, and read some of the things he had neglected over the last few summers; potions in particular. The news of some of his mother's effects had temporarily lightened his mood, and he waited in anxiety for an owl indicating where he was to spend the last half of his holiday. Vernon Dursley was working fairly long hours this summer in preparation for their three week trip, and Dudley continue to remain mercifully absent, and when he was around, mouthy but non-violent. Only once did he hit Harry, a stunning blow that shook Harry in his shoes, and right away he seemed to notice that he'd done something wrong. Dudley didn't apologize, of course, but he turned a nice shade of white, and Harry had the wind knocked out of him for long enough to avoid hexing his cousin into oblivion.

His aunt had become addicted to soaps, and watched at least four every day, sometimes while taking notes in an attempt to discover some of their secrets before the tabloids. This naturally left her far to busy for anything more than the cursory snap, so things were looking slightly better for Harry than they had in a while. For now, he was thankful for the uneventful summer.

Three nights after his shopping trip, something brushed against Harry's face in the middle of the night. He waved at it, mumbling objections to consciousness in his sleep. Whatever was bothering him was persistent, and Harry swatted slightly harder. His fingers grasped at something feathery, and he felt a burning sensation and nearly leaped from his bed. Hedwig fluttered backwards, alighting clumsily upon Harry's dresser and hooting. Harry could feel blood run down his neck and soak the top of his enormous t-shirt; a Dudley cast-off. Had Hedwig really bitten him?

"What's wrong with you?" he whispered, and then stopped. He looked at the ticking alarm-clock, which read three o'clock in the dim light filtering in from the streetlights outside. Straining, Harry could hear noises coming from downstairs.

"Boy!" came Uncle Vernon's voice from outside his door. Previous summers had seen locks installed, but the Dursleys no longer used them for two reasons: The first was they were mildly afraid of Mad-Eye and the other "freaks," whether Uncle Vernon admitted it or not. Harry felt that his uncle had a good reason to be afraid. Not that Harry had ever asked to be treated as shoddily as he had, and not that they didn't deserve what they'd gotten, but the Dursleys had certainly been on the receiving end of some interesting magical happenstance. The second reason was that after Harry's "escape" two summers back, Vernon decided that he'd rather have swift access to the room, should the need arise.

Harry's door swung open and his uncle peered in. Harry heard another noise from downstairs.

"More of your freak friends, boy?"

"No sir," said Harry, certain that the Order would have arranged a suitable distraction and Hedwig wouldn't have nipped him if she thought he was safe.

"Stay here. I'll have no funny business out of you. Keep your…that thing put away! I'll not have another mess like you caused last summer!" Harry nodded and watched his uncle move slowly down the stairs. He desperately wanted to be armed, but tried to convince himself that because of the magical protections on the house, more than likely, it was a midnight refrigerator raid by Dudley, rather than an attack on him. It wasn't working exceptionally well, and after a moment, Harry tucked his wand into his waistband. A second later he heard a grunt of surprise, and glanced out the door just in time to see his Uncle's shadow upon the wall, tumbling down the stairs. There was another figure flying with him, and from the angles of his body, it appeared that uncle Vernon had grabbed him on the way down.

As Harry watched, two more shadows crept stealthily up the stairs. The one in front had what appeared to be a cricket bat, and the one behind, a short kitchen knife. Uncle Vernon had dragged one down the stairs with him, and neither had attempted to come back up. Harry looked to his right, towards his aunt's and uncle's room. Petunia was standing just outside the door with something in her hand…something long, thin, and distinctly wand-like.

"What do I say?" shrieked Petunia, nearly hysterical. Harry had to think for a moment to understand that she was trying to cast a spell.

"You can't use that!"

"What do I say? Tell me!"

"Point it at them. Say stupefy. It'll knock them out." Harry knew nothing would happen, but it would keep Petunia back from the men and might confuse them.

"Stupefy," she mumbled.

"You have to mean it!" Harry hissed, watching her shaking hand. "Concentrate on the tip of the wand…shore it up." She took another deep breath and shouted.


Still, nothing happened, but the dark figures in the hallway did pause right before Dudley's door.

"Mine's bigger than yours, mum," the one with the bat said, and Harry could actually hear him sneer behind his ski-mask. Dudley of course chose this moment to barge into the hall, sputtering curses and questions.

Had he looked to his right when he charged through the door, he'd have likely been knocked out cold or knifed as he gawked at his mother holding a wand and attempting to do magic. Instead, he looked left, probably expecting Harry to be the source of the commotion.

He was fast; Harry had to give him that. With a sweeping right hook, Dudley knocked the first intruder directly into his friend, to be impaled on the knife. The now-stabbed man in black dropped his cricket bat directly onto his foot, which Dudley snagged on the bounce. The hallway was not large, but Dudley was, and the intruders stood absolutely no chance of getting past him. He brought the bat up in an arc to the second intruder's knee, and then tossed it behind him, preferring to do his work with what he knew best. Three seconds and four punches later, both intruders were laying on the floor, one bleeding and both unconscious.

"Vernon? Vernon!"

Harry felt a tug at the back of his trousers, and his shirt was briefly lifted and dropped, and then his aunt shoved him roughly out of the way as she fled down the stairs, shouting her husband's name. Vernon's voice echoed weakly back up the stairs. He could feel something pressing against the small of his back, and realized that Petunia had tucked the wand in and hidden it. She didn't have to warn him again to keep his mouth shut; Harry knew that the first words out of his uncle's mouth would likely be accusations. Showing up waving a wand around (even worse, one his uncle may recognize as different) would probably be one of the poorer decisions he could make.

Dudley was more interested in the fools bleeding on his floor, looking curiously at one, as if he knew him. Harry stood behind him as his cousin pulled the stocking off the head of the home invader who hadn't been knifed. The crook awoke to the two boys leaning over him. Harry recognized him as Abel Greene, a one-time member of Dudley's gang. He was one of the first to get into drugs, and Harry hadn't seen him for a long time.

"Abel," Dudley spat, "what are you playing at?"

"Don't hurt us D! Some guy…he made us!"

"Made you do what?"

"Made us break in. He said he wanted..." He trailed off, looking at Harry.

"And?" Dudley pressed. He apparently knew Abel too well to believe this was the only reason his former gang member was here.

"And that's all, I swear!" Harry knelt over Abel, placing his knee squarely on the fallen boy's trousers. Abel's eyes bulged and he sucked a breath sharply. Harry noticed he was missing a tooth or two, and he was pretty sure Dudley didn't do it.

"And skag. He's gonna set us up with a load of skag."

"Who was he?" Dudley demanded. Abel simply shook his head.

"What did he look like?" Harry asked, shifting his leg slightly. "You'd better tell us. You're in bad enough shape as it is."

"Short," he squeaked. "Short! Old. Blond. Fat! I don't know…he…he had a glove on one hand. Dressed like a nutter but…he had the stuff." Dudley leaned so close that Harry was surprised that he could stand the heroin addict's rotten breath.

"Who are the other two?"

"You don't know them…just guys from about." Dudley yanked the stuck man's mask up and glared at him. Convinced, he turned back to Abel.

"Do they know what you're on about?"

"No…they're just here to help er…"

"To help nick things?"

"Yeah," Abel replied, cringing as Harry shifted again.

"When the men come to round you up, you don't know me. Got it? You let on anything else and I'll make sure you never talk again…We'll make sure." Dudley did a sort of backwards nod, indicating Harry. "He's criminally insane."

"Yes!" Abel squealed, writhing in pain. "Yes! I mean no! I don't know you! Don't kill me!""

"You're not worth killing," Harry said, "they'd just give me more time." Dudley grabbed a handful of Abel's hair.

"But you are worth…" He pulled Abel's head up and slammed it twice against the floor and then seized the cricket bat once again and leaned against it as he rose. He saw the outline of the wand in Harry's waistband and then looked towards the stairs. Petunia's voice was drifting up, along with that of a very groggy-sounding Vernon. Dudley looked once again at Harry.

"Right then. That goes for you too. We don't know him."

"And you won't say anything about them looking for me?"

"I'm going to France in a week. I'm not about to let you spoil it."

"Right," Harry said, happy for once that Dudley was profoundly selfish, "that was a nice job."

"Well," Dudley yawned, "you've got your stick," he nodded at the bat, "and I've got mine."

Harry straightened up as Uncle Vernon came staggering up the stairs, leaning heavily on his wife.

"…Drug addicts and delinquents! I don't know what this world is coming to!" He leered at Harry. "Well, boy, it looks like you didn't get yourself killed. There's always next time, hey?" Vernon paused and looked at the bodies on the ground. "Are they dead?"

"No," Harry said, "I don't think so." Dudley had flipped the one they didn't know on his face, and the tiny knife protruded from low in his back. Harry didn't think the wound would be fatal if they got medical help sometime soon. Knowing his uncle Vernon as well as he did, he wouldn't bet on that happening. As the Dursleys surveyed the damage, Harry mentally prepared his letter to Dumbledore. He would have to send Hedwig as soon as he could get alone.

"Well that's a pity." Vernon sneered and turned to his son. "Looks like you rang them up, eh son? Give them the old D-bomb, then, did you?" Dudley beamed proudly and his uncle went on. "I got one myself," he flexed, and it was an oddly macabre sight. The blood running down his uncle's head didn't do anything to make it less so. Vernon glared at Harry.

"Get back in your room boy, and when the authorities come, you slept through the whole thing. And what happened to your ear?"

"Huh?" Harry asked, before he remembered that he was bleeding. He couldn't tell uncle Vernon that Hedwig did it, so he simply shrugged. "I don't know, really."

"One of them must have done it," Petunia supplied, "you'd better clean it out before you go to bed; no telling where that knife has been." Perhaps spurred on by the look from Vernon, she added "no use us being called on our holiday on his account." Harry's uncle nodded and Petunia sped off, presumably to fetch antiseptics. She returned a moment later with a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, and some cotton swabs.

Later, after the letter to Headmaster Dumbledore had been written, Harry lay in his bed nursing his smarting ear and looking at Hedwig's empty cage. His wand was under his pillow, and he could still feel his heart surging with adrenaline. As his eyes grew heavier and heavier, he felt that Petunia must have been somewhat satisfied with his performance that night. He knew that somewhere in the medicine chest, they had a bottle of Iodine.

The next day, Harry received four owls, a phone call, and a visit from the police. The police were probably the easiest to deal with, because Vernon had already told them that Harry slept through the night before. Harry was certain that Vernon still thought him at least partially responsible, even though the police sergeant had mentioned Abel's considerable criminal sheet. To everyone involved, it looked as though the three youths were simply hitting homes to support an expensive drug habit. Harry had no problems whatsoever with letting Dudley get all the credit for foiling the break-in, he just wanted out of Privet Drive, and anything that would expedite that process was fine with him.

