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Wrasslemafia 2- Day 10


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On 3/2/2020 at 11:13 PM, bcb1213 said:

You may character claim at any time. However you may not role claim until day 3. Exceptions shall be made starting day two. If you are to receive an exception you will be notified prior to day 2 beginning. This is a new rule so I will allow possible slip ups. Flagrant breaking of this rule will result in a modkill

--Unless it says otherwise in your Role PM, you may NOT talk about the game outside of the Game Thread.

--Voting during the Day Phase will end once we get to a majority decision.

--In order to vote for someone to get lynched during the day, you must bold their name

--The night phase will last exactly 8 hours unless BCB receives every PM. That means if you have a Night Ability, you have 8 hours to send in your PMs unless otherwise noted. Should you not want to use your night ability, send a pm saying so.. Bcb is a terrible mod so he will not disrupt his sleeping to do a writeup at 3 AM. Deal with it. 

--If you miss a night PM, and are the last person to send in a pm the following night, you will lose your power for that night phase as we will end the phase there!

--No editing or deleting your posts with votes in it in the game thread. Double, triple, quadruple, quintuple, etc. posting is fine. 

--I reserve the right to mod kill and forcefully end a lynch. I also reserve the right to put a 24 hour limit on any phase if nothing is happening

--NO DEAD POSTING! Once you're dead, you're out of the Game Thread. Simple. You will be allowed one good game, **** you guys, etc post. I also don’t mind idle chat during night phases or a joke post. However must you post when you're dead please keep it non game related 

--NO POSTING SCREENSHOTS OR DIRECTLY QUOTING FROM ROLE PMs. No posting fake role PMs either. Failure to do so will result in being Mod killed. You may type out night action pm’s if it so suits you

--Do not post information regarding your PM from the Night prior to the Write-up being posted 

--If your PM says not to say something, don’t. There will be no second chances and you will be modkilled. 

---If there is conflicting ability uses on one another. The first pm's ability will win out, dont like it, send in your pm's faster

--Most importantly…HAVE FUN!

King, do we have any information from Mr. McMahon on what happens in the event of a tie? Will there be an Overtime? Will there be a double countout ending in a no decision? Will there be in a double countout and both lose their #1 contender status?

Stay tuned!

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1 minute ago, SwAg said:

Sorry, I will only accept bribes in the form of blue iced Gatorade and Kanye shutter shades to do nothing and troll for the remainder of the game.

Please keep it up. So you can slide under the radar as just a troll. 

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1 minute ago, Counselor said:

Please keep it up. So you can slide under the radar as just a troll. 

I’m not currently trolling.  I announced to scum what I need to not just be the eternal thorn in their side this game.  And it is blue ice Gatorade and Kanye shutter shades.

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