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"Choose your own character" GAME OVER! TOWN WINS!


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2 minutes ago, VikeManDan said:

Yes. We've already explained that situation. You probably didn't read it though.

Two out of the three of you got scum results on touch.  One got a town result.  So y'all just said '**** it' and killed my brother.

Question, did yall have to use the bomb that day?

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13 minutes ago, Ragnarok said:

No, since the beginning.  Worst case imo, you are SK and still offed a scum, so not really all that concerned.

Worst case is I'm the SK?? But you kept saying you thought MWil and I were aligned... so you obviously were thinking scum team, right? You were pushing that angle, that's for sure. 

How did you know worst case scenario wasn't that I'm a mafia strongman hiding in plain site? Hitting non-town pickle n1 is a no brainer, a "whoops" on matts that town forgives cause he's vanilla. You still weren't too worried about me, for a guy who had a hunch he was the only vigilante.

So did you think I was SK, or scum with MWil? Or at the very least, what made you change your read?

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Just now, Dome said:

Worst case is I'm the SK?? But you kept saying you thought MWil and I were aligned... so you obviously were thinking scum team, right? You were pushing that angle, that's for sure. 

How did you know worst case scenario wasn't that I'm a mafia strongman hiding in plain site? Hitting non-town pickle n1 is a no brainer, a "whoops" on matts that town forgives cause he's vanilla. You still weren't too worried about me, for a guy who had a hunch he was the only vigilante.

So did you think I was SK, or scum with MWil? Or at the very least, what made you change your read?

Early on, I thought you two could be aligned.  So yes, I was thinking scum team.  

Because the more I thought about it, the more I don't think you do that as mafia strongman.  SK maybe.  Plus, you hit LBC, so that solidified the change in read.

I wouldn't say I had a hunch I was the only vigilante.  I also wouldn't have been surprised if touch had some mechanic to get a hit and just didn't divulge it before he got popped.  So that made me think there was the possibility of multiple vigs.  

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3 minutes ago, Ragnarok said:

I wouldn't say I had a hunch I was the only vigilante.  

But you were skeptical that I was a vigilante, because you were a vigilante.

So that’s just semantics.

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41 minutes ago, Ragnarok said:

They are right that I have a gun.  Unlike touch though, I was told how to use mine.

I'm the conditional vig.  3x I can guess who is going to be lynched the next day.  If I am right, I get a kill the next night.  I guessed rack the night before blue died and lost one of the chances when day was skipped.  Last night, I guessed rack again.  So if rack gets lynched today, I will get to off someone tonight.

Morning all.

Blue died N3.

So strike 1 was guessing racks on N2?
N3 no opportunity?
N4 was/is racks again?

I'm assuming this is submitted as a night move?

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Is it just me or did rags get real hot for josh all the sudden? I know he was all over it early in the game when he was arguing with a few people, but that fire had gone out and begun to smolder until he got caught with a gun and started stoking it again.

Am I remembering that correctly?

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1 minute ago, Ragnarok said:

I think theres a difference between a hunch and being skeptical.

You’re skeptical that I’m not the vigilante because you have a hunch that you could be the only one.

Close enough.

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1 minute ago, Dome said:

Is it just me or did rags get real hot for josh all the sudden? I know he was all over it early in the game when he was arguing with a few people, but that fire had gone out and begun to smolder until he got caught with a gun and started stoking it again.

Am I remembering that correctly?

Sounds about right.

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2 minutes ago, VikeManDan said:

Blue died N3.

So strike 1 was guessing racks on N2?
N3 no opportunity?
N4 was/is racks again?

I'm assuming this is submitted as a night move?

Put the move in on racks N3.  The next day was skipped, so I was technically wrong about the lynch.  Last night, I put in for racks again.

1 minute ago, Dome said:

Is it just me or did rags get real hot for josh all the sudden? I know he was all over it early in the game when he was arguing with a few people, but that fire had gone out and begun to smolder until he got caught with a gun and started stoking it again.

Am I remembering that correctly?

If I get a chance to off my brother's killer, I will.

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