"Please, sir, may I be excused?"

"I see no reason to keep you," the sergeant said, looking at Vernon.

"Go on then, boy, and finish packing." That was about as civil as his uncle ever got, and it was his way of telling Harry that they were still going, and that he was still going, one way or another.

The first letter was waiting on his desk when he returned to his room. It was from Ron, and it read:

Dear Harry,

I'd love for you to come, but Mum says it's still not safe. She said that you'd be safer at Hogwarts or with Lupin. Don't get me wrong, I've tried to convince her, but she'll have none of it. She owled Lupin and Dumbledore, and you should hear from them by the time you get this. Honestly, she worries too much. Like You-Know-Who would ever come look for you here.

I guess it would be bad for us if he did, though, so you can't blame her.

Speaking of Y-K-W, the Prophet hasn't printed anything about him for at least a week. Mum and the others are starting to wonder if something is up. Dean Thomas says some people are even more afraid of him now, after he's "come back from the dead". Ginny could do worse, but honestly sometimes Dean drives me nuts. If I were allowed to do magic, he'd have about six eyes and ten ears by now.

Are you ready for Quidditch? I've been flying loads, and I think we'll be even tougher this year, if they let you back in. Ginny is ready to give chaser a go, since we're losing Johnson and Spinnet. Fred and George promised they'd buy her a Cleansweep 11 like mine if she stays in. Who do you think will be captain this year? Katie Bell and you are both senior players, but Ginny said she'd mentioned in a letter that with her N.E.W.T.s, she'd rather play than captain. Do you have the time? I don't think I do. Do you think we can talk Ginny into it?

Well, nothing has changed since last week, so I'll talk to you later! Let me know as soon as you know where you're staying, because I'm certain mum will allow me to visit you then. Ginny says hello, and that she'll see you when I do.


Harry wrote wrong back a very short note saying that he understood Mrs. Weasley's concern, that he'd already caused quite enough damage as it was, and that he would let them know as soon as he knew where he was going. As he was finishing that up, the second letter arrived. This was one from Dumbledore.

Dear Harry,

Imagine my concern when I read your letter from last night! It would seem that our mutual adversary has finally decided to try something new. This is something I have long hoped against and prepared for. We have other accommodations for you. We really must talk about this more, but we cannot do so via Owl. Every letter of this nature we send puts our noble feathered friends, and thus our communications at risk.

I have found something of yours that you left behind last year. I'll see to returning in a few weeks. Until then I have included several chocolate frogs, which I know you enjoy, and I suggest you start collecting the cards. I'm on one, you know! It does gratify the soul to know I come with delicious chocolate!


Harry collected the handful of chocolate frogs and thought about the letter. The old man was crafty – very crafty, and after their shouting match (or more accurately, Harry's shouting and breaking things and Dumbledore's string of admissions and apologies) Harry expected a good deal more information forthcoming from the headmaster. He knew some of it was here, but he wasn't sure where. One thing was for certain, Harry would be someplace near to Dumbledore, and that meant either Grimmauld Place or Hogwarts. He decided to think on it, and folded the letters together, placing them in a pocket on the lid of his trunk.

He packed his things entirely, putting everything he needed into his chest and closing it up good and tight. From now until he left, he'd wear clothes he could leave here, so he could go at a moment's notice. Hedwig's cage and his trunk, along with a book and his mother's wand, were the only things he needed to worry about grabbing now. After he was done packing, he sat back at his desk with Staying Alive: Practical Defense Methods and Measures, by B.G. Aegis, which he had mail-ordered last year, after he had seen it in the room of requirement, and read for a bit. Much of the information was spell-centric, and Harry couldn't practice it properly until he was allowed to do magic again, but much of it was spell theory that connected various aspects of defense.

Harry had discovered that this summer, it was easier to concentrate on the things like theory behind how all the magic worked. He didn't look forward to all of the classes that were likely to concentrate on the boring end of magic, but he supposed he was in a fairly good position to handle them. After five or so incredibly dense pages, he dropped the book into the lid-pouch of the trunk and sat at the desk, looking at his mother's wand. He didn't dare do much more than touch it, as an inadvertent magical shower of sparks could get him expelled, but it was amazing to touch something she had held, something she had used. The wood was much lighter than his, almost a blonde color, and it was a bit shorter than his as well. It seemed to be in reasonably good shape, even after years of disuse, and Harry intended to polish it properly once he could get someplace where he wouldn't get expelled for letting loose a stream of butterflies, or breaking something with an errant bolt of energy. He absentmindedly opened one of his chocolate frogs, and took a bite out of both back legs before it could hop away.

"I daresay that frog has been sitting on me for some time now, and I have a powerful craving for chocolate." A tiny voice squeaked up from the card, which Harry hadn't even looked at yet. "Is that…your mother's wand?"

Harry looked down at a tiny Dumbledore; he'd never known chocolate frog cards to talk before. Finally, he thought of something to say.


"Amazing. I was not aware it still existed. Do be careful with it, until you get to us, won't you?"

"Certainly," Harry agreed. "I didn't know chocolate frog cards could talk."

"Normally, they can't, but our fine Masters Weasley are ingenious indeed. It's a pity they never applied their talents to their official studies. But at least they're happy, and we needed them, in their way." Harry said nothing as he looked down at the miniature Albus Dumbledore.

"I only have a few moments," the headmaster said, "are you certain it was Pettigrew who arranged the attack?"

"Yes. Greene said it was a short, balding man with a glove on one hand."

"That bears watching, but I shouldn't think they'd try that again for a bit. Even muggles like the Dursleys are too keen to not notice, and Voldemort really does hate muggles, even to the point of disregarding their usefulness to him. I would venture a guess that the latest attempt upon your life and limb were not directly orchestrated through him. I've arranged for you to travel to Grimmauld Place in two days. Hogwarts is normally the safer of the two, but there will be more members of the Order in London."

"Who will come get me? How will I get there?"

"Professor Lupin, Arthur and Bill Weasley, and one other will meet you the day after tomorrow, 10 o'clock in the morning, at your front door, unless you contact me and we arrange otherwise. Mad-Eye wanted to come, but he's rather more conspicuous, I'm afraid. Perhaps Miss Tonks will accompany them." Dumbledore paused, pensively. "Would I perchance be able to try a bit of chocolate?"

Harry broke a chunk off the frog and laid it on the card.

"Alas!" the little Dumbledore mourned, "I shall have to make do with the thought of it. Regardless, my time is nearly up. You may feel free to throw me away when I stop talking; I won't hold it against you. You have a few more cards, and they should be used, should you need to contact me before we can meet in person. They're activated when you open the package and are good for oh, two minutes?"

Harry nodded, and Dumbledore continued, though he did appear to be fading.

"It is good to see you well Harry. I'll talk to you in person in about a week." With that the Dumbledore card stopped talking and moving completely. He tossed it in the trash bin under his desk and piled the rest of the chocolate frogs into a paper bag, which he folded and placed under the table on the side of his bed away from the door. He kept one in his shirt pocket – the chocolate seemed impervious to melting anyway.

Just then, the third owl of the day dropped off a letter. It looked hungrily at the piece of frog on Harry's desk.

"I didn't know owls could have chocolate," Harry said, "are you sure it's okay?" The owl actually hopped up and down in its excitement, which Harry took as a yes.

"Well, if you're certain! You'd better drink though, it will make you thirsty." The owl obligingly flapped in and drained roughly half of Hedwig's water, and then hopped onto the desk and waited somewhat less than patiently. At least it had manners. Harry handed over the chocolate, which the bird greedily devoured, and then turned with a final hoot and lunged out the window.

A moment later, someone knocked on his door. The Dursleys had developed a nasty habit of simply knocking and walking in (or even skipping the knock) up until a month ago, when his aunt walked in on Harry after he'd gotten out of the shower. Neither of them mentioned it ever again, but the Dursleys now paused for a moment after a knock to get an acknowledgment that Harry was decent.

"Yes?" Harry called. The door opened and Petunia came in. She immediately noticed how clean the room was.

"So some of them have agreed to take you then?"


"When do you go?"

"The day after tomorrow, ten o'clock. They're people you've actually met…the Weasleys and…"

"Not the one with the…" she pointed to her eye.

"No, he doesn't blend in well."

"They won't show up…on brooms or something, will they?"

"No," Harry said, wanting to laugh but afraid to make his aunt mad when she was just about to hand off more of his mother's things, "they try to remain inconspicuous."

"It's a pity they aren't a little better at it," Petunia said, looking at the empty owl cage by his window.

"Yes," Harry agreed, quite honestly, "it is."

"I see you're packed then."


"I'll be back in a moment. Don't go anywhere," she added, as if Harry was suddenly going to leap from the window and disappear. Well, in her defense, that had happened before, more or less. She returned a minute later with a wrinkled brown paper bag.

"Remember, not a word! And put them away right now, if we see them…" She didn't need to finish. "That goes for that too." Petunia pointed at Lily Potter's wand, and Harry carefully wrapped it in a bit of parchment, appeasing her for the moment. Harry desperately wanted to see what was there, but he believed his aunt's threats, and he would be able to look at them as soon as she left. Petunia glanced at the clock and hurried out with no further words. Harry glanced in the bag, which contained a single small box and a pair of black gloves. He cracked the box open far enough see a small pendant on a chain. Harry let the box slip shut. The gloves felt soft and very warm; but he didn't dare put them on, because he didn't know what they did, so instead he put them and the pendant back in the bag and tucked the bag into his chest.

His curiosity momentarily sated, he turned back to the letter on his desk, which was from Remus Lupin.

Dear Harry,

The Headmaster as assured us that he contacted you; and so I'm assuming you'll know when we're arriving. If you haven't figured out, maybe you should ask him, the very next time you see him. We have much to talk about, but I think you know it's not particularly safe to do too much of that here. Make sure your relatives know that you're leaving, as we wouldn't want them to worry about you.

That's a joke!

I've been working on your present, since your birthday is coming up, and I'm pretty sure that you'll like it. It's something that took a long time to get right, and I'm sure if anyone can appreciate it it's you (and possibly Hermione). Speaking of Hermione, she wanted me to tell you that she couldn't owl you back, but that she's looking forward to seeing you. We all are. Until later,


The very next time you see him. Harry appreciated the hint. If this had been one of his worse days, he may not have even bothered with the chocolate frogs, but he thought that line would have said something to him in any mood. He was looking forward to seeing Hermione too. Summers were very busy for her, and this one seemed even more so than usual. She'd only had a half dozen chances to write him, and he was anxious to see her as well. There was a girl down the street who Harry had never talked too, who probably didn't even know he existed, who strongly resembled Hermione from a distance. Sometimes he would sit at his desk and watch her when she was outside, imagining that she was Hermione, and what it would be like if he could just go speak to her.

