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Gophers World Mafia, Game Over, Reporters & Town Win


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12 minutes ago, Tk3 said:

I'm definitely curious about KSJ

So if you want to believe Swag, and I have no reason not to, he hasn't been role blocked and he's on KSJ's list. So it could be happenstance that he investigated me the same night I was role blocked. 

That being said, there is a symmetry to some people's roles between town and scum. 

You claimed the balance to Matts role

Rack claimed the balance to MD4L's role

Pickle was the balance to Bucs / Orca 2.0 

KSJ is claiming the balance to a SK role

Dome is the one I can't really sort. Maybe Josh? Maybe Wolf? I don't know. Maybe there wasn't one. 

Counselor's claimed role is ostensibly a joat for the moves of Myself, Dingo and I guess Josh? 

There's nothing at this point that suggests that Mwil couldn't be the SK, especially since he hasn't been investigated by KSJ. I don't know. We could be making this more difficult than it is and it's just Mwil on his own at this point. I don't tend to believe the Godfather mechanic is at work in this situation. I think between that and conversions, it would nearly be an impossible game for town to win, but that's just personal opinion. 

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4 minutes ago, squire12 said:

You thinking KSJ is a role blocker when he "investigates" someone?


That was my thinking, but Swag said he wasn't role blocked on the night that KSJ investigated him. Could be happenstance I suppose. 

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3 minutes ago, squire12 said:

@Forge dome was the 2nd role blocker based on what swag is posting here

My write up was different than Swag's though, I asked him about the flavor. Mine specifically stated that I was role blocked. Here was the back and forth from me and Swag earlier: 

20 hours ago, Forge said:

Were you role blocked or notified that you were role blocked upon that happening? 


19 hours ago, SwAg said:

Stealing it stopped me from moving.


19 hours ago, Forge said:

Did Gopher specifically state that you were role blocked the night that your move was stolen? I was informed point blank that I was role blocked, so I'm trying to figure out if it could have been Dome stealing my move or a more traditional role blocker. 


19 hours ago, SwAg said:

Gopher told me that my ability was stolen, and didn’t provide me with a result.  I assumed that meant I was blocked, but to answer specifically: no, I was never told “you were roleblocked,” but I definitely was.

The night I was role blocked, I was not informed my ability was stolen. I was flat out told that I was role blocked. 

Now, it's possible that this was simply a host discretionary thing and that he told Swag his move was stolen and he was basically blocked and for me he just told me I was blocked. I have to concede that. So it's very possible that it was Dome who role blocked me and the difference in write up is what is throwing me off. 

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Honestly, I have a reason or two to doubt most people in this game at this point. THat being said, I also feel like I've spent a good chunk of this game chasing ghosts. I believe Mwil is the only logical candidate to lynch tonight. I think a 6 man redscum group w/an unlynchable godfather mechanic,  an every night cult converter & 4 man survivalist group that can swing either way is an extremely anti town set up.

If I had to put money on it, I'd say that Mwil is the SK who is simply a member of the Reds. I think he probably was invest proof to everyone but KSJ with a 1x lynch proof that would flip town first and foremost to show further deception, especially given his role title. I don't believe that there is a SK who has simply been sitting on kills. Given the known abilities and balances of other town / scum members, this makes the most amount of sense to me. 

Even if Mwil isn't alone at the current point in time, I simply don't believe that he is unlynchable until the rest of his faction is cleared out, so I think a lynch of him would be successful and then we can take it from there tomorrow if the game doesn't end. 

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