He never had, but he'd dreamt about it. As he pondered this, she actually came out of her house. Harry leaned back and watched the girl-who-was-not-Hermione as she took trash out of and vacuumed one of the cars in their driveway. She took quite a while, and he actually fell asleep before she had finished.

She was once again featured in his dreams.

When Harry awoke, Hedwig was back in her cage and the fourth letter of the day was on his desk in front of him.

Dear Harry,

Headmaster Dumbledore has told us about your incident, and assured me that you've discussed our arrangements as of this morning. Please be sure to be completely prepared, as you will be without anything you might forget. We'll talk soon.


Harry was quite pleased that he would be out in two days. This summer had been, on the whole, one of the more tolerable that he could remember, but he could imagine nothing that would make him want to stay. For one, he wasn't particularly enthused about being around for the next attack. As much as Harry disliked the Dursleys, his presence in their home was now a danger to them as well, and the next time Wormtail may not pick such incompetent louts. As far as Harry was concerned, the Dursleys deserved some misery, but it wouldn't come because of him.

Harry checked his room at least a dozen times over the next three hours, looking over and over again for things that he didn't want to leave behind. He checked in all of his hiding spaces; under the floorboards, behind the wardrobe, and one of his new ones, behind the headboard of his bed. He checked the pockets of his clothes, even the ones he hadn't worn lately, which netted him a couple quid and some Muggle candy. Mostly, he did it for something to do, because of course after the first go around, each time he checked them he found nothing. At a quarter past eight that night, his uncle Vernon shouted up the stairs.

"Boy, come down here!" Harry obediently hurried. His uncle sounded mad, which was nothing new, and he was still trying to keep things moving as smoothly as possible.

"Your friend wants a word with you. Maybe you should mention that we don't allow normal people to call us in the middle of the night, let alone those freaks you run with."

"I'll make a note of it," Harry said, taking the cordless phone and starting back up the stairs.


"Harry!" Hermione sounded quite happy – even breathless.

"Hello Hermione. How's the holiday going?"

"It's fantastic, I've seen loads of new art, and I've even had a chance to meet with some old friends!"

"Old friends?" Harry asked. He was certain that there were friends of their family, but she'd been such a terror their first year that he had to wonder how many 'old friends' she could have. Then he immediately felt guilty for having such a thought.

"Oh, yes," she said knowingly, "you'll see!"

"I'll see? What are you getting at?"

"Are you ready for your birthday?" she asked.

"My…My birthday is a month away, Hermione. Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm just…excited!"

"Boy!" Uncle Vernon's voice echoed through the house.

"Did you get my owl?" Harry asked.

"Was that your uncle? He sounded a bit…dreadful when he answered," Hermione said. "And I meant to write you back, but then I got a letter from Professor Dumbledore that said to wait and I'd see you later. I asked Professor Lupin to tell you."

"He did," Harry said, "I'm going to be leaving the day after tomorrow."

"Oh. I'll see you sooner than you think, then," she replied. Harry hadn't expected this conversation to go so awkwardly. It was much easier to write letters to Hermione; talking to her made it hard for him to think. For some reason, all of the ideas that flowed so freely when he was writing dried up when he heard her voice. He realized that they had both been silent for some time. Hermione broke the silence.

"So, anything new?"

"Ah…" Harry decided not to tell her about Abel and Wormtail. He could tell her at Grimmauld Place. "I've gotten some things of my mother's; her wand and things."

"Wow! I didn't know there were things left."

"Boy!" Vernon roared. "What could possibly be talking about for this long?" Harry could tell by Hermione's pause that she heard it clearly.

"Yeah. Well then, I guess I'll see you later."

"Oh yes!" Hermione exclaimed, "I'll be there for your birthday!"


"You'd better go," Hermione said, "I'll see you soon."

"Right then. Er…Good bye then?"

"Good bye, Harry."

For the second time in a day, Harry dreamt about Hermione.

The next day and a half couldn't pass fast enough. Harry stayed in his room nearly the entire time, only coming out when his Aunt Petunia yelled for him to come eat. He wasn't really hungry, and the best he managed was to stuff some down and push the rest around lamely, trying to make it seem as though he'd eaten more. Vernon and Dudley did their best to ignore him, and his final days at Privet drive were some of the calmest Harry could remember. It was odd, he didn't expect things to be so trouble-free when someone had just broken into their house and when Harry himself had so many overwhelming things to think about, but sometimes it seemed as if he was stepping outside his mind and he was on the outside looking in.

"Everything is cyclical," Professor Lupin had told Harry the last time he saw him, "the sun, the moon, and even human nature, and believe me, I know something about cycles. Things repeat themselves, over and over, and that's how it will be for you. I want you to pay special attention to your feelings, because they'll come in cycles, too."

He didn't understand what his friend was talking about at the time; even if he wanted to think it over, he hadn't the ability. Now he was just beginning to grasp what Professor Lupin had meant, and he knew that he could be one of the cycles Lupin had warned him about. In this comparatively more rational time, Harry realized that there would again be a chance for him to think about Sirius and his part in his Godfather's death. At times, he had dreams that Sirius wasn't really dead, that somewhere, somehow they'd meet again. Sometimes he was furious with himself for allowing it to happen. Mostly, though, he was slowly beginning to accept that it had happened, and accept that more factors than his gullibility were involved. He was still angry with Dumbledore, and was even more so when he understood that what the old man had reasoned out all made sense, when you thought about it.

For now he was relieved to think of something besides Sirius, Voldemort, and the prophecy.

The first day of July was looking to be hot and nasty, and Harry was wearing a new pair of shorts that reminded him how skinny and pale his legs were. He'd never had much of an eye for style, or his image, but he felt that it would be nice if he were to put on some muscle, and tan up a little. He did little else but watch the clock the whole morning, although it was a long one since he awoke at six and was to excited to go back to sleep. Vernon was at work, and Dudley, the health club. Aunt Petunia's soaps didn't start for another hour or so, and there was little to do but sit and stare aimlessly. He'd moved his trunk downstairs, and Petunia allowed him to bring Hedwig's cage down as well. He went through the room one final time, which he knew was an exercise in futility, but it ate up another half hour. By nine o'clock, Harry had become totally bored; enough so that he went through his bundle of letters in the trunk and dug out his O.W.L. results and Professor McGonagall's letter. He'd never totally read them beyond glancing at his scores and reading far enough into the letter to discover that there was a new class being offered to certain sixth and seventh year students, including him. Petunia glanced at him while he read.

"What are those, then?"

"My test scores," Harry said.

"And?" It sounded to Harry like she asked more out of boredom than concern, but he'd made it this far being civil, and it had become a certain point of pride for him to make it out of the house without snapping at her for almost an entire week.

"Er…well three O's, three Es, and three A's."

"I thought you were supposed to be this great..." She couldn't bring herself to say 'wizard'. Harry didn't say anything, because he couldn't think of anything nice. Something rude about Dudley occurred to him, but he wisely held his tongue. His aunt looked pleased with herself, and left for the kitchen.

And then came the doorbell. Harry was up and at the door so fast that he even surprised himself, and threw open the door to a startled-looking aunt Petunia. He looked at her uncertainly; it looked like aunt Petunia, except things were slightly off, as if her face had been broken into very small pieces, and then put back together skillfully.

"Hello, Tonks," Harry said. "Enjoying the trip?"

"Smashing," she replied, "mind if I come in?"

"Not at all," he said, turning to go back inside, "but maybe you should change into something more comfortable and less like Aunt…" He paused as he looked over his shoulder to see that she'd reverted to her normal face, except her hair was a shiny black.

"Why, Harry, are you coming on to me?"

Harry smiled and blushed, and Lupin and Bill Weasley appeared in the doorway. They were dressed in a reasonable imitation of Muggles, except for Bill's dragon-skin boots and Lupin's jacket. The jacket looked normal enough, but wearing one in July was a trick only a wizard or a delinquent would pull.

"Right then," Harry said. "Well, all my stuff is here and packed."

"Are those your test scores?" Lupin asked, momentarily distracted. Harry nodded and Lupin grabbed them, folding them and putting them in his jacket pocket. Petunia chose this moment to enter the room. Bill offered her his hand, which she ignored completely, leaving him blushing akwardly.

"Mrs. Dursley, pleased to meet you." Remus Lupin said. Petunia managed a nod with her lips crushed into a tight line of disapproval, and Lupin nodded back. Tonks favored her with a forced smile.

"Alright Harry," said Bill, recovering, "let's see what we can do about getting you out of her way."

Between the three of them, they got all of his possessions to the car in one trip, and his aunt shut the door so fast it almost hit Tonks, who was carrying Hedwig's cage. Bill and Lupin had the trunk, and Harry had his cauldron filled with supplies that he wanted out of or didn't have room for in his chest. He'd tucked the whole lot in a detergent box in case anyone was watching them leave. The car, an aging BMW, had no enlargement charms cast on it and they struggled to get everything but the owl into the boot. Hedwig glared at Harry as if she suspected he'd try to force her in as well.

"Not you," he said, "I'd never do that to you!"

Harry, Tonks, and Bill squeezed into the back, and Lupin took the front. Arthur Weasley was behind the wheel; apparently he was familiar with automobiles. As they pulled away from the curb the whole car breathed a collective sigh of relief.

"You live there?" Tonks asked, only half-kidding.

"Yeah," said Harry, "I try."

"Any mental problems you could ever have, explained away in a minute," Bill added with a smirk on his face. Lupin managed a chuckle.

"I've been in there once," Arthur said, "why do you think I stayed in the car?" Lupin was looking at Harry's test scores.

"What's this…A's? Harry, I'm surprised at you. I figured better."

"That Astronomy exam was a joke," Bill said in Harry's defense. "Ron told me all about it."

"You've gotten an 'E' in Potions. You need an Outstanding to be in Professor Snape's N.E.W.T. level classes."

"I know," Harry said, "I'm going to have to talk to Professor McGonagall. She's been advising me."

"What happened in Divination and History of Magic?"

"I had…a bad examination in History. Divination is, well…er…"

"Pointless," Tonks said, "and you don't need it or Astronomy to be an Auror."

"Well," Lupin added, "provided you really concentrate on potions, you should be okay - If Professor Snape will even let you in." It quickly became obvious to Harry that they were going to drive the whole way to London, so he settled back into his seat. Hedwig's cage was jammed between the front seats, and mercifully the car had air conditioning that worked reasonably well. Tonks yawned widely, and in a matter of minutes was asleep. Halfway through the trip, she slumped against Harry. He was acutely aware of it the whole way – how she smelled, how she felt, her slow, steady breathing. By the time they got to London, Harry felt very warm, even in spite of the air conditioning and his shorts and t-shirt.

the sooner I get likes for this, the sooner I’ll stop page stretching

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3 minutes ago, SwAg said:

the sooner I get likes for this, the sooner I’ll stop page stretching

This is WAY BETTER.  I suggest everyone read it. 

On 12/9/2019 at 11:49 PM, Pickle Rick said:


Movie Title: Roanoke: The Genesis of a New World 

Director: Alejandro González Iñárritu

Composer: John Williams 


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Leonardo DiCaprio will use his extraordinary talents to play Sampson Amcottes, an early settler that traveled back with John White to try for the second time establishing a colony in the New World.  He is tormented the death of his son on the journey and wrestles the demons that haunt him day in and day out as a result.  His grip on reality is constantly at a breaking point, until his mind decides to take a side.   



Kevin Costner will be cast as John White, the Governor or Roanoke who has returned after 3 long years away from the island.  He left to get more supplies and men for the colony.  He will move mountains to reunite with his family.



Kate Hudson will be cast as Eleanor Dare, a strong willed woman making the journey to start a new life.  She would give birth to the first English born child in the New World (Virginia Dare) as she fights to keep her daughter alive, while batting hostile native indians, starvation, the elements, and psychosis within the community. 



Matthew McConaughey will be cast as Ananias Dare, the husband of Eleanor Dare (Kate Hudson) and father to the first English born child in the New World.  He came across the Atlantic Ocean in search of a better life for his family, what he got was something he never wished for. 



Jeffrey Dean Morgan will be cast as Saewulf Hertcombe, a man that takes it upon himself to keep the community safe from all threats including the natives and internal strife fueled by paranoia, psychosis, and starvation.  After fighting in the Desmond Rebellions he wanted to come to the New World and start a new life devoid of needless violence and bloodshed.  



Sam Eliott will be cast as Cutbert Jones, an old timer that came to the New World for the adventure of his life.  He provides the community with his wisdom and expertise, while acting as the defacto Govenor when John White leaves to return to England to get supplies and reinforcements. 



Helen Mirren will be cast as Queen Elizabeth I.  As Spain continued to expand their empire in Central and South America, Queen Elizabeth had her sights set on North America and the New World.  Despite a failed attempt already behind her, she sent out John White to try again.  She would soon come to regret this decision and her soul would be tormented for the rest of her days by this single decision.  



John Pyper-Ferguson will be cast as Silas Dodson, a man who fought alongside his good friend Saewulf Hertcombe in the Desmond Rebellions.  John White recruited him to travel back with him to Roanoke as reinforcements and to follow his friend on a journey of a lifetime. 



Charlize Theron will be cast as Mary Wightman, a recently widowed woman making the journey to the New World alone.  She would soon find love again, but a lasting life together will take an act of God to see to the end.  





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The movie opens with a large galleon sitting anchored offshore from a tiny island, 2 rowboats with 10 men each push off from the ship and start to head towards the beach.  Onboard one of the rowboats is John White, Governor of Roanoke, a second attempt at establishing a settlement in the New World by Queen Elizabeth I.  John White is returning with supplies and more men, he had left three years earlier to make a quick supply run, but ended up being delayed by weather and war, forcing his extra long and unbearable time away from his family.  Accompanying John White is Silas Dodson, a friend of Saewulf Hertcombe and a man that was specifically recruited by John White to make this trip.  The waves thrash the tiny rowboats around causing them to halt their journey to shore just outside the breaking waves.  After a short time, the waves and wind die down enough for them to make the last push to shore.  Both men are becoming more worried the closer they get to shore, as they have yet to see any sign of life or greeting party from the settlement.   


Once on shore John White takes off over the dunes calling out the names of his daughter, granddaughter, son-in-law, and native friend (Eleanor, Virginia, Ananias, and Manteo).  Finding a path, they follow it to what was their settlement from three years ago.  Still not seeing any signs of life, John White is becoming more and more frantic.  He rushes through the settlement and runs into his house, hoping to find his family eating breakfast and enjoying each others company.  However, his hopes are dashed when he bursts through the door to find nothing, he runs to the bedroom while the other men catch up to him and inspect the kitchen.  Silas Dodson tries to console John White with his realization that everything in the house is gone.  All the pots, pans, tables, chairs, clothes, everything.  He convinces John White that the settlement must have relocated to gain a stronger defensive position against the natives.  Looking at a crudely drawn map made by John White, he determines that the strongest defensive location in the region is a section of land to the north of the island in an area that meets the river and the inlet, one that is protected by deep waters to the south and the beach to the east.  It would leave only the north and west as areas needing to be fortified.  Silas Dodson gives the men with them a chance to head back to the ship if they choose to not partake in the deadly and dangerous trek to find the settlement, a few of the men do indeed depart to head back to the ship.  Those that stayed traveled over to the beach where their journey inland to find the settlement would begin the next day.


While the men sit around the campfire, Silas Dodson and John White talk down at the water's edge.  John White is on the edge of a mental break, as Silas Dodson tries to reassure him that as long as he can feel his family's presence in the world, then he must hang on to that and allow it to guide him.  The most precious things in life are family and if they can still give him strength, then he can give his men the strength to find them.  John White assures Silas Dodson that his granddaughter Virginia is and will always be the beacon of hope that will guide others to leave their homes and join them in creating something wondrous in the New World.


In the morning the men set off in a northward direction looking for any signs of life and the new settlement.  The further inland they walked, the more worried they became, that is until Silas Dodson stops dead in his tracks.  The men make their way over to him and draw their weapons, not knowing what has spooked him.  Once the men were all together Silas Dodson motioned out in front of him, sitting slumped over against the tree was a body, their head down and motionless.  Silas approached the body slowly with his gun out and trained on the person, as he moved to the side, he noticed the body was covered in blood and scalped.  A truly horrific site for anyone to see.  He used the end of his musket to poke and move the person's head around, checking to see if there was any life left, there was none.  Silas Dodson motioned for John White to come and take a look in order to see if he knew who it was.  John White immediately breaks down screaming and falling to the ground.  It was Grace Collins, a woman who had become attached at the hip with his daughter Eleanor.  


John White becomes terrified, he jumps up and takes off running in a full sprint in the direction that the body was facing, north.  Silas Dodson quickly instructs two of the men to search the area for any clues as to what might have happened and two other men to carry the body in the same direction that John White ran off in.  He and the rest of the men then take off running after John White.  


John White keeps running through the forest, not breaking stride.  He bursts through a tree line and immediately runs into a high wall that ran from east to west.  Stunned, he runs to the east towards the shorter end of the wall.  Rounding the corner he comes across a post at the entrance of the settlement, on the post is a bloody handprint overtop a word card into the post, CROATOAN.  Now mortified at what he might find inside the settlement, John White pushing forward into the walls in search for his family.  


Just as John White heads into the settlement, Silas Dodson and the other men burst through the tree line at the entrance.  They see John White run into the settlement and the bloody handprint over top of the carving.  The men draw their weapons and follow John White into the unknown.  


The men find John White standing frozen in front of a house, as they approach he moves to the side revealing an enormous amount of blood covering the walls.  Silas Dodson moves past John White and walks into the house.  There is even more blood on the inside, on the walls, tables, chairs, everywhere.  Despite the amount of blood in the house, Silas Dodson found no bodies.  Silas comes out of the house dejected, he orders the rest of the men to cautiously search the rest of the buildings in the settlement.  John White just falls to the ground sobbing,          


As night falls, the men all regroup in the center of the settlement.  All of the men recount the same descriptions as the house that Silas Dodson entered, blood covered walls, but no signs of any bodies.  They decide to set up camp there in the center of the settlement as to avoid torturing themselves and John White with being haunted by the sights and smells of the houses.  As the men sleep, Silas Dodson and another man take a shift of patrolling the area.  They separate and go in opposite directions, with a plan to form a circle and meet back up where everyone was sleeping.  Silas Dodson makes his round and returns to the center of the settlement, he sees no sign of the other man.  As Silas Dodson grows worried, he wakes John White and the two of them trek backwards in search of the missing man.  They hear a commotion coming from behind on of the houses and split up so they could flank around and converge at the same time.  John White and Silas Dodson round the house at the same time to see their man in an all out fight for his life with a native.  The native gain the upper hand and pulls out a hatchet, raising it high, at the same time Silas Dodson raises his musket and aims it at the native.  Just as Silas begins to pull the trigger, John White yells out a name, Manteo.  Everyone freezes in their battle and turns to see John White moving towards the native, telling him that he has returned and their is no need for this violence and that we are all friends.  Manteo slowly lowers the hatchet and Silas Dodson moves his finger off the trigger.


John White and Manteo embrace as they all head back to the campfire and wake up the others.  John White grills Manteo about where everyone is, what happened, and why he was about to kill a white man.  Manteo does his best to answer what he can.  He tells them that Eleanor is safe and with the Croatoans, outside of that he didn't know much.  What he could tell them is that after a string of suspicious deaths around and in the settlement, he was banished bc the acting Governor, Cutbert Jones, attributed the deaths to natives and suspected him and his tribe for committing the atrocities.  The suspicion had risen from the fact that the colonists had inadvertently killed his mother in retaliation for the first string of deaths.   The colonists attacked a nearby native settlement that they thought were responsible for some attacks and deaths shortly after John White left three years ago.  What they did not know was that the natives had left the settlement and the ones there during the raid were Croatoans who came to loot what the others had left behind.  The tensions between the Croatoans and the Roanoke settlement continued to fracture ultimately forcing the colonists to sever all contact with the Croatoans and relocate the settlement.  A few days prior, Eleanor and Cutbert Jones wandered into the Croatoan settlement covered in blood.  Manteo then traveled to the new settlement to find any others that may be alive.  As Manteo finished recounting the knowledge he held about the situation, the sun cracked the horizon off to the east.  The men packed up and headed to the Croatoan settlement.


The men arrive at the Croatoan settlement to find Eleanor in a near catatonic state.  The shock and horror of what they went through had overtaken her mind and left her unable to care for herself. The Croatoans were bathing and feeding Eleanor as if she was a young child.  John White is mortified by what he sees but is also overjoyed that Eleanor is still alive.  They have a long embrace, one that only John White could feel.  After John White and Eleanor have their reunion, Cutbert Jones walks in and begins to recount, in horrifying detail, the missing pieces to Manteo's timeline.  


“It all began a few weeks after John White left to resupply the colony.  A man was found dead along the beach, his head was scalped and torn up with a hatchet that lay stuck in his chest.  Then a month or so later we found a woman scalped and cut up with a hatchet in a back, but this time it was inside the settlement.  We retaliated on a nearby native settlement, one that had shown previous aggression toward us, we had no idea they had left and Manteo's mother was there pillaging what was left behind.  After that we severed ties with the Croatoans and moved our settlement.  Things were fine for a while, then all hell broke loose. About a month prior there was piecing screams in the dead of night, we finally found the source, another dead body, scalped, and with a hatchet in their chest.  We took men off the perimeter and placed them inside the settlement, it worked for a little while, until about a week ago.  I was asleep, dreaming of our future, then I felt a sharp pain in my stomache, I awoke to see Sampson Amcottes standing over me with a psychotic look upon his face.  In his hand was a hatchet with my blood on it.  I quickly jumped out of bed and we fought, he got me again in the leg, while I was doubled over he got me with the butt of the hatchet across the head.  I was stunned, but not out of it enough so I could hear the words he spoke.  He told me “I’m not going to kill you Cutbert, I am going to destroy everything you hold dear.  My wife and child had to suffer horribly on that ship and it’s all because of you and that wretched John White, we could have made landfall sooner, anywhere was just as good as the next place.  We didn’t have to come here, to this cursed land.  You all made that choice, the choice that condemned my heart and soul to death.  Then, to compound your treachery, you forced me to throw them overboard, now they will never know peace, they will never rest eternally.  So, now it is your turn to know the torture you have brought upon me and my family.  It will be never ending, you will always be haunted by what happens next.”  With that Sampson Amcottes struck me again and when I woke up, I found the place deserted.  Wandering about in a daze, I found Eleanor carving something into a post, I think it was a message to you, I still don’t know what happened after I was knocked unconscious.  Eleanor has gone almost comatose ever since she made that carving.  Whatever she knows, is lost inside her mind.”


John White, Silas Dodson and the men work to figure out their next potential path to take in finding Virginia and the others.  Meanwhile, Virginia, Ananias Dare, Saewulf Hetcombe, and Mary Wightman wake up deep into the woods to see a couple of natives talking to Sampson Amcottes, they are bound with their hands tied behind them..  They over hear the natives warning Sampson that a giant ship arrived off the coast a few days back and the men made their way to the Croatoan settlement.  Saewulf is badly injured from the fight back at the Roanoke settlement, Mary Wightman manages to get herself free and tends to his wounds.  When Sampson realizes this, he drags her out, away from the others.  They can see him prop her up against a tree facing away from them, so her body is mostly blocked by the tree.  He leans in and says something to her, before rearing back and taking a mighty swing at her head, she falls to the ground and is drug away by Sampson.  Virginia, Ananias, and Saewulf become emotionally devastated, especially Saewulf, as he had come to care for Mary.


Ananias who had been comforting his daughter realizes the pain he had been feeling in his stomach was not a muscle, but he had in fact been cut by a hatchet in the fight at the settlement as well.  Someone had bandaged him up while he was unconscious, he finds out that it was his daughter Virginia who had done it.  The bleeding won’t stop, he realizes his end is near but could not be more proud of his daughter.  He has one final talk with her about how much he loves her and that she needs to be brave and fight for what is right in the world.  He tells her she has to be strong for when she finds her mother and to love this New World, despite all of the pain that it has caused.  Ananias succumbs to his wounds while holding the hand of his daughter, both strapped behind their backs. 


Then men along with some of the Croatoan including Manteo head into the woods in search of the others.  


Meanwhile, Sampson finds Ananias dead and tells Virginia that everything that has happened has been the result of her grandfather, her pain is entrenched in his poor judgement and unholy fears of the New World.  


After a day or two, Saewulf is healed enough that he decides to make a break for it with Virginia.  He breaks free from his bonds and frees the little girl.  As they sneak out in the middle of the night they hear odd noises coming from near Sampson’s campfire.  Saewulf and the little girl approach cautiously and are shocked to see Mary is still alive and tied up to a tree.  Saewulf leaves Virginia, determined to save his love.  He sneaks in and frees her, however when they make it back to Virginia a shot breaks the silence of night.  Saewulf falls dead as Mary and Virginia take off into the darkness.


As John White and his men are asleep they hear the musket shot ring through the air.  They jump to their feet and head in the direction they thought it came from.      


Sampson is hot on Virginia and Mary's heels.  Sampson catches up to them both when Mary falls and hurts her ankle.  She tells Virginia to just run and don't stop running until she is safe.  Virginia leaves Mary behind and runs further into the woods until her little legs give out, not much past where Mary fell as they had been running all night.  Meanwhile, Mary uses a tree limb to help herself stand up, just as Sampson reaches her.  She makes her proud and triumphant stand against Sampson, she tries to take a swing at him with the tree limb but falls to the ground.  


Virginia hears Mary scream, as do John White and his men. Virginia hears Ananias' voice in her head reminding to to always fight for what is right in this world, she find the strength to stand up and run back to Mary.  


John White and his men are closing in Sampson and Mary.  They finally get a glimpse of the two and see Mary on the ground and Sampson pull out his hatchet.  They are still too far away to take a shot.  Mary screams for help as Sampson rears back to deliver the final blow.  


Just as Sampson brings down the hatchet, John White and his men see Virginia jump in front of Mary and absorb the hatchet strike to the chest.  John White screams in anger, fear, and heartache as they continue to move towards Sampson.  Silas Dodson aims his musket and takes a shot at Sampson hitting him in the leg.  Sampson turns and limps away as John White and his men close in.  


John White runs over to his granddaughter, who lay dying on the ground, while Silas and the men go after Sampson.  Holding his granddaughter in his arms, John White tries to stop the bleeding and save Virginia.  Virginia just looks at her grandfather and utters "I fought for what was right."  Virginia dies in John White's arms. 


John White becomes enraged and leaps to his feet and chases after Sampson Amcottes and his men.   He finds his men at the edge of a river that is raging from the recent storms.  Sampson is trapped between the river and John White’s men.  John White moves in front of his men and right up to Sampson.  He places his musket on Sampson’s cheek and through tears shouts, “Why!” 


Sampson begins to laugh hysterically when replying, “Revenge!  That's what happens when you are left to battle the mental scars of pushing your wife and daughter overboard into the depths of darkness, forcing their souls to be eternally lost.  It eats at you and eats at you, for two months I had to sway back and forth on that ship, to know that my family is cursed to never rest as they sink into nothingness.  You took everything from me, everything!  Not one second has gone by since then, that I haven’t thought of bringing my emotional horror to your doorsteps.  I just never thought I would get to look you in the eyes as the hatred blackens your heart and fuels the fires of revenge that is overtaking every fiber of your being.  You feel your heart dying as mine did many years ago.  You will be haunted to the end of time by this one moment along that infinite timeline of life.  Nothing you do matter, nothing you do will give your granddaughter life again.  


John White pushed the barrel of the musket harder against Sampsons cheek and exclaims, “You’re right, she’s not coming back to me, but she will live on as the beacon of hope and wonder that will guide others to the wondrous place. She will forever be one with beautiful land.  She will always and forever be alive, as long as there are people here to enjoy the New World.  Now rot in hell.” 


John White pulls the trigger of his musket as Sampson falls backwards into the raging river.  


Screen dissolves Queen Elizabeth I sitting on her throne. 


A young boy runs into the room clutching tightly two journals and a handwritten letter.  After pausing at the entrance and waiting to be given permission to enter, he hurries over to the Queen and hands her the letter and journals.  She opens the letter and reads it aloud in confusion.  “If the idea of a New World is to remain resolute and righteous with the people, then destroy these journals and proclaim that the people of Roanoke have been lost to the unknown, that they are out there somewhere, just waiting to be found.”  It was signed John White.      


She immediately opens up the journals and reads them in their entirety.  After finishing the last journal, she calmly picks them along with the letter up and walks over to the fireplace and drops everything into the blaze and says, “From the ashes of pain shall come the birth of power.”





Roanoke: The Genesis of a New World Script


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On 12/10/2019 at 11:07 PM, The Orca said:

Reserved for- The Orca Wildlife Production's 

Title: The Last Reich

Director: Steven Spielberg


Actors: Will Smith, Hugo Weaving, Christopher Lloyd. Christoph Waltz, Anson Mount, Paul Bettany, Russell Crowe, Dennis Quaid

Actresses: Jennifer Lawrence, Jodelle Ferland, Diane Kruger, Alexandra Daddario

Composer: Michael Giacchino 




Will Smith plays Tre Riker. A tough nosed survivalist and marksman. He is a captain in the Old EARTH Spaceguard 



Hugo Weaving plays Cartsen Reinhold. A sophisticated but hardened intellectual. He is the leader of the rebels on Old Earth and commander of the Old Earth Spaceguard 



Anson Mount plays Dirk Siegfried. He is a very calming mountain man sheriff, who has enlisted in the Old Earth Spaceguard and is now the 2nd in command



Dennis Quaid plays Iwo Axel. A cold weather survival expert and adviser to the Old Earth Spaceguard



Christopher Lloyd plays Renwick Gunnar. A technological savvy scientist that brings laughter to intelligence



Jennifer Lawrence plays Kristin Eartha. A feisty Lieutenant in the Old Earth Spaceguard. She will stop at nothing to see the universe being rid of the German New Earth Army



Jodelle Ferland plays Danyela Tanyeli. A slave under the German New Earth Army who paves the way to a new world via beauty, intelligence and big guns



Alexandra Daddario plays Petra Rose. A gentle and kind German New Earth Army soldier who sees everybody as human and equal



Christoph Waltz plays Torolf Henning. The dictator of the Fourth Reich German New Earth.



Paul Bettany plays Martin Tortsen. The commander of the German New Earth Army



Russel Crowe plays Fulcher Lorenz. A general in the German New Earth Army



Diane Kruger plays Anike Martina. A soldier in the German New Earth Army



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For every generation, there is that one moment in time that stands out as the decisive pinnacle of triumph and world changing. Well that all came to a head on November 7, 1946. In April of 1945, Adolf Hitler was surrounded at the bottom of a bunker in Berlin, Germany. Soviet troops were on the verge of taking Berlin and ending World War 2. What they didn’t know was it was just the beginning. Hitler faked his own death and conceded defeat and the loss of Berlin, but it was always part of his plan. After sneaking out of Germany via a vast underground network of tunnels, Hitler boarded a ship bound for the Argentina coast. There he had everything prepared for the Fourth Reich. As the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union were relishing in supposed victory, Hitler was reestablishing what would become the first installment of the New Earth Army. Hitler smuggled all of his top scientists out of Germany and relocated them to Argentina with him. There they were successful in developing the world’s first nuclear bomb. After successfully completing a series of tests on the nuclear bomb, Hitler had a whole arsenal of nuclear bombs built. On November 7th, 1945, Hitler brought Germany entirely into the Fourth Reich and the New Earth Army made the defining generational moment in world history. In the early morning hours Hitler’s rebuilt Army reigned fire down on world. From Washington D.C, to New York City, to Paris, to Moscow, and almost everywhere in between, nuclear bombs were dropped in the hundreds. When the dust settled Germany had taken the entire world by surprise. Hitler and his New Earth Army ushered in the Thousand Year Reich, without even blinking an eye. 


Over the next few hundred years the Earth was dramatically changed. The United States was a 

virtually uninhabitable wasteland. The majority of Europe aside from Germany was just scorched earth. The downfall to the nuclear explosions was a resulting Ice Age. The Northern Hemisphere was ushered into a perpetual and continuous Ice Age. Temperatures hovered around -20 F and ice and snow fell from the skies every day. The few survivors that managed not to be incinerated by nuclear bombs, or melted from the inside by radiation became bottom dwellers. They lived in tunnels, basements, subways, basically anything that was below ground. During this time. the people of Earth that were not affected, either swore allegiance to the New Earth Army or were killed. Many people migrated into the wastelands instead of competulating to the New Earth Army. The New Earth Army controlled the Earth and there was nothing anyone could do about it, yet.


During the first few hundred years following the Nuclear Day, Germany’s New Earth flourished and thrived in the absence of any threat. Technology advanced at an exponential rate. By the year 2400, the first rebellion took place. A group of about ten thousand rebels from the former United States mounted an attack on New Berlin located in Argentia. They were annihilated by laser weapons and flying armadas. They never stood a chance from the beginning. Following the defeat, the rebels returned to their ice dwellings and underground civilizations they were forced to live in. The rebels had everything they needed to take down the New Earth Army, determination, hatred, something to fight for, they just didn’t have the weapons and technology. They settled back into their harsh and unrelenting lives just trying to survive one day at a time in a world of ice and snow. The hatred, determination, and fight were still there, but it would be put to the back of their minds for the time being. 


In the year 2600, the areas of the Northern Hemisphere had began to prosper and the technology of Germany’s New Earth Army began to be dispensed by numerous means around the world. There were 3 more rebellions more organized and determined than ever before to destroy the GNEA (Germany’s New Earth Army). Alas, even with the increase in technology, the GNEA was still unmatched in terms of weaponry. The rebellions were dispensed one by one. At this time though, the GNEA became very well versed in space travel and habitation. Growing tired of the rebels from the north the GNEA constructed a colossal Space city next to Pluto. They named the city Ubertropolis. Here they would live away from the rebels and the growing problems of the Earth. The temperatures were getting colder everywhere and there were dwindling resources, minerals, fuels and everything in between. On November 7th, 2746, the GNEA vacated Earth for good, but not before they scoured the Earth taking anything of importance. This included scientists, doctors, intellectuals, and anything they felt would be of use in their new space state. The people torn from their families became slaves for the GNEA. They were forced to work and live on the GNEA space state as well as on Pluto, which was used as a fortification of their space state.. Over the next 200 years, the GNEA developed their Galactic Ice Rail Gun. The Galactic Ice Rail Gun was the most advanced weaponry in human history and was at the forefront in quantum elcromagnetic laser weaponry. The weapon converted ice to fuel, which was used to induce quantum reactions that created an electromagnetic field that was used in the generation of an electrolaser. This weapon essentially was a long range ice lightning that would freeze and then evaporate its target. Its use was mostly for large scale destruction on the order of planetoid like objects. However, over the years, the GNEA began to develop more localized abilities for the weapon and every hundred years targeted sections of Old Earth just for diabolical fun. 


During the subsequent mindless and unnecessary attacks of Old Earth by the GNEA, the remaining people were struggling to overcome all of the obstacles put in front of them. The world was rapidly cooling and as such the surface was almost entirely uninhabitable. Everything was underground and what little was top side had been evaporated by the Galactic Ice Rail Gun by the GNEA. Even underground was starting to show consistent cooling. It was at this time around the year 3000 that the people of Old Earth were finished and ready to go on the offensive in taking back the Galaxy from the GNEA. They began to rapidly increase their weaponry, space travel, space weapons, and prepared for the fight of their lives. The Old Earth Spaceguard launched several attacks on the GNEA’s space city Ubertropolis and the Ice Fortress on Pluto. They were pushed back with the swiftness that results from the overwhelming superiority due to the continued differences in technology. 


Act 1:


Chapter One: The Discovery


Danjela was performing her normal everyday tasks in the control center. Danjela was Lead technological supervisor at the Ice Fortress. The large fortress controlled the Galactic Ice Rail Gun (GIRG) that was the heart and sole of the GNEA. It was the biggest difference in the technological divide between the GNEA and the Old Earth Spaceguard (OES). When the GNEA left Old Earth they brought along slaves that would be a necessity for the GNEA to keep advancing and growing technologically. Danjela’s family was one of the one’s that the GNEA had enslaved on their madden voyage to construct and inhabit Ubertropolis and the Ice Fortress. Her great-great-great-great grandfather had been a scientist who was forced to help the GNEA contrive, construct, finish, test, and maintain the Galactic Ice Rail Gun. Over the course of its existence, the GIRG was maintained and run by Danjela’s family and other slaves that were forced to work for the GNEA. Everyday since Danjela was 16, almost everything she knew was the Ice Fortress and the inside of the control center. On very rare occasions was she allowed or even able to explore Pluto. That was about to change. On this day, Danjela was examining the outputs of the GIRG after its most recent dischargement. Danjela despised knowing she had anything to do with GIRG. She cried every time it was fired since she knew lives were lost. When looking over the readouts, Danjela discovered something interesting- the ground temperature around the GIRG was abnormally warm, even after a discharge. Danjela was alarmed because this was the first time an irregular temperature had appeared in over 200 years of the GIRG’s existence. The weapon was entirely reliant upon the ice from the ground and without ice would malfunction at best and at worse could catastrophically implode. The quantum reactions needed to be cooled and any temperature increase was cause for alarm. Danjela went to a soldier that was assigned to monitor the control room and the slaves. She informed him of the issue relating to the GIRG’s temperature upsurge. Danjela was assigned a soldier and a shuttle ship to fly across the planet to the location of the GIRG. Upon approach Danjela could see something wasn't quite right with the GIRG station. The soldiers and workers which normally operated and maintained the physical weapon were nowhere to be seen as she maneuvered the shuttle onto the landing pad. Danjela radioed the GIRG’s housing base and there was no answer. Danjela and the soldier proceeded to leave the shuttle and look around. It was clear the temperature increase was a result of the failed maintenance of the actual weapon by the GIRG’s crew. The soldier and Danjela radioed for a backup crew and more assistance in determining the causation of the missing crew. 


Chapter 2: The creature


Danjela waited for the backup shuttles to arrive. When the shuttles touched down, Danjela saw a familiar face, Petra. Petra was a soldier in the GNEA, however, she was a kind soul. Someone who had no hatred for anyone, especially the slaves. She was unlike every other soldier in the GNEA in this way. She treated the slaves like everyone else and was friends with many of them. She saw no distinction between GNEA and the slaves. Everyone was human in her eyes. When Danjela saw Petra her eyes lit up because Petra was her best friend. Danjela smiled and opened the shuttle door. Petra and Danjela began searching the housing base while the backup crew began recalibrating the weapon and getting everything back in order. Petra and Danjela walked through the grand doors of the housing base and were immediately met with a ghastly sight. One of the workers were lying slouched on a couch in the main lodging area. Petra walked over to the man and gave him a jarring shake. The man dropped to the floor and Petra let out a blood curdling scream. Danjela came over and saw the man, now sprawled out on the floor, with blood everywhere. The chest and stomach cavity of the man had been opened up and torn to shreds. The man was dead. Petra immediately called in the death to her commander. In the meantime, Danjela though shaken, decided to investigate the rest of housing base. She walked around the corner to the kitchen and saw another grizzly sight. The doors to the kitchen had been barricaded on the outside and in. The doors were ripped open by something and blood was dripping from the opening. Danjela peered into the kitchen and stood there frozen. Petra done with updating her commander, walked over to Danjela and asked what was wrong. She too, then peered into the kitchen area. There they saw the bodies, more exactly body parts of what remained of the entire crew and soldiers that were at the base. They were all dead. Something had torn them to shreds. The insides of the torsos had been chewed up and appeared to have been eaten and the limbs had been strewn along the dining hall having been flung around across the room. Both Danjela and Petra looked at each other petrified of what they had seen. At this time they heard a large rumble in the distance. The vibrations grew louder and louder and the building began to shake. There were no earthquakes in the 200 plus year history of the Ice Fortress, so Danjela and Petra were frightened to even think about what was causing them. They ran to the main doors of the housing unit and looked up. At that exact moment a herd of polar bear like creatures came pummeling down the slope towards the base. At the top of the slope Danjela saw an enormous creature stand up on its hind legs and let out a roar that almost crumbled the building behind Danjela and Petra. This animal was 200 feet tall and looked like a cross between a polar bear and a tyrannosaurus rex. The head of the animal was extremely large and contained teeth the size of a shuttle. Danjela and Petra stood in place by fear. They watched as the creatures tore threw the shuttles and soldiers like nothing they had ever seen. The weapons of the GNEA soldiers had almost no effect on the large beast. However, it did have some impact on the smaller ones. As Danjela and Petra made their way to one of the last remaining shuttles that remained undamaged they heard the sounds of lasers flying by their heads. They turned around just in time to see a soldier shoot one of the creatures as it ripped into another soldier. Both the soldier and creature fell to the ground. Danjela jumped into the shuttle and fired it up. Then she ran back out and told Petra to help her grab the fallen creature. Together they dragged the creature on board. Just as they were closing the hatch to the shuttle a stray laser barreled into Petra’s side. She fell to the ground in silence. Danjela heard a thud as Petra hit the floor. She immediately put Petra in stasis pod at the back of the shuttle. The stasis pods were for long range shuttle missions to help passengers, soldiers, and the like sleep. Danjela knew the science behind the stasis and thought it was the only thing that could keep Petra alive long enough for here to get to help. She pushed the button and Petra immediately froze inside a liquid base. Danjela fired up the engines to the shuttle and took off. Once airborne she looked back at the weapon and saw a flash of light. The base where the GIRG was stationed had been obliterated into nothingness by a nuclear bomb. As Danjela was getting closer to the Ice Fortress, a person appeared on the communications console. It was Fulcher Lorenz, a commander in the GNEA. Fulcher was a ruthless psychopath who was fortunate enough that his propensity for violence has propelled him to the rank of commander. Fulcher was a man that always did the dirty work for the GNEA, not because he was told to, but rather he just loved the killing and violence. Fulcher told Danjela that what she witnessed was never supposed to be seen. As he was speaking Danjela could tell something wasn't quite right. She thought to herself, “why was he telling her this”. At that moment, she saw the mini rail gun bay doors open at the Ice Fortress in front of her. She immediately knew what was happening. The GNEA was going to shoot down her shuttle. Danjela immediately took evasive action and cloaked the shuttle. She was just quick enough that the mini rail guns could not lock onto her position. She flew the shuttle to a safe distance and stared blankly into the sky. After some time of reflection Danjela knew there was only one thing she could do, go to the Ubertropolis. She plotted a course on the navigation console of the shuttle and began to think about how she could steal a GNEA space cruiser. 


Chapter 3: Space Flight


Danjela flew the space shuttle up to the Ubertropolis. The trip took some time, so she turned her attention back to Petra and the creature. Danjela ran some diagnostics on Petra as she lie in stasis. The results showed that Petra was bleeding profusely and stasis had slowed the process, but it wouldn't plug the issue indefinitely. Danjela needed to find a doctor and immediately. Danjela turned her attention to the creature. The creature was alive, so Danjela bandaged the animal up and ran a DNA test to see what exactly she had brought on board. The results came back as a mix between a polar bear, orca, and tyrannosaurus rex. Danjela had stumbled upon some hybrid creature that the GNEA had bred for some nefarious reason. By the time the DNA test was complete the shuttle had arrived at Ubertropolis. Danjela docked the shuttle and began quickly looking for a space cruiser. She found a space cruiser that was waiting to be offloaded. It was a weapons resupply from the Ice Fortress. Danjela went to one of the many bars on Ubertropolis and found some unwitting soldiers to help her transfer Petra and the creature onto the space cruiser that was currently unmanned. After a few drinks the soldiers would have done anything for such a pretty face. Once Petra and the creature was on board, Danjela swiftly closed all of the doors and threw the space cruiser in reverse. One of the soldiers sounded the alarm. Danjela had the ship part way out of Ubertropolis when she saw the laser doors open up and the fireworks began. Lasers bombarded the cruiser from all sides. The shields on the cruiser began to drop immediately. They were at 50% before Danjela even could think. Danjela diverted as much of the power of the ship as she could to the shields. They would not hold, another barrage dropped the shields down to 30%. At this time, she was a good distance away from Ubertropolis, but she could see other cruisers beginning to pull out of the docking ramp. She needed to do something and fast. Danjela quickly calculated in her head that the best chance to survive and get away from Ubertropolis was to drop the remaining shields and divert all of the power to the engines. Before doing so she blasted the docking ramp where she could see a ship pulling off. With the bevy of laser after laser the cruiser at the ramp exploded. When this happen she diverted all of the power to the engines and went full speed hoping to make it far enough away that the lasers from Ubertropolis could not reach her space cruiser. As soon as the shields were dropped the cruiser began taking on damage immediately. Danjela did her best to maneuver the ship so that the same area of the hull wouldn't be damaged repeatedly. After a few minutes the amount of lasers hitting the hull became less frequent and then not at all. Alarms were going off everywhere, the ship was badly damaged. She had lost the ability to use weapons, divert power, and life support was leaking. Danjela had two choices at this point, go to a military outpost on a moon of Jupiter, or plot a course for Old Earth. If she went to the moon outpost it would surely mean death, for her, Petra, and the creature. She made the only decision that was possible. Danjela entered the coordinates of Old Earth on the navigation console and then quickly attempted to make repairs on the life support. After repairing what she could, Danjela sat down beside the creature and fell asleep. Danjela awoke a day later to the sound of alarms. The ship had entered the Old Earth’s atmosphere and was descending way to fast. Danjela jumped onto the flight controls and did her best to lessen the rate of descent and especially the angle of decent. The course correction was of little help. The ship was still falling fast and too steep. Danjela braced for impact.


Chapter 4: Old Earth


A small group of Old Earth citizens are awakened by a large rumble from above. The youngest of the group, a stunning but rugged women jumped up from her bunk and swiftly made her way to a ladder. A man quickly confronted her about her intentions. Tre Riker was the captain of the bunker outpost. The woman was Kristin Eartha, his lieutenant. The two were extremely vital members of the Old Earth Spaceguard. The only defense and protection any of the Old Earth inhabitants had against any threat posed by the GNEA. Riker and Kristin were stationed at a remote outpost bunker and tasked with technological weapons and flight upgrades in the continued quest to free Old Earth from the GNEA. As Riker stood there reinforming Kristin of their mission parameters, the two heard an explosion. Kristin became even more restless wanting to go investigate the source of the commotion that was topside. Riker was further concerned when he started to smell smoke, so he told Kristin to go fetch Iwo. Iwo Axel was Old Earth’s top survival expert. Old Earth was becoming colder and colder each year, so Riker was not going to take any chances sending his best Lieutenant topside, unless she was accompanied by someone who knew what they were doing in the harsh unforgiving wasteland that was now the surface of Old Earth. The temperature was -50 degrees Fahrenheit and that was a rather warm day in the middle of July. Iwo and Kristin made their way up the ladder and through the hatch to a buffer room. It was the best way to keep most of the cold from leaking further into the depths of the outpost’s underground units. Iwo and Kristin flung open the door to the outside world, a blast of freezing cold wind almost knocked them to the ground. Iwo grabbed Kristin and the two powered their way out into the unknown. Kristin immediately glimpsed a large burning object about half a mile away from the outpost. The two of them jumped onto snowmobiles and hurried straight to the source of the fire. Once Iwo and Kristin reached the outskirts of the flaming object they froze in their tracks. Before them was a GNEA space cruiser in a burning heap of metal. It had appeared that the space cruiser had crashed into the Earth at a very high rate of speed. Kristin immediately radioed Riker and apprised him of the situation. Before either Iwo and Kristin could ascertain orders from Riker they heard a faint roar coming from the burning wreckage of the ship. Iwo bolted to the location he heard the roar and after removing a few pieces of debris he saw an animal lying on the ground. It was no ordinary animal, By the time Iwo had uncovered the animal, Kristin had made her way to Iwo. Once she saw the creature before her she pulled out her laser pistol and aimed at it. As Kristin was about to pull the trigger a woman stood up from behind a tree and screamed at the soldier to not shoot the animal. Iwo and Kristin spun around and saw a woman injured and bleeding, pleading for them to not kill the animal. Kristin quickly interrogated the woman and found out she was a slave from the Ice Fortress and had stolen the ship and needed help for her friend. That was about all Kristin could manage to get from the women before she passed out from here injuries. Iwo and Kristin found Danjela’s friend Petra and removed the stasis chamber and placed it on the snowmobile. Iwo noticed that Petra was wearing a GNEA uniform, but a storm was moving in and with Danjela incapicitaed he informed Kristin it was best to get everyone, including the creature back inside and safe as soon as possible. After a few minutes, Kristin and Iwo pulled up to the front of the outpost bunker door and offloaded what they had discovered and brought Danjela, Petra, and the animal inside the bunker. 


Chapter 5: New Technology


Petra flickered her eyes open and quickly gazed around the room she was in. It was totally foreign to her, everything seemed to be outdated, from the medical machines, to the beds, even clothing of what appeared to be nurses that were working in the room. A nurse walking by Petra saw she was awake and quickly ran out of the room and grabbed Kristin who was walking by the medical bay. Kristin told another soldier to watch Petra closely as she went to find Riker and figure out what he wanted to do. They had already disobeyed standing orders to kill all GNEA soldiers on sight, so they were in a very delicate situation with not much to go on. Riker and Kristin came in and immediately began questioning Petra on why she came to Old Earth. Petra described everything she could remember, from the temperature fluctuations at the Galactic Ice Rail Gun, to the creatures, up until she was injured. At this point Danjela was awake and filled in the gaps and the rest of their trek that Petra was in stasis for. Once Danjela had finished, Riker determined they all must go see Cartsen Reinhold. Cartsen was the rebel leader and the commander of the Old Earth Spaceguard. It was his orders to shoot all GNEA soldiers on sight, so what he would say was a complete enigma to Riker. The next day Riker, Danjela, Petra, Kristin and the creature boarded a transport vessel and took off for the OES headquarters. There Danjela and Petra pleaded their cases on why they shouldn't be killed. Ultimately it was the knowledge each pertained that spared their lives. Danjela and her knowledge of the advanced technology and weapons of the GNEA and Petra’s knowledge of the GNEA itself. They both agreed to enlist in the OES and help launch an attack on the GNEA space city and the Ice Fortress. Commander Cartsen devised a plan that would take down the GNEA once and for all. 


Chapter 6: Development


Over the next few months Riker, Kristin, Iwo, Danjela, and Petra worked with a sometimes crazy, but often funny scientist named Renwick Gunnar. Renwick had seen many things in his long life, however, he never let the atrocities of the universe get him down. He always had a smile on his face and made anybody laugh. His intelligence was almost unmatched in the OES and possibly even the GNEA. Renwick worked closely with Danjela and Petra to re-engineer the Space cruiser. They also upgraded the OES weapons and flight systems. During the course of the technology upgrading, the creature slowly regained its health as well and became very attached to Danjela. It was her protector and she was his protector. The creature was getting bigger and bigger by the day. The creature was homesick and missing its world. Danjela decided she was going to sneak the creature into the battle. Renwick had told Danjela that being so far from home, the creature would start to turn more and more violent, so it was important to return him to Pluto as soon as possible. 


Act 2

Chapter 7: The voyage to Ubertropolis


Cartsen was ready to implement his plan to end the Fourth Reich and their thousand year reign. To achieve a total annihilation of the GNEA, Cartsen needed to attack with complete stealth. With everyone onboard the armada of space cruisers that were upgraded with new technologies from the GNEA and some new ones Renwick and Danjela developed, the ships took off for Jupiter. Along the way Danjela and Riker had to maneuver the fleet around the Asteroid Belt and then cloaked the ships in time not to be seen from the sensors at the outpost on the moon of Jupiter. Riker maneuvered his ship above the space cruiser dock and Danjela, Petra and Iwo over the barracks unit. When Cartsen gave the order they uncloaked the giant space cruisers and let a barrage of lasers fall down on the outpost. Immediately one soldier used his communications terminal to relay what was happening to the GNEA space city. As he was describing what was happening the communications fell silent. A soldier for the GNEA communications wing at Ubertropolis quickly relayed the message to another soldier who gave the information directly to Torolf Henning. He was the dictator of the German New Earth. Upon hearing of the attack on the Jupiter moon outpost, Torolf became enraged. He started tearing things up in his high class throne room. Martin Tortsen the commander of the GNEA came in and they immediately devised a counter attack. They positioned half of their fleet of space cruisers outside the German space city and the other half set up traps and set up station above Pluto to protect the Ice Fortress and the Galactic Rail Gun.  


Chapter 8: The Trap


Following the successful destruction of the Jupiter moon outpost the OES fleet cloaked their ships again and made their way to Ubertropolis. A little ways outside of the city the OES could see the fleet from the GNEA lined up ready for battle. As they maneuvered their ships closer the lead ship captained by Cartsen hit something and a large explosion occurred. They had ran into a cloaked mine. The explosion tore a hole into the side of the space cruiser and it started to vent life support out into space. Cartsen ordered the crew to abandon ship, but before he could, the fleet from the GNEA unloaded a barrage of weapons at them. From mini railgun lasers, to lasers and multiple shots from the Galactic Ice Rail Gun on Pluto. The ship evaporated in a manner of minutes. Cartsen was dead. By the time the OES knew what was happening a second space cruiser hit a cloaked mine. The captain was able to fire off weapons in response before being evaporated by the GIRG. With the improved weapons on the space cruiser, the OES ship was able to destroy a space cruiser from the GNEA. Upon seeing the two ships destroyed in minutes, Riker and Danjela were able to stop their ships just shy of the cloaked minefield. They ordered a retreat and the remaining ships fell back to the outpost they had just destroyed


Chapter 9: Wave Number 2


Following the destruction of 2 of their ships, Dirk and Riker formulated a plan to maneuver around the space mines and the blockade of cruisers the GNEA had set up. The plan involved recalibrating the communications on their ships to detect the mines. This would ensure the convoy of ships made it through the minefield without hitting a mine. Danjela and Renwick worked feverishly to implement the detection system. While they were working the creature, which Danjela named Glacier, was playing with anything he could find on the ship. He had grown much larger over the months. Renwick had grown attached to Glacier over the time as well. He had become a part of the rebellion and a mascot of sorts for their cause. 


Following the conversion of the communication system, Dirk and Riker informed the remaining ships of the plan and they took off hoping not to get themselves killed. Riker was the lead captain and cloaked his ship in front of the armada. Ever slowly, he crept his way through the minefield. With each mine he came to he called out its position and the next ship would fly an identical path to avoid the mine. After awhile each ship made it through the minefield. Once through, all but 1 ship uncloaked and released a barrage of lasers onto the GNEA space cruisers. The battle was on and the OES had taken the GNEA by surprise. Following a few volleys, one of the GNEA space cruisers exploded, then another. This was the most success any attack on the GNEA had since the invention of the GIRG weapon. The success wasn't long lived though, as soon as the GNEA realized what was going on, they unleashed the GIRG weapon. One ship after another of the OES was destroyed. By this time though the plan was still working. Danjela was the captain of the last ship. When she made it through minefield, she had a special mission, destroy the GIRG weapon. Danjela flew her cloaked ship past the space station and past the remaining GNEA space cruisers. She landed the ship just outside the GIRG weapon, near where she took off when she made here escape from the Ice Fortress. Meanwhile, The GNEA had taken back control of the battle between space cruisers. Ships were being destroyed left and right on both sides, but the GIRG weapon was the difference. After 2 more ships blew up for the OES, Riker ordered a retreat. The remaining ships cloaked themselves and disappeared back behind the minefield


Chapter 10: Ground Game


Danjela, Petra, Kristin, and Iwo left their ship and headed directly to where the GIRG weapon was. Once there, they found the place deserted of GNEA personnel. The weapon was 

In pieces and there were dead bodies everywhere. The GNEA had not rebuilt the GIRG weapon in the same place where it had been. As the group was returning to the ship, Glacier was bounding around finally back home. Over the crest of a hill a loud roar is heard. Immediately Glacier takes off. Danjela tries to follow him, but Iwo immediately stopped her. She had to help him find where they rebuilt the weapon and quick. Danjela used the ships scanner to scan the planet for the gamma rays that the weapon emits after being fired. She located a cluster, about a thousand miles away. The group cloaked the ship and proceeded to the base where the new weapon was. 


Kristin stayed behind on the ship while Danjela, Petra, and Iwo trekked across a crevasse field glacier to where the new weapon base was located. It was the best way to remain unnoticed. Iwo and Danjela planted bombs at the barracks building and Petra scoped out the weapon itself. When the bombs went off at the barracks, Danjela and Iwo stunned three soldiers that came to investigate. They removed their uniforms and met up with Petra. Donning the uniforms of the soldiers, they infiltrated the weapons control center. Danjela quickly blended in and found a computer to work on. She disabled the temperature gauge and charged the weapon. About that time two explosions rang out from near the weapon. Iwo and Petra had placed charges to prevent any repairs to the weapon. It was sealed off from the GNEA. Danjela locked the weapon controls and snuck out of the control center. They had roughly 6 hours before the weapon overheated and exploded.


Back on the ship, Danjela flew the ship cloaked to the Ice Fortress. The next stage of their part of the plan was to destroy the Ice Fortress or at least keep their attention away from the weapon as long as possible. Danjela uncloaked the ship and blasted the Ice Fortress, then immediately cloaked the ship again, moved position and repeated. She knew it wouldn't be long before the fighter shuttles would be in the air and the Ice Fortress would be able to lock on her position when she uncloaked again. When she uncloaked and fired the next time, the fighter shuttles blasted the ship along with the Ice Fortress’ defensive weapons. The shields on their ship depleted quickly. Danjela cloaked the ship one last time and moved away from the Ice Fortress. They hadn't bought the overload on the GIRG weapon enough time to overheat. Danjela worked feverishly to increase power to the shield. One more hit and it was all over. About this time the ground started to rumble. Over the hill above the Ice Fortress one of the large creatures stood up on its hind legs and let out a roar. Hundreds of the creatures came pouring over the hill and attacked the Ice Fortress. One of the two 200 foot tall creatures tore through the side of the fortress. The little creatures sprung inside and started attacking. At this time, Danjela had restored most of the power to the shields and began to attack the base again. Danjela looked down from the ship and saw Glacier ripping the head off of one of the soldiers. She smiled and the creature nodded. After about an hour the Ice Fortress was destroyed.  


Chapter 11: The Final Battle


Danjela, Petra, and Iwo jumped into a GNEA shuttle and went up to Ubertropolis. Outside the space city, what was left of the OES armada had started their assault again. One by one the space cruisers of the GNEA were being destroyed. Inside the Ubertropolis, Danjela and Iwo went to the center of the city to plant an EMP bomb. The EMP bomb would disable most of the technology of the GNEA. Danjela and Iwo got to the center and planted the bomb. Meanwhile, Petra was waiting in the GNEA shuttle. About 100 yards from the shuttle, Danjela and Iwo saw two soldiers enter the shuttle. Inside the shuttle, Martin Tortsen and Anike Martina tell Petra to stay still. Petra takes a deep breath and pulls out a laser gun and shoots Anike. Martin shoots Petra in the head and then leaves the shuttle. Once Martin had left the shuttle, Danjela and Iwo go into it and see Petra bleeding to death. Danjela becomes enraged and grabs the biggest laser gun she could find. She quickly built an improvised  faraday cage and placed the gun in it. 


Outside Ubertropolis, Kristin and Riker are captaining a fierce battle between the space cruisers. They had whittled down the numbers of the GNEA ships to where they finally retreated back to Ubertropolis. Kristin and Riker stayed a safe distance back and cloaked their ships, waiting for the EMP blast so they could continue their assault onto the Ubertropolis


A large explosion is heard coming from the center of Ubertropolis. An energy wave transpired over the space city and most of the technology stopped working. When this happened, the remaining ships of the OES began an all out assault on the Ubertropolis. Large chunks of the space city exploded and life support started venting into space. Danjela grabs the large laser cannon from the faraday cage where it was protected from the EMP. She took off to find Martin Tortsen. As the battle outside the city rages on, Danjela finds the throne room of Torolf Henning. The GNEA scrambled some older ships that had not been in use at the time of the EMP. Fulcher Lorenz was captaining one of the older ships. Not expecting the GNEA to have ships, Lorenz snuck up on Riker’s ship and blasted it until it exploded. Kristin immediately blasted Fulcher. His ship exploded and what was left floated around in space. Kristin knowing the GNEA had older ships being deployed took aim at them and quickly dispatched the last two remaining ships. 


Back inside the Ubertropolis, Danjela was spotted by some soldiers and Martin Tortsen outside the throne room. He pulled out a pistol and shot at Danjela. Danjela lunged behind the door way. She charged her laser cannon and stepped out from behind the door. As bullets were flying by her head she started blasting everything in sight. She put a large laser charge into Martin and walked up to him and exploded his head. With rage in her eyes, she kicked open the throne room door and shot both soldiers that were in there. Her sights were now on Torolf Henning. The dictator was cowering in fear when Iwo caught up to. Danjela spun to see Iwo walk up beside here when a shot rang out from the desk Torolf was hiding behind. A bullet pierced Iwo’s stomach. Danjela dove to the ground while spinning around and blasts Torolf right between the eyes. Danjela quickly tries to stop the bleeding from Iwo’s stomach. She pushes on the wound, but blood still pours out. Iwo looks at Danjela and just smiles as the life leaves his eyes. 


Chapter 12: A New Beginning


After closing Iwo’s eyes Danjela stands up and grabs the communication system at Torolf’s desk. Stepping over his lifeless body, Danjela grabs the intercom and speaks to Ubertropolis. She tells the city their dictator is dead, their technology is dead, and the Fourth Reich is dead. 


6 months later Danjela, Kristin, Dirk and Renwick are on Pluto building a combined city and Glacier is running around playing with some of his family. It is the birth of Die Zuletzt Reich (The Last Reich). One where everyone was equal and free.




This is honestly the movie of the year

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